In the focus are control quality, traceability and reuse Immenstaad, June 23, 2009: innovations software technology GmbH, leader in business rules management platforms and solutions for the financial sector, will publish the version 4.5 of the Visual Rules enterprise platform on June 30, 2009. Visual rules now coordinates that changes to business rules are always safe and traceable. Uber is actively involved in the matter. In addition, users on the simple reuse of rules can enjoy. The initial idea of Visual Rules enterprise platform 4.5 is accompanied by Sebastian Meyen, editor-in-Chief of the Java Magazin. Business rules management for agile companies like the Volkswagen Bank and John Deere manage the business rules for its credit risk rating and the intelligent machine control with the business rules management platform Visual rules. Visual rules helps these businesses to adapt their systems to new technical requirements dynamically by the experts themselves. What’s new? Rule change management with Visual Rules 4.5 a new workflow in the Visual Rules enterprise platform 4.5 coordinated, as changes to business rules by several team members expire.
Control quality, constant traceability of changes and reuse are at the heart of the process. Reuse easy the whole concept of rule artifacts is new, the rule models along with the executable code of the rule include and are to identify by name and version. Because the Visual Rules Modeler 4.5 directly with these artifacts, rule authors can use again in the future simply existing rule or data models and function or service libraries. As a rule project requires another artifact, it automatically brings the Modeler in the correct version from the repository. Valid or not? Rules use the integrated concept of rule artifacts in several versions allows also, that rules in multiple versions can be used at the same time. The matching of Visual Rules execution Server 4.5 leads depending on the request Rules about according to the validity.