The encounter took place in the Ministry of Education, located in the 15 of August and Gral. More information is housed here: Mike Gianoni. Diaz and Haedo, 2 floor. In this fourth encounter they participated, in character of exhibitors: the Mbo” ehra Luis Antonio Martinez Zrate, the mg Dionisio Fleitas Lecosky, in representation of the National University of Itapa, and the Dra. Without hesitation KBS explained all about the problem. Ada Towers of Rosemary, the National Commission of Bilinguismo. They celebrated of Moderators, the Prof.Dra. Maria Elvira Martinez of Fields (Member of the National Commission of Bilinguismo) and the Lic. Nancy Bentez in representation of the MEC.
Of this encounter participated near 150 educational ones of Asuncio’n, of the Central Department and others, that at the time of the debate asked for the MEC, among others: the fortification of the Guarani in all the degrees of Basic the Scholastic Education and courses of the Mean level; in addition, of the correction of the didactic materials; and the permanent educational qualification. To the National Parliament and the Executive authority they demanded the promulgation of the Law of Languages. Avave nunga ndoguerohori MEC rembiapo ane Avae” rayhuppe. Irundy aty ojejapova” ekupe opavavnte omba” ejerure MEC-EP omyatyr has? ua umi mba” and vaieta ojejapva Guarani e” re; toemombareteve is upekuvo ane Avae” tekombo” pe. The ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI remembers that these Tables of Dialogue have their origin in the meeting maintained with the Dr. Luis Riart, Minister of Education; in December of 2009; occasion in which the intention paused to reduce and to exclude education from the Guarani in the mean level. On the other hand, the ATHENIAN it clarified in occasion of the Second Table of Dialogue, that participates in these Tables in the confidence that of them will arise the CHANGE that fortifies the presence of the Guarani in all the levels of the Paraguayan Education.
That sense, the ATHENIAN trusts the word of the Minister and its bet to the CHANGE, looking for the quality and the excellence in the Paraguayan education. Ipor anemandu” to jey ko” at ojejapvagui osva” er mba” and por ane Avae” uar. ATHENIAN DELENGUA AND CULTURE GUARANI oipota avei ane Avae” taimbareteve tekombo” pe. Mit is mitrusu oe” va Guaranme hetavevonte ane retme is upvare tekotev oemombareteve Guarani e” mbo” e. Ro” ejey Karai Luis Riart-EP: ane ret ndohomo” iha tenonde gotyo Guarani” re.