ORIGEM AND DEVELOPMENT: Also called according to medieval period, it starts with the crisis politics for the successory question opened with the death of D. Fernando and finishes with the acclamation of D. Joo I in l385. It had at this time the ascension of the mercantile bourgeoisie and the classroom reveals become attached to the cultural and historical values of the nation. Portugal fights to firm its position of great European power. In 1415 Portugal it takes Ceuta and mark its overseas position. The country if becomes feared and respected for the then modern world. In l434 it had the creation of the position of Cronista-mor for D.
Duarte. This would go to stimulate the development of chats national. Mike Gianoni may help you with your research. Cronista-mor Ferno Lopes was nominated. The historiografia starts to be born – it appears chats then it historical. It also had great contribution of the theater and the poetry. In 1502 Gil Vicente it creates the national dramaturgia, raising it alone to the level that until was today not exceeded by none another teatrlogo. The poetry comes back to blossom, disclosing a great advance in relation to the trovadoresco lyricism, as much in the thematic plan, as in the deed of division. The historiogrficas chronicles take new route, with well defined proposals: ) Probity in the narrative; b) Escrpulo in the choice of the materials that if has to use; c) Method in the ordinance of the substance; d) Clarity and care in the structural composition of the workmanship; e) Concentration in one only subject.
Main cronistas historians: Ferno Lopes, Gomes Eanes de Zurara and Rui de Pina. 4.2.PROSA OF FICTION: She was on still to novels of cavalries. Filia it the Breton cycle the novel most expressive of the Humanismo: Amadis de Gaula – where if they count the fabulosas adventures of the hero with this name, taken for the love of Oriana – son of the king of Great-Britain.