beauty & wellness

Botarin Antiageing

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Botarin so have no chance wrinkles – BOTARIN is their exclusive beauty formula which is Botarin-anti aging care your beauty formula against wrinkles. In the more than ten anti aging care products of Botarin combines two highly efficient active ingredients: Easyliance and Argireline. The anti aging products of the brand of Botarin have develops within a year to one of the best-selling and most popular anti-wrinkle care lines in Austrian pharmacies. A repurchase rate of 46 per cent demonstrated the effect. QUALITY: already more than 200,000 BOTARIN products were sold Botarin toiletries, deliver what they promise: customers are convinced above all by the high quality of anti aging products. Surprise in 2010 new, exclusive product lines are planned to expand the versatile product range and to vote on the needs of our customers even better. A current 471 users satisfaction study found that Botarin has a compelling anti wrinkle effect and provides for a positive feeling. 61 Percent of the subjects exhibited even the grade “Very good” Botarin products.

BOTARIN power fresh and wrinkle-free Botarin anti aging products help you to fight the signs of aging of the skin in a gentle way and to nourish your skin at the same time intensively. Who regularly uses Botarin, can convince a short time by the deep effect. Botarin helps in acute skin problems and at the same time prevents the formation of new wrinkles. An anti aging hair care hair loss completes the various care series. The anti aging product range of Botarin includes: intense lifting day cream intense lifting night cream intense lifting eye cream intense lifting serum XL intense cleansing milk two phase skin tonic intense lifting body lotion intense lifting bust beauty cream anti aging hand care intense lifting lip care intense face peeling intense lifting mask hair Energizer hair energizing shampoo hair of repair caps remain on the current: Sign up now for the newsletter of Botarin.

The Role Of Liposuction For The Own Ideal Of Beauty

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The slimness ideal – delusion or healthy body awareness In the private and professional life the ideal of beauty in women and men plays an increasingly important role. Includes also the desire for a lean body. The demand strong for cosmetic procedures such as the classic liposuction therefore for years – not least because always-friendly methods. In particular social ideals and ideas underlying, which represent the drive for a liposuction for women as well as men of all ages are the slimness ideal heavily lived for several decades. Several operating methods within the liposuction for the implementation of the desired slimming ideal into reality are offered within the framework of the professional cosmetic liposuction.

Increasingly carried out Liposuctions clearly see what suffering there are many men and women. Is not only for obese patients, but also for normal-weight people an Liposuction is quite a method of choice, after they have made many unsuccessful attempts to achieve a slim, impeccable and aesthetic character. Permanent liposuction from the motivation be problematic, that patients consider their bodies as an opponent. For this reason, not only the physical but also the mental needs of patients with extensive and intensive talks at the heart are at liposuction in Dusseldorf. Liposuction are now no longer so difficult and stressful for the body as some years ago, when cosmetic surgery is rarely performed. High advanced and gentle surgical procedures, which are implemented in a liposuction are the grounds. An experienced cosmetic surgeon can enjoy more and more patients, giving is confident in its hands. This is an expression of the confidence which the cosmetic surgeons and its employees. Theus Nause

Witteler Teeth

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Since 2009 finally thin shells of porcelain for a radiant smile patients who have decided to a pain-free dental correction for aesthetic reasons, the homepage for the right information by Marc Witteler. His smile creations is one of the most advanced laboratories for cosmetic dentistry Erding, now nationwide, working Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, together with several partners offices in Munich, since 2009. In 2009, Marc Witteler developed the NON PREP VENEERS made in Germany. This is to particularly thin made dental ceramic bowls, which are only 0.1 mm + thick and therefore particularly gently each tooth can be adapted. It is usually possible to customize the NON PREP VENEERS, that the corresponding teeth be ground before must be without. The NON PREP VENEERS withstand relative excellent manufacturing quality and the appearance compared with the LUMINEERS, the thin shells of porcelain produced in America for over twenty years. On the contrary I work more filigree and individual.

