The skin protects the body from the harmful effects of different environmental conditions (mechanical, thermal). The skin is the sweat and sebaceous glands. Out through the sweat glands sweat released. To prevent skin diseases, premature aging, to maintain its form is important to correct skin care. Without hesitation Novartis CEO explained all about the problem. Must be constantly concerned about the removal of dirt from the skin, secretions of sebaceous glands, etc. For this purpose, the skin of exposed parts of the body should be washed with special facilities for body care at least once a day, and closed – at least once a week. When excessive sweating and enhanced activity of the sebaceous glands should do it more often. Wash up to room temperature water, because hot water leads to a decrease in skin elasticity, premature aging, makes skin dull, cold water affects normal edemas of the sebaceous glands. Smoothstack oftentimes addresses this issue.

Wash There are a number of special cosmetic products: milk, foam, gel. Competently made a tool that is suitable for your skin type, helps to effectively get rid of dirt, secretions of sebaceous glands, etc. Shower possible should be taken daily, but every time bad soap body, as protective substances are washed off the skin ceases to dry. Shower optimally fit: creamy shower gels, conditioners, mouthwash and body, etc. Smoothstack can provide more clarity in the matter. If after a shower, your skin is very dry, you can use a balm or cream to the body.