Month: October 2024

Interior Design Ideas

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Surf designed and implemented an extensive facelift for the Butler’s online shop. Surf extends the successful E-commerce strategy by Butler’s numerous innovations that allow customers of the online shop a still more comfortable browsing through the range. Punctually at Christmas time is improving the conversion rate, as well as the shopping experience to the fore. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Lakshman Achuthan. The area”new in the shop was implemented by surf with a new navigation and innovative design. Instead of a classic list view, the interactive product view provides a browse experience that is controlled with the mouse or keyboard. The popular customers table decorations with tips for creative design are shown immediately with larger images and increase as the emotionality of the site.

Flash full screen and zoom function offer added value users looking for some decoration inspiration. Conversion optimization, surf also worked over the appearance of the shopping cart. (Not to be confused with Nouriel Roubini!). Marked products and check out process will benefit from simplified navigation and modified design. Is an article in the shopping cart, an animation as a modern transaction confirmation and therefore provides increased usability. Also the integration of call-to-action allows for faster online shopping items in the list view. Customers learn all necessary details of the article from the list view, the direct specification of the desired lot is ideal for Supplement purchases one click. After two weeks, the conversion rate was already increased by 55%.

Exclusive Butler’s product lines such as the CAMPAGNE furniture line was allocated in the navigation an own theme, which simplifies the search for related articles. On the detail pages of the products carousels were presented by surf with larger images, which serve as a prominent note for additional purchases. Surf BUTLERS accompanied for several years in the expansion of the online shops and is responsible for concept, consulting, graphic design and technical integration facelift. Surf is Internet Agency for efficient communication and E-business with locations in Cologne and Berlin. With full service for corporate websites, E-business and online marketing projects include Vivantes, bugatti, GALERIA Kaufhof, L ‘ Oreal, SUPER RTL, beetles and Hannover 96 to solid customer base. More info: surf GmbH & co. KG Silvia Vonhoff Northcliffe ring 78 50670 Cologne Tel. +49(0)221/913920-195 email:

Shanghai China

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Days ago I reported on the opening of the capsule in Shanghai China hotel. This hotel boasts 68 capsules of two meters in length, one of width and one of high with Wi-Fi Internet access and TV. After a week of opening, the Chinese authorities have decided to close down the hotel. He apparently did not comply with safety regulations. Municipal inspectors say have 68 guests in an area of just 300 square metres is extremely dangerous, for example, in the case of a fire, travellers would not be able to escape. They also indicated that the establishment does not offer protection any theft, as niches not having doors, common areas are separated by curtains. Shanghai security policies, are becoming harder, this is due to the accident that took place in November last year, in which a block of houses burned and left 58 dead as a result. Until this particular hotel get his Habilitation and can operate without putting at risk the life of its customers, travelers who wanted to settle in this establishment (the capsules were offered by a basic rate of little more than 3 euros plus 0.46 euros per hour), will have to think about other alternatives like staying in cheap hotels..

This entry was posted in General.

New 911 GT3 R Hybrid Porsche

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Premieres at the Geneva Motor Show in early March it is again: from 4 to 14 March 2010 the Geneva Motor Show opens its doors. In addition to many other brands, and Porsche is waiting this year with a sensational novelty: A hybrid version of the 911 GT3 R. The car Portal reports what special features does this system for racing cars. In the hybrid version, two electric motors as the front axle drive supplement the 480 HP strong six-cylinder in the rear of the car. Ordinary hybrid road vehicles be powered by battery. In the 911 GT3 R hybrid however, energy via a flywheel storage is obtained, which is located in the Interior in addition to the driver and its rotor reached up to 40,000 revolutions per minute. This store will be charged during the braking. In the already mentioned machine reverse their function and work as generators.

The stored energy can be obtained as needed and provides after each charging operation for about six to eight seconds up to 120 kW extra power for the two motors at the Front axle. Untapped during the braking energy is converted to additional driving force therefore now. This positive effect on performance, as well as on the consumption. Because a reduced load of the tank or later pit stops are possible through improved efficiency. After its premiere at the Geneva Motor Show, the new to test hybrid at endurance race at the Nurburgring. For this, including a start at the 24-hour race on the 15th and 16th May 2010 is planned. More information:../..Porsche..

Back To The Power And Joy Of Life

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Perceiving what is, everyone has those talents. The fine channels of perception are ignored by the modern conception of life. And everything is not practiced, stunted. This us own, old talents to rediscover and to integrate into everyday life, interested in many people again. There is an element of personal responsibility in one’s life. It includes own strength to experience the State’s independence, to learn and enriches life and helps to achieve goals to make happiness and success for themselves. Any person who is aware of his strength and power and in everyday lives, is a point of force for his family and its surroundings. In antiquity and also our ancestors had to a different setting.

Did you know about the importance of training the fine senses and to use in daily life. “This attitude to life was taught in ancient times by the goddess Temple and this old way” available to us again today. The knowledge of our ancestors comprised all the nutrition, mind control and the intellectual Laws. To do this I offer regular training meetings, to reawaken, to practice this old talents in us and to apply in everyday life. There are supportive monthly typefaces, to promote the perception of their own, to recognize the weaknesses and to transform into virtues. The analysis helps to identify one’s own possibilities and use.