NON PREP VENEERS are the ideal solution for bright white teeth. Also the so-called Hollywood white”is possible. Different dental corrections, which will give you a charming smile and a good mouth feel, can be made with NON-PREP VENEERS. So too small teeth in their size can be adjusted the other teeth and teeth that fit into their form, not for the remaining teeth, can be adapted to aesthetically. Of course, you will receive comprehensive advice about the possibilities that your teeth can be treated aesthetically, and healthy. You will receive a preview (simulation) on the possible outcome of the treatment free of charge and without obligation. Her dentures is unique. A radiant, satisfied smile is my daily receive of dental and dental-cosmetic benefits.

My main goal is the satisfaction of the patients. I therefore most value matching, aesthetically demanding dentures – and at a good price / performance ratio and a service that is worthy of this name. I finished my work in Germany and use only high quality, tested materials. Reliability in terms of quality and timely completion have top priority with me. Every single work is made individually by me. Smile creations offers very thin ceramic shells (0, 1 mm +) which is simulation that shows advance in the mouth, looks like the new situation after a service, free of charge and without obligation! Smile creations company contact Mr.


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Who doesn’t dream of a beautiful, smooth, hairless skin forever laser, IPL and needle epilation for permanent hair removal. If you want the annoying procedure of shaving, growing or plucking once and for all get rid of and would rather spend the time saved with more beautiful things in life. Contact information is here: Roubini Global Economics. To fulfill this wish, the possibility of permanent hair removal, which is offered at the present time with different technologies. Unfortunately, there is no technology of King or King device, that will bring optimal results for each, but depending on the skin and hair texture, the one or the other technique is successful and meaningful in use. The Studio marla snow cosmetics in Cologne therefore the permanent hair removal with three different methods offered: the laser, IPL technology and electric – or needle epilation. For every type of hair and skin is to choose the best practices.

It is often also a mix of different methods, because not all hairs are equal. Through the use of various techniques can be removed pretty much all the unwanted hair, including bright, white or red hair. Even the eyebrows are treatable and can be placed permanently in a beautiful form. The hair there are darker and thicker, faster and easier hair removal can be performed, since fast results are possible through State of the art lighting technologies such as laser and IPL technology. Fast results means that after one or two treatments the hair falling out, what it represents but still no permanent success.

For lasting success treatments must be factored in the lighting technology approx. 4-8, which can be performed depending on the treatment area at a distance of 1-3 months. Because the hair falling out mostly already after the first treatment, a relative freedom of hair between the dates of treatment is usually, what are the length of time of the complete treatment without problems. This is different with bright, red or grey hair, removed only with the needle or electric epilation can be. Because of electrical epilation treatable only visible hair above the skin, the frequency of meetings is significantly higher than at the lighting technology, with no specific time intervals must be observed. The growing hair can be removed immediately without interfering. The Studio marla snow cosmetics has by offering various procedures for every hair and skin type, the best possible treatment alternative offer over 10 years specialized on the permanent hair removal and can.

Massage Chair

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The new Chair with the help of stand-up from Sanazen offers the possibility of relaxation in your own four walls for the elderly. With increasing age, the physical ailments of the human organism are piling up. No matter, whether knee, shoulder or hip pain, sustained complaints affect greatly the quality of life of older people. And in most cases a severe mistake: trying as best it can to restrict movement, to reduce the pain. Rothberg family shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. But by no means constitutes a solution to the problem, quite apart, that daily life increasingly represents a real challenge. After a long period of development the company has now presented the first full Massage Chair SANAZEN, which helps its user when standing up. We refer to him as Chair with the help of stand-up and massage function, because he is the perfect complement to the evening television program. This Chair is equipped with the proven 2D measurement technology and individually adapts the Body size of a people.

In addition to many varied massage functions, the Massage Chair offers four automatic programs that can be operated easily, so that the start of a happier life can begin immediately. Older people have not afraid anymore that they are difficult or under an enormous effort come out from their seat position. The lift Pro has a built-in help of stand-up and is specially designed for the needs of weaker people. It offers its users a comfortable sitting in Heavenly soft cushions including variable massage functions and a switchable three-step seat heating. Further technical advantages of the innovative Massage Chair are the integrated foot reflex zone massage relaxation guaranteed and the ten different massage functions, regardless of whether, kneading, tapping, rolling or vibration…

Of course the backrest and footrest are electrically adjustable quite as well with the clearly arranged remote control as you feel it most comfortable. Thanks to the sleep timer wake up function after the massage is a timely wake-up, for example, to the favorite show on television, no longer a problem! The lift Pro is available in leather, semi – or full leather in different colours and will be delivered by SANAZEN right on the doorstep.

