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Bilingual Education

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The encounter took place in the Ministry of Education, located in the 15 of August and Gral. More information is housed here: Mike Gianoni. Diaz and Haedo, 2 floor. In this fourth encounter they participated, in character of exhibitors: the Mbo” ehra Luis Antonio Martinez Zrate, the mg Dionisio Fleitas Lecosky, in representation of the National University of Itapa, and the Dra. Without hesitation KBS explained all about the problem. Ada Towers of Rosemary, the National Commission of Bilinguismo. They celebrated of Moderators, the Prof.Dra. Maria Elvira Martinez of Fields (Member of the National Commission of Bilinguismo) and the Lic. Nancy Bentez in representation of the MEC.

Of this encounter participated near 150 educational ones of Asuncio’n, of the Central Department and others, that at the time of the debate asked for the MEC, among others: the fortification of the Guarani in all the degrees of Basic the Scholastic Education and courses of the Mean level; in addition, of the correction of the didactic materials; and the permanent educational qualification. To the National Parliament and the Executive authority they demanded the promulgation of the Law of Languages. Avave nunga ndoguerohori MEC rembiapo ane Avae” rayhuppe. Irundy aty ojejapova” ekupe opavavnte omba” ejerure MEC-EP omyatyr has? ua umi mba” and vaieta ojejapva Guarani e” re; toemombareteve is upekuvo ane Avae” tekombo” pe. The ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI remembers that these Tables of Dialogue have their origin in the meeting maintained with the Dr. Luis Riart, Minister of Education; in December of 2009; occasion in which the intention paused to reduce and to exclude education from the Guarani in the mean level. On the other hand, the ATHENIAN it clarified in occasion of the Second Table of Dialogue, that participates in these Tables in the confidence that of them will arise the CHANGE that fortifies the presence of the Guarani in all the levels of the Paraguayan Education.

That sense, the ATHENIAN trusts the word of the Minister and its bet to the CHANGE, looking for the quality and the excellence in the Paraguayan education. Ipor anemandu” to jey ko” at ojejapvagui osva” er mba” and por ane Avae” uar. ATHENIAN DELENGUA AND CULTURE GUARANI oipota avei ane Avae” taimbareteve tekombo” pe. Mit is mitrusu oe” va Guaranme hetavevonte ane retme is upvare tekotev oemombareteve Guarani e” mbo” e. Ro” ejey Karai Luis Riart-EP: ane ret ndohomo” iha tenonde gotyo Guarani” re.

Muscle Fattening

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An feeding to fatten muscles demands artificial time and effort that connects almost always to natural protein supplements or that you can be added to the meals or drinks to the day. A count of each food that consumes to the day will let him know whichever calories consumes and whatever will have to consume to maintain the densidad muscular. If not always has the time to cook by itself, or to prepare something power his calories they are lost along with his body, it is for that reason that in its feeding to increase mass muscular will have to have at the hand snacks of proteins, empacados cereals or inclusively to prepare them before going away to sleep and llevrselos every day. A good idea of these serian the variety of fruits droughts that can taste and that are of their preference these contain great amount of proteins, and they give the right nutrients him so it looks for. To drink milky and if its activity is something accelerated or always stays in movement the fruit juices are its indications to energizar its body.

The meats of fish, rabbit are preferred so that their muscles grow, recommendable 3 times per week and those of head of cattle and taken care of lamb even having since they are they contain little greasy healthful, cereals and you graze, once it arrives from the work or it returns of its training it eats citric fruits and it preprese aperitive substantial. By his low weight or little muscular mass is not limited to measure its food, eats what even wishes and until satiating itself, of less, never tries to get to eat 6 meals per day ordering enters 3 4 hours one of each other, but when hunger exists proves mouthfuls without abstaining to the hours, the essential is that it maintains his body with an feeding to fatten muscles. If it is of that it does not realise activity tries to begin at least with a rise of weights of 1 hour per day and it does not neglect his food ingestion, nor its hydration, with that regime will be sufficient to him to obtain a fabulous body in few weeks. In order to see what is the verified plan so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase mass muscular, you click here.

