
Webcontrolling Continum

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Two solutions for Web site and shops can be taken four weeks under the magnifying glass additional best practice tips from the experts to the optimized positioning in the Internet of Freiburg, 04.03.2010 – the Freiburg hosting provider continum AG a promotion with free testing of the performance of professional Web sites and Internet shops performs together with econda GmbH, specialist for Web-controlling, until 22 March 2010. Add to your understanding with Michael Schwartz. Companies can try out this alternative four weeks under real conditions of practice two econda products and receive an expert call in addition free of charge with best practice tips for better positioning on the Internet. These solutions involves on the one hand the econda site monitor”. It provides all relevant analyses for the control and optimization of Internet presence of a website. It is suitable in particular for professional business websites, agencies, price comparator, or other Internet portals. The site monitor”the leaders keep over at any time all campaigns.

So can reduce marketing costs, be more accurately identifies the interests of visitors and increased the usability of the Web site in the long term. The econda live ticker brings this important Web controlling figures live on the desktop of the company. The second solution addresses E-commerce providers. “The econda shop monitor” offers precise answers to all the questions that are important for a successful business on the Internet. This includes approximately: how to move individual customers, visitors and users in the shop? What online advertising brings customers, revenue and ROI? Account promotional partners such as price comparison portals correctly? Where does potential customers cancel the purchase process? To become a victim of click fraud? Which products have good conversion rates? “The econda shop monitor” is designed so that it is exactly the figures in the foreground that are required for a rapid optimization of online-shops and to increase the revenue.

More information and registration for the four-week test the controlling solutions of continum partner econda until March 22, 2010 under ../Continum-site/Newsletter (econda site monitor) ../Continum-shop/Newsletter (econda shop monitor) about continum: continum AG operates in Freiburg i. br., Germany one of the most advanced Internet data centers in Germany. The core competence is the secure and highly available operation and the individual support of Internet systems and applications. Since 1996 the company use this expertise for commercial customers in Germany, the Switzerland and France operates successfully.

Easier And More Effective

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With the MnM 1.2.2011 include the past at Augsburg inflexible mailing lists and complex delivery of press releases finally. The innovative business solution V.G.I. distribution company Internet mbH in Augsburg: the MediNetworkManager (MnM) enables efficient contact management, campaigning and PR controlling. The MnM meets the demands of the modern press work on speed, precision and flexibility the complicated creation of inflexible mailing lists and complex delivery of press releases finally belong to the past. Also in 2011, effective PR work is based on the knowledge of workflow, the reliability and punctuality of PR content tools and comprehensive distribution know-how. To send a press release to selected contacts, belongs to the standard requirements.

But that still represents a big hurdle for many companies. Not infrequently they use outdated mailing lists and use programs, the while that can send E-Mails Emails must be personalized but only awkward and terminated. “The Web-based press software MnM has been designed for professional communication in press and PR agencies and simplifies the work of teams and Rangers ‘ alike. The daily workflows are documented, the PR work will be transparent: what has really brought a mailing to contacts? What topics in the newsletter came on special resonance? Contacts can be maintained in the MnM timely and detailed and updated: especially with regard to the Organization and carrying out of press campaigns, the MediNetworkManager provides important services. Campaigns can be thanks to the precise mapping of contacts to various media, disciplines and distributors easier, faster and more precisely organized and carried out purposefully.