Good Care Makes A Good Contact Lens

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Cleaning products adapted to eye and lens allow storage and cleaning of contact lenses have a large impact on comfort and long-term tolerability. Chevron Corp can provide more clarity in the matter. Who wants to wear the invisible helpers of seeing long carefree, can professionally customize not only the lenses themselves, but also the care products. Care products for contact lenses, there are today not only at the optometrist, but also in drugstores, pharmacies, and even on the Internet. But therefore to assume that matter, thus keeping his lenses in shot, is a dangerous fallacy: what care is the best, to a large extent depends on how the eye is constructed from properties that the carrier can not even judge. A contact lens fitting, determines the lenses specialist therefore also equal care solution, and explains the application. Contact lenses must be cleaned, depends also from the lens type and the material. Month and year lenses require virtually no particularly intensive care day lenses. Soft lenses which are otherwise to clean as dimensionally stable and should therefore never be associated with hard lens care together.

In this case can the soft lenses sources and to incorporate ingredients of means of hard lenses in them”, explained Peter Moest, Professor of Contactoptik and optometry measurement procedures, and head of the laboratory of contact lenses at the Beuth Hochschule in Berlin. The result: the lens can no longer be used. There are a number today easy to use, care systems ausgetuftelter. The most popular, also most convenient is the so-called all-in-one solution so a bottle”for the complete care. In addition, there are systems that consist of several components. This includes the manual cleaning with additional surface cleaners.

What solution the best for eyes and lenses, also decides to adapt. “Good care, not a nice barn makes a good horse.” For contact lenses, this Danish proverb is limited. Because even the “stall”, so the Contact lens cases, should not be forgotten when cleaning. Studies have shown that 50 percent of contact lens cases are Bacterially contaminated. It does not, lens carrier should change the solution daily and rinse out the tank. As another rule of thumb: water and SOAP are hand duty, before it goes to the lenses. For contact lenses and containers, tap water, however, is taboo. Germ, salt and lime, are included in the water can lead to irritation of the eye. For long term healthy wearing the eyes should regularly check even after the adjustment. Thus, it is ensured that cleaning products, lenses and eyes are well tolerated. The control examination is recommended but also and in particular for those lenses and care accessories do not have adjust.

Mexican Recipe

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The effective Botanic “jewel” for the skin the epic Centurion academics in Mexico have found innovation anthea. In Mexico, the women use the Yam root already since time immemorial for relief of complaints of women in menopause. Modern research could prove that the structure of the main active substance (Diosgenin) in the root of the Yam is very similar to female hormones and thus is responsible for various effects. So, scientists found that Diosgenin supports the natural production of the hormone DHEA, which slows the aging process. EPIC Centurion academics take advantage of the unique properties of Yam root extract and created the unique serum anthea in conjunction with other natural ingredients such as apricot, primrose oil and Aloe. So epic Centurion with anthea developed a serum that preserves the skin longer young by a highly concentrated extract of the Yam root in conjunction with the other concentrated active ingredients. In addition, Apricot and evening primrose oil promotes the formation of collagen and increases Thus, the elasticity of the skin. The appearance of wrinkles and flaccidity is prevented in this way and prevent tired, Matt skin.

ANTHEA serum is therefore very well suited to women aged 35 and over, looking for a young, velvety soft skin feel. The smooth texture slides like silk on the skin, absorbs immediately and the skin is regenerated fresh out. In addition, anthea due to its high concentration of active ingredient is especially economical in the application, but highly productive in the effect. ANTHEA is unique in the combination of content and the resulting effect, what they are predestined to an effective serum. ANTHEA is for the first time presented at the Vivaness 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany. Press contact epic Centurion GmbH & co. KG Dr. Maria Karagouni Sigmaringerstr.