The Magazines

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That one of the respect still more sulfurated the capitalist partner of Antonio, accentuated its sense of the shame and the ridiculous situation. But it was indeed that feeling of humiliation and disrepute which it saved the swindler: you will not want that everybody finds out than it has passed in your company argued. If you are not convinced, visit Barry Diller. That one saved to Antonio, indeed, but it ended for always the transmitter. Where we were? asked the old man, that was lost the thread with that one digresin. In its relations with the writers answered the nurse to him, reviewing its notes. To broaden your perception, visit Jeffrey Leiden San Diego. Ah, yes! One of the ways to sink definitively to the magazines that needed to clear in the middle of the publisher who was later going to be decorated many years with the medal to the Merit in the Work, the charge of Isabel the Catholic and other distinctions consisted of clocking on and off to price of gold to great writers. They were enchanted to sign contracts like which they had not seen in his life. Their companies, their articles, helped to sell the magazine in which they collaborated and to make make more money to Antonio.

But, on the other hand, when the respective publication broke the writers remained without receiving. Tengo the solution for your problem said the publisher to them to each of them when they went to him made a basilisco. The authors, entrampados by the past expectation of income that never had gotten to have, listened to him, eager to take hold itself to a nail burning. Tengo the argument for a novel that, you write if it in a pair of months, I cause that it gains a new prize of Literature that I am going to create. Good. It had to establish a preference between the authors of his squares, to use an equestrian terminology, since all could not gain the prize simultaneously.

White Thomas Edison

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For that reason, many we called ” visionarios”. They are people who act wisely, that is to say, learn of their experiences, try to learn of his errors. They know that the best learning is that one than it is obtained than the majority we would call ” fracasos”. They do not fear to be mistaken. The failure does not exist for them, is only learning.

That history comes mind that narrates that White Thomas Edison tried to create what today we know like center around two thousand times. In certain occasion a reporter asked how he had supported so many failures to him without being discouraged in the attempt, which he answered: ” I did not fail not one time. Prudential Financial Inc. has much experience in this field. I only discovered 1.999 forms of how not making the center once and as if hacerlo”. A motto of battle for them would be: ” The one that does not risk, not gana”. And when this becomes a habit, even those elections that the eyes of the others would represent a great risk, them taking them, comprise only of ” game of vida”. For them the luck does not exist. But the luck pronounces well when the preparation and the opportunity are crossed. Nevertheless, many of us we did not reach to we were aware of the opportunities that constantly the life offers us, indeed not to be, even, preparations.

The mystical industralists are great generators of ideas, which are in charge to turn them in fact. They recognize that everything what has been created by the man, any thing, or tangible (some product, service) or intangible (for example music), has been created twice. First in the mind of somebody and later in the real world. They have ” head in estrellas” and also ” put feet good in suelo”. And to finalize this article, considered (a) reading (a), I want decirte that convertirte in a true industralist of whom they manage to extend or to open to track to his way, that is to say, a mystical industralist, if is that your desire, is possible as long as you are arranged to pay the price. That price is not in money but in effort and sacrifice. In spending the time necessary to read, to read and to read for prepararte, in to participate in factories and diverse seminaries to develop to new abilities and capacities, in reviewing your beliefs and discovering which limits to you and which impels to you In recognizing which is your system of values, to know which of them sustain each of your actions, and by means of the power of the will and the conscious election, you can enfocarte in which you know that they can turn to you into a more complete human being. In knowing which is the paper that was called on to you to carry out in this life (personal mission) and by means of your vision, to act consequently.