The MediNetworkManager MnM makes it possible to bundle media contacts in a simple way and to contact structured and specific campaigns. All this information and components such as personalized corporate mail, media and customer membership are provided to the user. The customization makes it possible for PR agencies exactly comply with the substantive and temporal objectives of the campaigns. The systems were in close collaboration with the PR pros who developed online media GmbH < outline > and steadily over long periods of time the customer is running and optimized. Functionality and clarity are the MediNetworkManager in the focus: the interface design is clear, self-explanatory and reduced to the essentials. Central workflows can be accomplished faster, easier and safer. So far that could V.G.I. distribution company Internet mbH already several well-known PR agencies in Germany for the MnM win. 2009 she gave in her action eleven pioneers’ small and medium-sized enterprises the chance to use the new PR software for contact management and their press shipping. The MnM is the third software component of nSuite series by V.G.I. The editorial and content-management-system enPress allows for easy updating of Web content, the publication and the CI-compliant delivery of press releases. The specific approval process and the differentiated rights allow a trustworthy and effective collaboration between client and agency. The performance tracking system enTime is especially suitable for the differentiated and easy performance recording in PR agencies and increases the demonstrable value there.

Large NAS Test

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NAS server are used for storing large and many files in a central location in the network through the constant proliferation of devices that can create high resolution photos and videos, the demand for storage has increased incredibly in recent years. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dara Khosrowshahi . Many households and businesses are facing the problem that these data must be securely archived and accessible for all users. Here, a NAS server on the all files can be centrally backed up helps. The acronym NAS stands for network attached storage, and describes the basic function of a NAS server: the network-based deployment of storage space. Such a NAS server is the ideal solution for any computer user that large files in a central location in the access area would like to reassure many and above all.

Often, important and valuable for the operational files/documents/videos/photos online on specially hired Web servers or the storage servers of cloud service providers (such as DropBox) be placed in companies and offices. In However large that get these valuable files to third parties, the server provider maintenance access gets sensitive data access danger these cases or even that the dropped files through insolvencies or technical errors no longer to reach and are therefore lost. It can also happen that the Office’s Internet connection is disrupted and by storing the files outside of the network, a work for several hours is not possible. With the help of a NAS Server (see:, which locally in your own Office or plant room complete access to the local NAS system is installed, can be narrowed such dangers and set up an additional secure backup options, since only the Admins and participants of the local network is allowed. There is no greater security for sensitive data.

Using NAS server on the private network but not only in the professional areas such as companies or offices, the NAS Server data storage are a good solution. Also on the private network in the appropriate budget these servers are very useful and facilitate the everyday life at the computer, if multiple devices (PC, Mac, laptop, or Tablet) in the network are integrated. It is among other things possible that including the family photos and videos on a NAS server are stored to allow access to these files over a network share any family member or network participants. In most households and families this is solved so far normal external hard disks on which then only a user can gain access at the time. With a modern NAS server, each user of the home network of each time these files can be accessed. With devices (such as game consoles, HTPCs or similar devices) also a streaming of videos and photos on the TV is possible. Many manufacturers of NAS systems the choice of NAS systems is unmanageable, the large and well-known manufacturers such as for example Synology, Buffalo, Qnap, Western Digital regularly new and more modern Server products bring to the market and these are always equipped with new Featrures. On many current NAS test systems, so that a selection can be made. Every household has different requirements, so that a blanket recommendation is not possible.

Which SSL Certificate Is Right?

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Comprehensive certificate comparison takes the choice the agony of GeoTrust, VeriSign, Comodo, wild card, SingleRoot or extended validation – which name everything and terms, only a few are familiar to experienced users. Nevertheless, more and more owners of Web shops, forums, or entire Web servers need a reliable protection of their communications over SSL. ICertificate starting immediately with full SSL certificate comparison buying advice offers to bring light into the darkness here. You may find that Lakshman Achuthan can contribute to your knowledge. Questions are answered, can decide about success or failure: which certificate is ideally suited for which application, what level of security is suitable for Commerce or mail applications and many other issues. ICertificate itself can also directly provide a large number of brands and types of certificates and assist in the installation.

In addition to VeriSign, GeoTrust, Comodo, available Thawte, GlobalSign also affordable entry level certificates by alphassl and RapidSSL. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Paul Price. More information at of network reform new media GmbH Mr. Georg Earl Nordstrasse 73a 53111 Bonn iCertificate is a distribution channel of network reform new media GmbH, private as commercial website operators to offer favorable conditions for well-known SSL certificates. founded in 2005, the portal quickly established itself to a reputable wholesaler of well-known certification authorities.

