Violet Santander, which received a beating from his sentimental partner on 2 August 2008, says that she was not attacked, and that the above is not a violent man. There is a video of the assault. The man who defended it spent many weeks in a coma, and continues with sequelae after having been attacked by the same individual to defend it. In his time, when the facts jumped to the press, it seemed, as almost everyone, which is a shame occurring made well. I felt pity and admiration for Professor Neida, and poor lady who defended. After reading this today news, my pity turns into frustration and anger. I’m not going to say that battered people seek it is, because I think it is an aberration, and because there is no excuse for violence, is of a type that is.
The violent act as animals, not people, because of their social, psychological and emotional problems. They are a blight and a few sick, and are also the product of a society with false values and educational problems (among others). Of course that victims must have support and help, but (someone has to say it) first of all is that they decide to stop being victims. Not to blame for what passes them, but they do have the responsibility to break the vicious circle in which are and get out of there. They have not sought what has happened to them but yes looking for which continue happening, because they deny it, justify it or ignore it. I support the campaigns against violence, is of a type that is. I sympathize and collaborate to the extent that I can do it, but they do not have with me if they accommodate a situation degrading until it seems normal to them, and prefer to watch a man fair and courageous on the brink of death before you recognize that they mistreat them and end this. Extent to which can it distort reality?