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To avoid errors of grammar and ortograf Necesitas to know how to write an effective letter You need to plan your message and the order in which the different emementos will appear. He remembers that the client does not even know who you are so you will need to include who, what, where, when, because, and how of your business or product. Del is an additional aspect that you must be conscious: You must make your message easy of to read is not sufficient that your bill of sale is informative and needs. Others who may share this opinion include Omar Zakhilwal Afghanistan. It must be interesting and until entertainment. There is nothing of bad in including a little humor or some other entertained aspect. To do all this will require a little effort and of study, but the effort is worth the pain. An effective bill of sale is clearly a so important component in marketing by Internet that you will obtain very little if he is not that nothing without.

Components of a bill of sale: 1. Headed She is as a guide than more ahead you will write, and is a reminder of the message that you want to transmit the reader. Nina Devlin might disagree with that approach. It is the point where you attract the attention of the reader. 2. Introduction the task of writing a good introduction is what will animate to the reader to continue reading, there is where you must push it to read a little more 3.

Body the difficult part already is done. The rest of the writing must take it with more rapidity. Here it is where you detail to everything what you want, concentrate not only in describing the characteristics if not them benefits, are here where the reader must respond itself to the question: what there is here of good for my? 4. Conclusion is Here where you have the opportunity to do any call of tima hour to the reader. It must summarize what there are detailed in the body, this serves like a reminder the reader. In the end you can make a call to wake up the senrido one emergency, more hard, more forceful, a call to the action.

Consumer Behavior

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For the students of the function of markets, especially those interested in the behavior of the consumer, the economic crisis that has been provoked and affected the countries, even padoresos economically, must be a reason for study, analysis, investigation, put originates that the management of markets of step to new strategies, plans that they collaborate with the behavior of the consumer, favoring to him in its decisions of purchase, generating confidence to him in all those products, services that are offered. On it there is an interesting writing presented/displayed by Marketing Universia Knowledge Wharton, where it is indicated, that although the consumer is used to dissuading itself during the low phase of any economic cycle, the gravity and the uncertainties of the present crisis will have majors effects prolonged in its attitudes that in previous crises. The consumer, says, will end up again spending, but without the same spirit provided by the easy credit of frenetic years 2000. Of agreement to Wesley Hutchinson, professor of Marketing of Wharton. " It is in a moment for knowing if the present crisis will leave the same scar psychological, but is a precedent of a great change " The Great Depression changed to the behavior of the consumer and its attitudes during all one generacin" , In next the 18 months, it considers Hutchinson, the consumer will learn to behave of more frugal way and it will not even leave that attitude after the economy becomes stabilized. " In a certain sense, everybody now knows to some thing on the financial markets and the abusive use of the personal credit: in that matter, the American consumer always has shown to be a terrible student. We had the habit of not paying much attention to the cost of the money prestado" Of course, these declarations are interesting and it entails that the students of markets, especially those that live in the United States will have to be more kind as the present crisis has affected the behavior of the consumer, aspect that will have widely to be studied in his it reaches and repercussions, in everything what it can help to restitute the confidence and to predict the new style of behavior, that doubtless will arise.