4 GB Corsair Dominator TWIN2X4096!

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Taken the new Corsair memory more under the magnifying glass! For several months the working memory in Germany in the basement prices. You may find visit website to be a useful source of information. Obtained for just under 50.00 a 4 GB RAM DDR2-800 memory package. Also the slightly higher clocked memory locks to fall further in price. Also Corsair, which equip also the gaming PCs with first-class RAM ties is one of the TOP products in this market. ubject. The kit consists of two 2048 MB ties, which are operated at 1066 MHz. In addition to these two bolts, Corsair grabs a self-developed fan bar for cooling in the overall package.

So also the ubertakter heart beat Corsair Dominator RAM bar on warranty, whopping 10 years. Specifications memory clock: DDR2-1066 (PC2-8500 C5) type: DDR2 240-pin DIMM, unbuffered, NON-ECC memory timings 5-5-5-15 – 2T (manufacturer’s specifications) voltage: 2.1 Volts at 1066 MHZ (factory specifications) Heatspreader: aluminium DHX system separate cooling: airflow fan unit (with 3x40mm fans) arrangement: double sided warranty: Europe 10 years processing the modules and their Heat spreader is as usual at the highest level. The Corsair fan bar consists of 3x40mm fans, which can be connected very easily over the memory modules by means of a clamping device. Thanks to the broad construction, it is also no problem to cool a full Assembly. More info and pictures under-> article/details/article/129 KomCrew e.V. On the mountain 30 D-84152 Mengkofen contact: Thorsten Mohr crane trail 11 31224 peine Tel.: 05171-2909949 KomCrew.ViTiVi.TV is a merger, one of the most successful esports associations in Germany and the video portal ViTiVi.TV. ViTiVi.TV is a division of AreDigital.AG Sebastian Klahn

Olaf Drummer

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They are manufactured mostly still often but only after proper optimization. Here a great opportunity: customer send off or solve problem? Who wants to pay money, have skillfully here and if possible automated Act. Especially the hour of PDF/X is here but: by all PDF/X production data are normalized, a stable and economically viable production arises. PDF/X must be able to not everyone but the media services for the printing, PDF/X is mandatory. PDF/X is not a panacea from over 10 years of intensive experience with PDF workflows, a team of experts to Robert Zacherl and Olaf Drummer has developed a modular strategy for effective media production with PDF.

The modules allow classical rigid approaches behind and are suitable both for Lone, professional service providers as well fully automated Web portals. Customers learn what they can expect from a modern service partner, and how processes between customer and service provider can be optimally designed. The core of the modular strategy is based on the following guiding principles: PDF/X is not a panacea, but must be agreed on specific production processes the customer pays for solutions and results, not for errors due to the ever-increasing cost pressure, the service provider must achieve a high degree of production security the expenses for manual intervention must be reduced to a minimum, the customer and the service provider transparency of processes, strengthens the partnership between customers and service providers and increases customer loyalty these guiding principles apply regardless of team or company size for almost all of the media production involved. Robert Zacherl and Olaf Drummer show how to safely and effectively use to these guiding principles, the workshop with tangible, practical examples and proven tips and tricks on. The workshop offers a space for discussions. Ask the participants to issues from their own practice are taken up in the context of the available time.

The HyperFast

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The software solutions of Diskeeper Corporation offer an automatic defragmentation for all requirements of Personal computers and corporate servers. Developed especially for the special problems of fragmentation of SSDs Diskeeper now the HyperFast SSD optimizer. The HyperFast technology uses Windows FSCTLs (file system controls) was originally developed by Diskeeper and Microsoft jointly developed. Thus a 100 implemented secure, automatic file system maintenance %. Free memory fragmentation is minimized using special optimization techniques, which force the file system to write data sequentially and not optional. Because the erase write cycles on NAND Flash drives is limited, an optimization program may improve drive performance not, the acceptance of additional delete write operations, because it shortens the service life of the drive.

