Technique, further described here, is a modernized technique Wake-Back-To-Bed (WBTB) of The Lucidity Institute. It will help to achieve lucid dreaming, thanks not only to the brain, but also engaging in training the body and the heart (feelings). It consists of the 9 steps that will be considered in detail here. It is important that you have had ideas about what you gonna do when you realize a dream. Why do you want to see themselves as in a dream? Many beginners can not catch your operating system, because they tend to just get a lucid dream, instead of want to get some experience through lucid dreaming. This failure occurs because the brain can not concentrate on such empty concepts as “like running”. But the brain can concentrate on what you want to do with the OCA.

For example: to fly, going to another planet, will meet with any person to throw fireball, etc. Be as specific as possible, do not blur the intentions. Can you draw a picture of what you want, or watch a movie close to your idea. OS – this is not the goal itself, the OS – it is only a tool that can enrich your life. Here are some things you might want to do in Ose: – Fly – Walking on the water, breathe under water – to kill the terrible monster of your dreams.

– Meet the man who is no longer alive (just remember that most likely it will only be your fantasy) – Treasure of Love – Become invisible – Use telekinesis (moving things by thought) – A stay in an unfamiliar place – Become a psychic in a dream (for a novice is difficult) – Materialization – to create something out of thin air, just as you wish. – Deliberately wake up (not the best thing you can do) – Use magic – control the thoughts and actions of characters in a dream. – Transform objects and characters in dreams. – Use the teleport (instant transfer) (Stand-Back-In-Bed), developed by the University, studying lucid dreaming – is also very important that this morning (not every morning) in You had time for this practice and it is desirable that no one interfered. If each weekday you have to get up early and exercise have no desire, then training can be done at the weekend. Source: Your Path to Enlightenment.