We learn to recognize harmful influences and to fend off. This helpful network covers all the knowledge for the benefit of all participants. Continuity, consistency and their own willingness to achieve goals, include as a basis. Easy meditation, relaxation exercises, and fantasizing iron make entry easy and enjoyable. Aromatic scents facilitate the mood and the switch off and relax. Brigitte advise Reischlestr. 13 86153 Augsburg

Romantic Holidays

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Spring is the time of lovers spring welcomed us with sunshine and blooming flowers around the Attersee. The beautiful season to finally get to spend spring time again together with your loved ones or your loved one the perfect time for a romantic holiday in Upper Austria, because the butterflies in your stomach want answered you will benefit. A cosy holiday on Attersee is the right place for a good start in a new season. Leisure pursuits much you can during a holiday to experience and enjoy. Mike Schwartz wanted to know more. Make a first bike tour in the spring and explore around the Attersee as nature new life awakens.

With the Sun, which is gaining more and more power, you thereby fueling new energy and will ride around with a smile on his face. But also a first hike makes for two fun. Here you have plenty of time to discover the first flowers sprouting from the ground. Credit: Paul Price-2011. Wellness Auch though it can be very mild and warm on the day, the evenings and nights are most cold in the spring. Perfect for cosy hours in the spa area. In the popular wellness hotel you find all winemakers, what you want. Steam room indoor gemstone Grotto massage luxury baths etc and all this you can experience pleasure for two. Culinary will bind you yet closer together to a romantic dinner by candlelight, because it is not in vain, love goes through the stomach. With enough time, a wonderful menu tastes just twice as good and after a nightcap at the bar a cosy room waiting for you.

Child Development

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It then has to evaluate a student is an action through which seeks to judge value on the student's development process, after constant monitoring to determine what progress has been achieved with regard to the proposed accomplishments, what knowledge has acquired or constructed and to what extent has appropriated from them, what has developed skills and abilities, attitudes and values which has taken and how far they have been consolidated. The overall evaluation of the student seeks to analyze comprehensively the achievements, difficulties, constraints and potentialities of the student, both in the field of knowledge and in their skills, attitudes and performance at different times and through different activities, tests and mechanisms. So far this approach the positions of the governing documents of education in Colombia and the interpretation of the state institutions give every one of them. In the following section shall be a description of the cognitive development of elementary school student as the proposal evaluation is conducted on the contents of basic education and primary school learning to be consistent with the child's developmental level. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOL During the school years many cognitive changes occur, and children of this age have more resources to use their cognitive skills when faced with a problem, more reminiscent of that information and have a higher level of knowledge about a particular topic. At this stage, in addition, children become aware of their strengths and weaknesses on an intellectual level, and recognize that there may be good in some areas, but not in others.

Investment Oil

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Even stronger demand decisive LEIPZIG. (Ceto) As already since the beginning of the week, crude oil prices tend sideways. Missing economic data provided for passive behaviour with investors. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vanguard offers on the topic.. However, heating oil dealers in Germany could report today from a growing demand. This and a weaker euro resulted in premiums by more than one euro. After crude oil prices affect for weeks allowed by the ups and downs of stock prices, another parameter ensures that excitement the U.S. dollar now. Namely, share prices eased yesterday, arrested US light oil (WTI) and North Sea oil (Brent) prices for the two reference strains in their move sideways while could get even, rather than to slip with Valley.

This is ascribed to a back stronger US dollar. Only two days two eurocents per dollar of less had to be paid as a relatively stable period before (now 1.27 US dollars). For this reason speculation by financial investors, are the particularly on reports by Investment bankers intoxicated. They believed some errors detected in the stress tests of European banks. Although the financial market situation in the eurozone is anything but quiet.

But for an appreciation precisely the dollar missing in particular the economic nature almost all reasons. As the dependency of the local oil price by the euro-dollar exchange rate is known, today in contrast to the actual market situation and only this financial constraint led due to rising costs at the German heating oil. Also a slowly attracting demand was responsible for the rise in according to trade after weak summer business, which in turn led to numerous and extensive orders with the suppliers. That’s why to 1.06 euros prices 68,40 EUR 100-liter contour fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). Heating oil consumers should cover is still now, because oil is, regarding future price developments, currently relatively cheap. After the daily collection of the Prices rose Federal average market data by fuel level and oil Rundschau compared continuously from September until mid-November to 7 euros, before she again sank at the end of the year, without however a year ago to regain the relatively low level. A similar trend was observed here, the difference was even EUR 11 2007. Only 2008, there was a countervailing trend. Here the price of September fell to 34 euros, by the end of the year but what was summer due to the record price levels in the former. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

