
Treatment With A Mirror

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With the help of a mirror can treat many illnesses – this disease of lymph and blood, and osteoporosis, asthma, and tahiardiyu. At first glance, the technique in question is very simple. But despite its simplicity, it is very effective. A detailed description can be found in old books. To begin the process of healing the body, should be charged a mirror in the sun, then go up to him and say these words: 'Mirror, mirror, take all my sickness and sorrow, and give me a ray of sun. " One must look closely into the mirror. Then the mirror should be curtain fabric in the box. Before the next session the mirror surface should be cleaned with a damp cloth and charge again in the sun.

In addition, using a mirror can be cleaned of karma, and thus rid itself of many ailments. To do this, take my photo 3×4 cm (preferably photo was taken recently) and make a mirror. The minimum dimensions of the mirror 20h14 cm, but more than a mirror, the better. Starting treatment, lean your photo face to the mirror and keep this position for five days. During these five days people do not have to look in the mirror. linic Center for Functional Medicine. Advisable to clean the negative karma is not more than 5 times a year. While the photo will be standing at the mirror, the person will experience mild discomfort, and when the karma is cleared and cleaned pictures, then will surge of vitality.

Purification of bad karma is this: when the invisible rays pierce the picture (in the mirror increased energy), negative information is carried away in mezhprostranstvo. Get more background information with materials from Mike Gianoni. The movement is a spiral. On Compared with the whole of the mirror – a very small quantity, the beam in the mirror – straight, although it is part of the helix. Mirror – a tangent to a spiral twisted counterclockwise. The diameter of this invisible cleaning vortex – Vortex 5 cm can be enhanced by strengthening the mirror at an angle of 45 degrees on a spruce plate, as noted, that the presence of items made of spruce, enhances cleaning streams. Putting pictures in the mirror, you say: 'God's mirror, cleanse me. " The minimum interval between cleanings – 3 weeks (21 days). Keep pictures leaning against the mirror, need a minimum of 5 days, then, if necessary – 15 days, the next time – 25 days, then – 30 days, but no more. In These days also can not look in any mirror. As a result of the disease are gastro – intestinal tract, lymph cleansing, blood, increasing white blood cells, is thrombosis. Since many diseases are derived from our vices 'slagging' the soul, and a mirror, and a confession in front of him are a powerful tool for healing many diseases associated with central nervous system. Man alone can deal with their illnesses, contrasting them willpower, we just have to listen to your body. And he will tell you what their needs.

Surviving Divorce

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Divorce – a loss of relationship. His acutely experiencing both spouses. There is a fear of loneliness and old age, fear of the future, a feeling of resentment, hatred, anger. "Aggrieved" party loses faith in himself, in own strength, confidence in its appeal and success in life, a sense of inferiority. Initiator of divorce tend to experience a strong sense of guilt.

In this difficult period of life a person just needed psychological help and support. Well, when this care is provided close to people (relatives, friends). However, it often happens that a man falls into a deep depression, withdraws into himself, stops to talk with others. In these cases require professional help to get through the divorce. Psychological assistance in a divorce may be in the form of individual counseling, couples counseling or family counseling for the spouses and their children. Expedias opinions are not widely known. It's no secret that women are more difficult to survive a divorce. That is, in most cases they need psychological help.

The fact that women are more prone to fear from uncertain future, it is easier for men to start "from scratch". Specialists provide psychological assistance to women in divorce as gently and effectively. You should also not forget that children survive divorce it is very difficult for a child is a traumatic event that could greatly affect his psyche. Sometimes the child is really hard to endure separation from the most important and beloved person in the world. However, spouses so much immersed in their problems and grievances that completely forget about their children. It is therefore important at this time will take care of the child. Come to the aid a child psychologist, who in a mild form of a game will help child through a divorce with minimal distress. Daryl Hagler often says this. Divorce – a test of a person's life. He leaves a deep wound in the soul of everyone, but it's not the end of the world. Surviving divorce – is difficult but doable task. Not Feel free to ask for help. Thanks to the timely psychological support in a divorce, you will be able to survive a difficult breakup and start a new life full.

Sunflower Seeds

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If a crisis affected your business and things were not so hot as well, should one sit around eating sunflower seeds, waiting for noticeable improvement? In the circus, not customary to chew seeds. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Crown Financial. It is believed that this would decrease the circus collections. Clowns often turn to rodents, sitting among the audience with these words: “Do not follow the seeds – the audience povyschelkivaesh. ” The Muslims a sign of bad manners is nibble sunflower seeds in the course of conversation with someone.