Our tests show that use of HyperFast reduces the number of deletion write operations on the Flash drive and thus the useful life is extended. In benchmark tests with enabled HyperFast SSD optimizer, performance gains were of 5,9-fach faster 19,5-fach faster writes, 3,9-fach faster random read-only, read-only and 9,0-fach faster random write accesses are measured. The acceleration of the write-I/O operations leads to a further additional benefit: faster startup times. The HyperFast technology improved even the startup times of a new computer – and the permanent. HyperFast optimized for SSDs can be used longer, faster and allow faster startup times for NAND Flash drives. About Diskeeper Corporation: The specialist for system performance and reliability: the head of the Technology Department, the IT managers and system administrators on the list of global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 listed companies rely on Diskeeper software, to ensure outstanding performance and reliability on their business laptops, desktops and servers.

Diskeeper 2010 includes IntelliWrite, the ground-breaking technology to prevent fragmentation. V-locity 2.0, the optimizer for the virtual Platforms VMware ESX and Hyper-V, eliminates the barriers to efficiency in virtual environments, and ensures maximum I/O performance on virtual servers. Diskeeper Corporation also offers data recovery software undelete real-time data protection and Instant file recovery ( Each process is completely unobtrusive background with InvisiTasking technology. This is used in comprehensive way otherwise unused free resources ( 2010 Diskeeper Corporation. All rights reserved. Diskeeper V-locity, InvisiTasking, IntelliWrite, Undelete, “real time data protection and real-time data recovery” as well as “innovators in performance and reliability technologies” are trademarks of Diskeeper Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Innovative Web Service Prints Barcode Labels Online

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TEC-IT introduces a new Web service to generate barcode labels. Austria, October 27, 2010 – TEC-IT data processing GmbH (, global provider of AUTO-ID and bar code software, launches a new Web service for online label printing with Google Docs integration. The new online service by TEC-IT provides centralized printing of labels for companies and their suppliers. With “TFORMer Online” create and print user industry forms and bar code labels directly in the browser. The solution works with any operating system and requires no special software is available on any workstation with Internet access immediately.

TFORMer online starts with promoting standardised forms of industry. VDA include 4902 label, AIAG labels Volkswagen Caterpillar shipping labels, and GS1 shipping labels. All templates are designed by TEC-IT and centrally provided. The user can print the required labels immediately with his data. The online label service is free available for test purposes.

The Special Highlight is the support of Google spreadsheet (Google Docs). Google Docs can comfortably manage the print data tables. The label data is stored automatically, eliminating re-enter for future print jobs. In addition, label data can be easily shared with colleagues, partners, or suppliers. Nothing in the way is a distributed printing system with guaranteed quality. Mr Gunter Kriegl, Managing Director of TEC-IT, explains the motivation for TFORMer online: “our main objective is to provide a turnkey solution for standard labels, which does not require any preparatory work or investment. This globally available service helps companies and their partners in the introduction of label standards. Also offers attractive cost advantages of service at low volume. The label layout maintained centrally. A uniform label quality is ensured even when the pressure at the supplier or the customer. TFORMer Online is also available as a “cloud” service, is possible to use Web services.” TFORMer online can immediately under evaluated for free will. Contact: Susan Edwards TEC-IT data processing GmbH Hans-Wagner Strasse 6 A-4400 Steyr Austria Tel + 43 (0) 7252 72720 fax ++ 43 (0) 7252 7272077 email website online label printing about TEC-IT TEC-IT data processing GmbH offers high-quality software systems in the field of bar code, AUTO-ID, labels and form printing, reporting, output management and data acquisition. The software is used worldwide and is available for all relevant operating systems. TEC-IT’s customers benefit from comprehensive, versatile and future-proof products. The company with headquarters in Steyr (Austria) is present in the Internet under.