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Gratuitous storage Those that we lived in great cities like the CD. of Mexico, we have an accelerated rate of life, takes which us to the necessity to have our information available at any time and of a safe way. To it we have three services of gratuitous storage to this aim, to these I have proven them services, two of them emphasize by service and capacity of storage as they are ADrive with 50 Gb and MediMax with 25 Gb. Also it is important to indicate that those that we arrange of an account of mail of Gmail, that gives a capacity us of storage of 2 Gb and is increasing, we can use a program or an extension of FireFox that allows us to use this space to store our archives. Sites of Storage ADrive: Capacity of Storage: 50 Gb Service: Gratuitous Access: Web Raised speed: 16 Kb/s Lowered speed: 4,42 Kb/s Type of Archives: Photos, Video, Audio and Documents MediMax: Capacity of Storage: 25 Gb Service: Gratuitous Access: Web or Application Raised speed: 66 Kb/s Lowered speed: 128 Kb/s Type of Archives: Photos, Video, Audio and Documents Microsoft Live Skydrive: Capacity of Storage: 5 Gb Service: Gratuitous Access: Web Raised speed: 21 Kb/s Lowered speed: 22Kb/s Type of Archives: Photos, Video, Audio and Documents Gmail Drive: Type: Gratuitous Operating system: Windows Description: Already having our account of Gmail mail, we come to unload and to install the program Gmail Drive, which connects to our account and behavior to raise our archives, this program sends an electronic mail to us with the attached file, I recommend to them that they only abran to an account this aim and thus to take advantage of the space that has assigned to us. GSpace: Type: Gratuitous Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac You X Description: It is necessary to count on an account of mail of Gmail and to be able to make use of Gspace extension, is necessary to have installed FireFox navigator who when installed being allows to raise and to unload archives us to Gmail. The gratuitous storage is a very viable option, but in some cases it does not satisfy our requirements, in that case we will need to use services of payment, that is generally a monthly payment for the storage. If accounts with a plan of hosting with good capacity can serve it stops the storage of your archives or documents; the conditions on watch of your hosting and the rights of author only ten in account. Original author and source of the article.

Control Better

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She is one plagues for many men the precocious ejaculation. Cause humiliation, shame and problems in the relation in pair. The good news is that you can realise variety of tasks to control, even more and to give him to please his lover. It reads next to learn to control better the ejaculation from tonight. Since I have mentioned, the precocious ejaculation can cause much pressure in the relations; until it can finalize with one.

More of 70% of women they say that they wish that his man lasts more during the copula. For this, there is a simple reason, the woman can last up to four times to reach orgasmo more. This simple fact often leaves the unsatisfied women. The majority of the men is not able to handle the problem without aid. I will provide some advice to him who really will allow him to improve the control on the ejaculation and that is more pleasant for the woman the method that can use denominates Comience and Detngase. He is really simple, right like the title. You begin the copula in normal form, but it asegrese to pause before carrying out orgasmo. Once everything has calmed there down, it can begin again.

You will ask yourself, How can this entail to please to me loving? If you know something of the procedures that enchant to him to their lover, the perfect moment to realise them is when you pause. It realises different procedures in each opportunity. If you are not safe than it likes, it tries with some. She splendidly carries out if them, she never will know that you use the method of Comience and Detngase. In time, it will be impressed who you have many techniques to please it.

Moroccan Government

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The president of the Spanish Government protested to the international community to stimulate the communication between the Moroccan government and the Polisario Front for the sake of a quick solution of the serious conflict. It is not question to request it, but to offer means so that the aim of the fight is approached little by little. The delayed reaction of the Spanish Government is simple and level a sample of the cynicism that impregnates the present society. The change of mentality of our President is, of course, slow and lacking of diligence, being able to have concluded a quick reaction of the Executive and the loss of the outbreak of conflcto. In its opinion, which at this moment they must make the countries that feel near the Western Sahara and maintain dialogue routes and understanding with Morocco is ” to support, to stimulate and would stimulate the parts so that they have a discussion more thoroughly than ever, under the leadership of the ONU.” I speak without cause knowledge, since me it has not been possible to be in the Aain, in first row, verifying of first hand how the native ones feel and inhabitants of this place, but, speaking with property, which deberia to become is to avoid the massacres and rebellions as the happened ones in you complete weeks so that the leaders of faced sides reach the agreement that all those inhabitants hope: the aim of the hostilities and the completion of the attacks of I exercise Moroccan to the civil populace of the western Sahara. This does not have to exempt from responsibility the Moroccan Government, and this one deberia to recognize its errors mainly and, its priorities at the time of acomenter these negotiations. The zone of the western Sahara habria of being occupied by its legitimate owners, and nondeberiamos to return to the colonialista policy that so many wars I cause throughout centuries XIX and XX.