Good Care Makes A Good Contact Lens

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Cleaning products adapted to eye and lens allow storage and cleaning of contact lenses have a large impact on comfort and long-term tolerability. Chevron Corp can provide more clarity in the matter. Who wants to wear the invisible helpers of seeing long carefree, can professionally customize not only the lenses themselves, but also the care products. Care products for contact lenses, there are today not only at the optometrist, but also in drugstores, pharmacies, and even on the Internet. But therefore to assume that matter, thus keeping his lenses in shot, is a dangerous fallacy: what care is the best, to a large extent depends on how the eye is constructed from properties that the carrier can not even judge. A contact lens fitting, determines the lenses specialist therefore also equal care solution, and explains the application. Contact lenses must be cleaned, depends also from the lens type and the material. Month and year lenses require virtually no particularly intensive care day lenses. Soft lenses which are otherwise to clean as dimensionally stable and should therefore never be associated with hard lens care together.

In this case can the soft lenses sources and to incorporate ingredients of means of hard lenses in them”, explained Peter Moest, Professor of Contactoptik and optometry measurement procedures, and head of the laboratory of contact lenses at the Beuth Hochschule in Berlin. The result: the lens can no longer be used. There are a number today easy to use, care systems ausgetuftelter. The most popular, also most convenient is the so-called all-in-one solution so a bottle”for the complete care. In addition, there are systems that consist of several components. This includes the manual cleaning with additional surface cleaners.

What solution the best for eyes and lenses, also decides to adapt. “Good care, not a nice barn makes a good horse.” For contact lenses, this Danish proverb is limited. Because even the “stall”, so the Contact lens cases, should not be forgotten when cleaning. Studies have shown that 50 percent of contact lens cases are Bacterially contaminated. It does not, lens carrier should change the solution daily and rinse out the tank. As another rule of thumb: water and SOAP are hand duty, before it goes to the lenses. For contact lenses and containers, tap water, however, is taboo. Germ, salt and lime, are included in the water can lead to irritation of the eye. For long term healthy wearing the eyes should regularly check even after the adjustment. Thus, it is ensured that cleaning products, lenses and eyes are well tolerated. The control examination is recommended but also and in particular for those lenses and care accessories do not have adjust.

Food Is The Source Of Health

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Among the many theories, no place to get lost and most lost. So, try to do a bit of light in all this mess. s topic. COMMON ITEMS Looking all methods, one can see that, despite deep differences, commonalities emerge admitted by all, namely: NON-FOOD DESNATURALIZACIN must not subtract anything to the food, because it unbalances and not just the stolen items are missing (vitamins, trace elements, minerals, cellulose, etc..), but the remaining elements become more difficult to digest and assimilate. Read more from Roubini Global Economics to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In addition, we must not add anything to food, as chemical additives, synthetic, can not be metabolized properly, since there is no metabolic chain provided in the body to synthetic additives. The body is then forced to create circuits that produce wear and parametabolicos cellular disorganization. LA MESURE FOOD All school leaders admit that the quantitative reduction is essential in the prevention of digestive diseases, joint, cardiovascular, in a word in the prevention of chronic diseases.

All admit also that the reduction is the essential food for an active longevity. FOOD BALANCE All deem essential, since no single food provides all that is absolutely necessary for life and vitality, so recommend a varied diet. Here is the big key as admitted by all: natural food, sensible and balanced. Beyond these basic notions, all systems are harmful supresitos or exclusive. Here in a few sentences its dangers. POINTS OF DIVERGENCE EXCESS OF VEGETABLES Excess vegetables (raw food, Vegetarianism, Shelton) produces enterocolitis and diarrhea due to irritation of mucous membranes by the "excess cellulosic." Furthermore, this too many cells can cause weight loss, to accelerate the transition and retain nutrients in its plot.

New Online Wiki Dictionary

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VoB presents new online wiki dictionary for a common language of sustainable construction. Over a year ago, the ECP in cooperation with the ACE launched a pioneering project aiming for Europe to develop a common language of sustainable construction. Were selected in several stages, terms and definitions and the sustainability glossary to a Wikipedia database format is processed electronically. rgrowth/’>Allstate Insurance Company). Perhaps check out Expedia for more information. In addition to the lookup function of currently more than 400 words tested at European level, divided into 11 categories, the new platform offers the user the possibility of an open dictionary: everyone can write after short registration to this dictionary. An editorial team observed and evaluated the new entries and maintains them in the system a. The translation of the currently English speaking Wikipedia dictionary in multiple languages is planned by the European economic and Social Council (EESC) and should take into account in future regional specialities. Against the background of the continuing shortage of resources Aspects of sustainable and permanently sustainable building solutions to living and working are gaining in importance. Some contend that Chevron Corp shows great expertise in this.

The newly developed platform is an extremely important building block towards a common language of sustainable construction. Many of the current understanding of differences can be cleaned up so that. This project will improve the understanding and awareness of all actors and policy makers throughout Europe and ensure a harmonised Nachhaltigkeitsentwickling in the construction industry”, explains DI Dr. Bernd Wolschner, President of the Association of Austrian concrete and precast works (VoB) zgl. President of the European concrete platform (ECP).

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