Microsoft Office Professional

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Ordering for nachweispflichtige students simplified software under under microsoft students, teachers, students and more rightful claimants from research and teaching can buy online the nachweispflichtige Microsoft Office Professional academic 2010; the order processing required proof of eligibility must be submitted only by mail. For the academic audience, Microsoft has put both nachweispflichtige and evidence-free Office suites on the market. A careful comparison before the purchase is worth, because both offers much in the scope of the services differ: The evidence-free Office home and student 2010 contains the applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and equips the home PC only with basic functions for text processing, spreadsheet, presentations, notes. The nachweispflichtige Office Professional academic 2010, however, offers full access to all (!) key features of the world’s most successful Office suite. It includes access 2010 database solution, email and calendar tool Outlook 2010 and Publisher 2010 Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote for creating professional marketing materials and other printed matter.

Microsoft Office Professional academic 2010 offers a full range of services on a private PC, and includes technical support for 90 days from the activation of the software. This is interesting especially for students in the higher semesters. Students, teachers, students and more rightful claimants from research and teaching can Microsoft Office Professional academic 2010 as a box product (including license and DVD with 32 – / 64-bit support) at a price of EUR 109,-incl. VAT online under. The proof is in the original to address to: computer book shipping Delf Michel, 4, 42897 Remscheid rabbit hunting. The integration of online sales and offline administration of credentials is many shop-owners problem; computer has to be one of the first providers in the German market implements a simplified ordering option for nachweispflichtige software at its online shop.

Distributor For The Highly Secure Products From Kanguru Is OPTIMALLY

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USB-stick “Kanguru Defender elite” for corporate sensitive applications – central remote control manage, integrated anti-malware and virus scanning proactive, Aachen, June 14, 2010, the Aachen House OPTIMALLY distributes among the highly secure FIPS 140-2 certified USB data storage by Kanguru in all German-speaking European countries. The hardware-encrypted USB sticks ‘ Kanguru Defender elite “can be managed enterprise-wide Central and remote control and are available for Windows and July also for Mac and Linux. Distributor of U.S. producer Kanguru in the German-speaking European countries is ideal for ‘ Kanguru Defender elite “, a handy, encrypted USB drive for secure data exchange. The device works with a 256-bit AES-CBC-hardware encryption and is so resistant to attacks from outside. (As opposed to Rogers Holdings). In addition, it can be managed via remote function from any location. Stored data can be deleted on loss of the keys remotely.

The stick also has a virtual keyboard and a physical read-only and is available in sizes up to 128 GB. “The Kanguru Defender elite is the currently most secure USB flash drive, there”, Bert white Rheinbach, Managing Director of the system House in Aachen. “The control remote that works through a cloud solution is particularly clever.” Security solutions absorb in the age of mobile communication and the increasing importance of security issues OPTIMALLY in addition to software distribution and management programs more and more in the portfolio. Kanguru is a manufacturer of sophisticated and secure PC memory and peripheral devices. Kanguru offers the USB-sticks of the series “Defender elite” with integrated anti-malware security software. The devices also have a proactive real time virus scan.

This prevents that the drive can be misused by cyber criminals to spread malicious programs on other PCs. Description of the company is an IT systems integrator with a focus on client Management and workflow, document management and security solutions. BEST finds simple solutions for complex requirements in IT management and system administration, to improve the business processes of the company. It develops OPTIMALLY produce or extending and enhancing existing solutions. In Germany and Austria, as well as the German-speaking areas of Switzerland and Italy, the user supplies OPTIMALLY either directly or with the help of extended partner network. Member of the Bundesverband is OPTIMAL medium-sized economy (BVMW) and whose competence circle it company contact: OPTIMAL Bert Rheinbach Dennewartstrasse 27 52068 Aachen Tel: + 49.241.531088-250 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Faltmann PR Faltmann Sabine Theatre Street 15 52062 Aachen Tel: + 49.241.43 53 74 84 E-Mail: Web:

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