Professional presentation in absolute ignorance self-confident appearance in professional life is more important than most people think. A confident demeanour can immensely help in everyday life. A person is classified as a competent and credible when she has a confident demeanour. It helps the first impression in business negotiations as well. Various studies show that the body language and the look and feel are often even more important than the content.
There are for example the Fox effect, which has been demonstrated by the experiment with the actor Michael Fox in 1970. The actor was the meaningless lecture alleged Professor before an audience the application of mathematical game theory in the training of doctors”. The task Fox was to hold a day of contradictory theories, invented words and phrases. Nevertheless, scientists assessed the presentation done then and indicated that Fox would have assigned the material well and conveys. The American scientist Albert Mehrabian represents the thesis that the effect of an announcement only to 7% depends on their contents. 38% would depend on the voice and 55% body language and appearance. Whether a communication so learns the desired effect is especially from way off, as it was delivered, and not so much by their content.
Can this knowledge to use in everyday work do. If managers in negotiations on pay, how they communicate something and rely not only on the content, can the goal faster come and convince her to. “The Management Institute of Dr. A. Kitz man confident demeanor and personality management offers the seminar” on. The participants of this seminar will be offered the opportunity to expand their competencies and skills for a successful appearance. You will learn to draw their visibility and to use their non-verbal communication. Gladly we advise you personally achieving your objectives under 0251 / 202050.