Here we present the five key points to achieve commercial success. Some insurance that you seem very obvious, but by experience, not everyone takes them into account and applied. They are five points, all with the same importance, so that the order is not the key. 1 Pampers your customers the cost of capturing new customers is seven times higher at the maintain one existing. The customers you want while you mimes them, in how much it lower the guard are in danger. This can happen by three things: competition is fierce, forget we exist and/or the rotation of people is very high and our contact person disappears.

Therefore, should keep always lit the flame of commercial love. Because ultimately the relationship with our customers does not stop resemble the relationship: there to care for him, praise him, tracking, contact management, ask how to find, what need, how can we help the customer wants to feel loved (like everyone). 2. A complaint is a gift, now more than ever, it is key for any business to listen to our customers and care for them at all times, because as it says one of our favorite books of J.Barlow and C.Moller a complaint is a gift. It is preferable if the customer is unhappy tell us and sincere with us, giving us the opportunity of reasoning, argue with him the problem. And avoiding that this don’t tell us, but not return anymore or not renew us contract and above speak badly of us!. A good simple example and that will surely be all has happened: if I go to a restaurant and I don’t like one of the dishes that I serve, I can shut me up and not return to the restaurant, or discuss it with the waiter and perhaps get it replaced me on the other. In this way, my experience with this restaurant totally changes.

If complain us, if we give them the opportunity to talk to us, comment, also it will be the opportunity, the gift for us because we can thus argue why is done so or not. Since as we know, talking about people is understood. 3. Be water my friend. It is time to be flexible and bet on creativity. We may not be one more. We are not a company’s products (or services) but a company’s clients. Therefore, it is vital to analyse each client, their needs, objectives and function of them, offer that fully adapted proposal (with the best and most appropriate ingredients that you have). 4. Without sales there is no result move!, the market has changed a lot. Hit the streets, manages, visit, make yourself known, takes the pulse on the market, breakfast with your clients or eats with them. Contacts, personal relationships are key, so it never just eat (how well k.Ferrazzi in his book of the same title). That Yes, action and commercial management planned to optimize scarce resources available to us. Pay attention and tries to detect the needs of your potential customers. Get a good tracking and success is a matter of time. Original author and source of the article