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1. Create a new Photoshop document size of 800×800 pixels. Alan Carr often addresses the matter in his writings. Fill the background black. 2. Choose the tool 'Custom Shape' (U) and choose a shape 'Radioactive': 3. With the tool 'Magic Wand' (W) allocate blade propeller. Pass into the Select => Modify => Contract: 4. Remove the selection (Delete).

The same thing we do with the rest of the blades and the core: 5. Then apply a number of styles that will give realichtichnosti our object: 6. Now let's give in movement of the propeller. 7. We put the opacity to 5% and make a duplicate layer (Ctrl + J). 8.

Opacity duplicate assign up to 10% and apply Edit => Transform => Rotate. Rotate the layer of approximately 3-5 * CCW: 9. Step number 8 we perform 5-6 times, provided each time adding transparency to 5% (15%, 20%, 25 %). The top layer put on 100% opacity: 10. In the end we apply a slight blurring of the layers 'movement', by applying Filter => Blur => Blur FIG: 11. Admire the work done so far:

Professional Practice

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Perform a professional practice is considered as an opportunity in the career of any student or young professional who graduated from a University and that still not has been able to work in a job for estudiantesrelacionado to the industry which has been studied. With it, obtained valuable experience for the later performance and that may appear on the resume or resume. There are even companies that, through professional practice, can discover people with talents that could hire permanently. Therefore, it is important to adequately perform during the internship, and then provides a series of recommendations in this regard. Recommendations to Excel in professional practice be punctual. This is the first point that demonstrates how responsible it is to the practitioner.

The tardiness is inexcusable, since it shows a lack of interest in learning and respect for the work for students. Do not say no. The practitioner should try to learn as much as you can by simple be the task and make a phone call to confirm attendance to a event. Therefore, you must be willing to do what is requested, provided that is not contrary to the principles or of the law. Have initiative. On occasions that the supervisor is so busy that you forget to give tasks or may that the practitioner completed assignments by time.

It is important, in that case, immediately ask what more you can do and you may even to propose actions that can help to others and the company… It is not correct that the practitioner is idly find a mentor. By busy people that are to the around, always the practitioner can discover someone with talent to teach or simply friendly that it may be willing to become the mentor (a) and guide in the process. Strive to do the job every time better. As the professional practices are a learning period, it is expected that mistakes and that you take some time so that the tasks are performed correctly. Credit: MDC Partners’ KBS-2011. To overcome this situation, it is necessary to observe others and an interest in learning on the fly. It is necessary to ensure do ever better and not let that errors are an obstacle or causing a stagnation in the work. Maintain open communication. If you don’t know something, ask for it. If you did not you fulfill a task, tell time. If you are having difficulties, it warns. Your supervisor is more upset if he learns too late from the foregoing. Also tries to get together with your supervisor often and ask for evaluations of your work for students. Share the qualities. Because the practitioner is usually a young person who is starting his career, it should exploit its energy, desire to learn and do and enthusiasm that perhaps people with many years in a company, have already lost. These qualities can be useful in the enterprise. If despite all the above, the person practicing is not contracted by the company, it is important to observe that he has won not only experience but also a network of colleagues with whom you should seek not to lose contact. Is equally convenient to that specific goals are met which will demonstrate that In addition to demonstrating that the practitioner has learned and that he served in an efficient way, which will make it memorable for superiors.