Why are there the East. Several years ago, Romania was officially banned squabble (and maybe still chewing?) seeds on the streets. On the avenues of the capital appeared respective posters. However, prior to the ban has not reached the villages – apparently, it thought it useless. In 2002, during the official visit of Putin VV Vladivostok city authorities banned the sale of seeds. However, there are opposite examples. In the perestroika years, dashing in Yerevan was opened movie theater, where, in addition to smoking should be allowed to nibble sunflower seeds and, I guess, spitting the husks on the floor.

Under such hooligan films like “wren – a bird singing,” or “Sinbad the Sailor,” Gryzlov (still so colorful) was not stopping. Fast forward to America. In the U.S. there is a very popular brand of seed, “David.” Under this brand in a beautiful packaging, exactly 163 grams, sold salted and dried simple, with a spicy tomato sauce and flavored bacon, sunflower seeds. The colorful bag enclosed instructions for proper chewing (and here suggest – biting) seeds.

Fight Against Disease

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The situation is exacerbated fledged criterion of success and prosperity in society. In this case, a person becomes hostage visually appealing, but in fact destroy its value. Break out of this circle can only be changed with an external vector account for the success of domestic well-being and harmony of life. Perhaps someone will say that it's just words but he who dares voluntarily cease to suffer and endure the inconvenience agree to self-reconfigure again emphasize self-reconfiguring their subconscious behavior patterns, can finally suggested as one of the top psychologists at one time to stop worrying how not to lose the ghost bird, and allow yourself to take the pie and start normal and happy life. Live in the present without expecting any reward in it future. To do this you just need to learn how to choose between happiness and a very large problems, rather than between short-term relief of problems and discomfort.

Between the fight against disease and care of health, between the creation of financial well-being and poverty alleviation. Anger, irritation, which may be more painful of the two senses. Most often they tend to push it as as option to anger and irritation of the course looks like in real life scary and I would not constructive, angry, swearing couple breaks on the head of each other not very flattering expressions, direct insults. Often anger is transformed into aggression in the inner desire to break something, scold someone, often precisely at these moments we do things for which later became ashamed, and sometimes a feeling of guilt.

The Body

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AND by whatever means he will not give its owner to love again, any ways to frustrate the most promising relationship. Second – the problem gives a person a secondary benefit. For example, you can relax and get sick, do not walk to work, not to meet with unpleasant people … you surround with care and attention, heard all your complaints, treated kindly … And finally, the problem of positive intention, that is exactly why it was given to this person, why should teach. For example, a problem called "jealousy" has a creative sense – teach a man how to build full-fledged personal relationship with a partner on mutual trust, confidence, love for yourself. While he does not learn how to build a relationship with a loved one this way, the problem of his life will not go away.

On the contrary will be back again, but more acute, critical form. -How much of all encoded in a single problem! Perhaps there are some which can not be solved at all? – And here is a great mistake. Almost every problem that seems incredibly complex person, amenable to solution. In my experience, there is a case when using the technology of genetic psychology was defeated by an extremely advanced carcinoma. Because the disease is a kind, the body's reaction to the denial of the soul and mind work on solving the problem.

Identified problem in the subconscious, adjusted negative program, and left a terrible disease. The most important thing here – a positive attitude and absolute confidence that each of us is worthy of happiness. So with the help of my technology, the achievements of classical psychology, genetic psychology, perhaps a very great deal. But every expert is something best. For example, I try not to take on cancer, drug addiction, alcoholism … My "hobby" – is to achieve a happy personal life, success, financial health, harmonious family, the correction weight, breast disease, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, sexual problems, intuition development, management of most difficult situations … In general, anything that allows a person to get maximum enjoyment out of life without resorting to doping or artificial stimulants. Each of us on the fact of his birth has every right to be happy. Here I am doing what I give to its customers not only knowledge but also the ability to separate out how to get it right to work … And, having this knowledge, they will achieve the desired objectives independently, without any assistance in any, even the most difficult situation. That is, you can compare with the kind of lawyer who defends the right of their clients happy, to a certain force, which does not want it. Well, like, play process do not have to? – No. If a person wants to achieve the desired, he always gets it. Another thing is that sometimes a person is afraid of his happiness, afraid to be happy, loved, rich, successful, healthy … It's so unusual and unusual. Only here, in Russia people are seriously repeat the saying, never well not have lived – and there is nothing to get used to … And you try! I assure you – you'll like.