Anemone (Anemone). A perennial herb with fleshy creeping rhizome. Plant name comes from the Greek word "anemia" – wind, because its flowers are disclosed in windy weather. In Russia there are about 20 species this plant is widely distributed from alpine meadows to forests of Ukraine and Moldova. The floral stalk of the plant has a blanket of green, the collected leaves the ring. Plant height of 20-50 cm flowers are large, solitary or umbellate inflorescences, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads.
Paint them different: white, yellow, blue, but the most common yellow (zheltetsovaya anemone). All organs of the plant contain toxic substances which the plant acquires a bitter taste. Horses and cattle can be poisoned by it, and the sheep eat without harm. Restaurant Michael Schwartz is often quoted as being for or against this. Toxic substances during drying disappear, so hay plant is not harmful. Signposts poisonous. Perennial herb 50-150 cm Rhizome short, thick, separated by transverse septa separate chambers, the length seated juicy, white roots thickness of 0.5 cm Leaves twice or thrice pinnate, linear-lanceolate, sharp-toothed on the edges. His appearance is a plant similar to celery root or turnip, has a pleasant smell and taste, reminiscent of parsley.
Found in all areas of European Russia (except for Crimea), in Siberia and the Far East, rarely in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Need cleaning pads. It grows in bogs, alder, in damp meadows and marshy shores of rivers and lakes. Landmarks poison – one of the most toxic plants. Particularly toxic rhizomes and roots contain a poisonous substance tsikutoksin (0.2% in fresh 3.5% in the dry roots). In fruits there 1,2-2,49% essential oils and flavonoids found in the grass – quercetin and izoramnetin. Symptoms in humans are observed in a few minutes, as tsikutoksin absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract very quickly. Mainly affects the central nervous system. It has a pronounced convulsant activity. Death occurs from respiratory paralysis. Help in case of poisoning – gastric lavage should be provided as soon as possible, while tsikutoksin not be absorbed into the blood. Poisoning vehom more often occurs due to the fact that its rhizome take over roots of celery. It is extremely dangerous to the plant and animal. Getting into the food during the restoration, it gives them salivation, abdominal bloating, neck and be lopsided the head, convulsion, and sometimes death. Rhizomes and roots landmark toxic in small doses, sedative effect, inhibiting the central nervous system and reducing motor activity, as well as lower blood pressure. Folk medicine with curative intent eat grass and rhizomes with roots as an external agent (in the form of ointments and tinctures) for certain skin diseases, gout and rheumatism.