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Companies in the current scenarios are manifested with products that present an optimal quality, satisfying the needs and demand of consumers. Speaking candidly Mike Gianoni told us the story. To do this, management has been watchful regarding the competitive advantages that competitiveness presents, in order to give feedback through re-engineering everything that favours him in their production processes and ensure a product that is highly competitive. clinique/’>Lancome. The program of you graduate specializing in management of the quality and productivity of Faces, of the University of Carabobo, is identified with participants to not neglected the important, relevant which is reengineering in pro take step to highly competitive products and have a favourable productivity that guarantees satisfaction on demand, reach costs that give step at affordable prices. Professor of managerial topics of introductory course to integrate into the formal program of this specialty, emphasis on analyzing the scope and implications of engineering. Forums, organized talks and discussed case studies that allow to determine the importance of knowing how to properly use the reengineering, in this regard, the participant Emili Ruiz believes, will be aware, that this concept of reengineering was born due to the fact that many organizations have been forced to find new forms and different from the traditional methods to develop their work, due to the growth and challenges of a highly competitive market and the changing environment. Today the world due to the influence of globalization faces a highly open scenario in which there are characteristics that are essential that organizations take into account such as: customers, change and competition; in fact before this type of environment is necessary high levels of quality, large reductions in costs, efficiencies, and higher levels of productivity. Says Ruiz, reengineering has brought with it many advantages in organizations in order to obtain optimum achievements in the performance; the following are some points on which favours the Re-engineering organizations: 1. It radically redesigns business processes. .

Puff Pastry Rolls

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For today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for rolls of puff pastry with ground beef, an excellent choice to learn to cook recipes easy and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 servings. Are the ingredients for the filling: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic minced 2 lb. ground beef 1 cup tomato puree 2 sprigs of thyme 1 leaf of laurel to the rolls 1 package puff pastry ready wheat flour 1 egg to paint to serve 2 Green apples diced 2 stalks of celery 1/2 cup 1/4 cup Brazil nuts of cream of milk 1 tablespoon sugar preparation: first prepare the stuffing. KBS can provide more clarity in the matter. Gilded onion and garlic in a pan with hot oil. Add ground beef, tomato paste and herbs. We left Browning and cooking well.

In an Inn clean and dry, we enharinamos the surface and we stretch the ready dough until it is thin. Cut into boxes ready puff pastry until it is thin. Cut into 15x15cm boxes and set aside on a floured plate. When the filling is cooked and cold We put the sheets of puff pastry with a corner towards us, put a generous filling near corner scoop and wind also sealing the sides. We put on a Tin oven or refractory and paint with an egg on top to make browned in the oven. We carry rolls in the oven at 180 C until brown, about 10 minutes. To serve with these rolls we prepare a salad of apples, celery and walnuts in a vinaigrette of cream and sugar. Meat recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and enjoy delicious recipes easy as the Eggplant stuffed with meat and sauces for meat. Original author and source of the article

The Day

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Everything was a mistake, Yes, but also thanks to the mind of that worker not complied with solve your little problem of singing. The serendipity works like this. But make no mistake, we cannot leave everything to the random, chance. The eventful part of all this lies in stimuli. They are those who are bombing us continuously throughout the day. Depends on the case that we will have more or less success in our company. The first thing for the serendipity visit us is having a goal.

That is, that gives equal. If we have a goal we have a network to hunt stimuli. People with many interests, such as artists or inventors, have several networks that help them to capture many of those stimuli. Why it is not uncommon to hear them say things as it looks that funny, will this be me for a project with which I’m now involved or this topic to tell me, that I could do such and which. I.e.

take you much more things out than others. All thanks to these mental networks that have been formed. They say that he who seeks finds. It is true. But with the serendipity we will not know that it is exactly what you will find. Surely something much better than we were looking for. The second step is to fill us head of stimuli in order to then use them to our benefit. Let’s see why. Thousands of stimuli we riddled throughout the day and they are being picked up by your different directions for further analysis, classification and finally rejection or approval of the aforesaid. If the stimulus does not have interest in those moments, it will be relegated to the subconscious perhaps forever. If on the contrary it is something that touches us fiber will be something that we will experience in a conscious way.