Two solutions for Web site and shops can be taken four weeks under the magnifying glass additional best practice tips from the experts to the optimized positioning in the Internet of Freiburg, 04.03.2010 – the Freiburg hosting provider continum AG a promotion with free testing of the performance of professional Web sites and Internet shops performs together with econda GmbH, specialist for Web-controlling, until 22 March 2010. Add to your understanding with Michael Schwartz. Companies can try out this alternative four weeks under real conditions of practice two econda products and receive an expert call in addition free of charge with best practice tips for better positioning on the Internet. These solutions involves on the one hand the econda site monitor”. It provides all relevant analyses for the control and optimization of Internet presence of a website. It is suitable in particular for professional business websites, agencies, price comparator, or other Internet portals. The site monitor”the leaders keep over at any time all campaigns.
So can reduce marketing costs, be more accurately identifies the interests of visitors and increased the usability of the Web site in the long term. The econda live ticker brings this important Web controlling figures live on the desktop of the company. The second solution addresses E-commerce providers. “The econda shop monitor” offers precise answers to all the questions that are important for a successful business on the Internet. This includes approximately: how to move individual customers, visitors and users in the shop? What online advertising brings customers, revenue and ROI? Account promotional partners such as price comparison portals correctly? Where does potential customers cancel the purchase process? To become a victim of click fraud? Which products have good conversion rates? “The econda shop monitor” is designed so that it is exactly the figures in the foreground that are required for a rapid optimization of online-shops and to increase the revenue.
More information and registration for the four-week test the controlling solutions of continum partner econda until March 22, 2010 under ../Continum-site/Newsletter (econda site monitor) ../Continum-shop/Newsletter (econda shop monitor) about continum: continum AG operates in Freiburg i. br., Germany one of the most advanced Internet data centers in Germany. The core competence is the secure and highly available operation and the individual support of Internet systems and applications. Since 1996 the company use this expertise for commercial customers in Germany, the Switzerland and France operates successfully.