Information, advice and support are the noblest tasks the Saarland Cancer League e.V. countless cancers could be avoided by timely provision, and perhaps just as many deaths could be prevented, would you in a timely manner a comprehensive precaution undergo. Accompanied by a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise, there is much can do to a cancer to avoid or at least delay its onset. Here, the Saarland Cancer League would like to apply and awareness for the regular use of offered screening. The disease have already been diagnosed, various rights entitled to the person concerned, starting with the then attacking hard disabled right on the speedy settlement of pension matters up to the necessary follow-up.

Also at this stage the Club is supportive. During this time, regular exchanges with others can Those affected help to affirm the situation better. For this purpose, the Association offers continuous meetings of interested parties. Also the telephone consultation by cancer patients and their families belong to the regular services of the Association in addition to House – and Krankenbesuchen in patients. Because just a challenge, as she now represents each cancer, requires the informed and experienced advice from outside often, if you even don’t know how it goes on or just want to talk about fears and personal feelings. So also the terminal care is that the tasks of the cancer League.

A task which members regularly to the limits of their personal forces brings but at the same time a task that can be of great importance if a therapy was no longer possible or unsuccessful. The cancer League is this task up to the accompaniment of the dying man in his last hours. So emotionally challenging the work of the Saarland Cancer League regularly is that so much she wants to get acquainted the public with the help of modern technologies and present. The latest website is a successful step. The non-profit association was largely supported by the experienced team of the joomlapur, which developed the concept and took over the technical realization. The appealing and behaving emotionally crafted design was penned by joomlapur, which have sponsored this page not only largely, but have delivered a renewed and moving proof of their skills.