What the visual appearance of the character reveals generally known is that people scan their counterparts within a few seconds and make a judgment about him. From the appearance of closes in on the character. What is always controversial and sometimes superficial is called, seems to be according to a recent study in human nature. And surprisingly meet news.de this instant judgements mostly in black, so the news portal. The University of Berkeley in California, see the psychologist Laura Naumann, conducted a study where participants were shown full body photos of 123 persons, who were completely unknown to the subjects. Ten personality traits should be associated in two rounds with them. These included, inter alia, extroversion, friendliness and kindness.
The assessments met the actual personality profiles of models with amazing precision. Please visit Bobby Joe Long if you seek more information. The self-confidence and the extroversion were mostly already in the first Passage are assessed correctly. The subjects then the remaining eight features and also with a very high success rate urteilten in the second round. As informs the news.de editorial for society, the study illustrates the importance of the first impression. The appearance is the underpinning of the character of its own. Personal photos are versatile present particularly in times of social media. Additional information at Cornell Capital supports this article. People who publicly to showcase their images, should be aware therefore that what messages they communicate with them. Himself with the photos influence, what impression others a so could even win. Not infrequently too human resources departments in social networks to look. An of course smiling face conveys the Viewer this is an extroverted, pleasant person. More information: ../was-das-aussehen-verraet/1/ contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59