In the light of new knowledge and observations of the question now is no longer so dramatic in its formulation. Rabbit does not have to breathe, the company says "Rabbaks Technology" from Mukachevo. Rabbit can die only one that weak in its development, and which has a low immunity. It is the work of raising and maintaining the highest immunity in rabbits, are the main tasks of any krolikovoda or rabbit company. The death of the rabbit should be in emergency farm! How can you take it easy by the fact that half the herd of rabbits killed at someone? And where science, where the technology is where the culture of production, veterinary medicine? Although the last instance only able to offer a vaccine to fight for the life of the rabbit. But let's think.
Any virus is mutating and evolving naturally. Today, the livestock virus myxomatosis decimated conditionally type A, and next season already A virus with the symbol B. The vaccine, invented for the protection of the virus A, was no longer provides protection for the mutated virus A-B. And given the momentum, while the development of the village falls, it passes the time, sometimes even 5 years. And never develop vaccine can not predict protection against the virus, which appears only tomorrow. Because krolikovod must rely on other systems or methods to protect their pets. It is a system that consist of various activities and ways. Today, there is one and only one single right devices or medications that can remove the issue of mortality in rabbit farming.