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Sena City

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True love exists even though, we will not deny, seems increasingly harder to believe in the possibility that the feeling is eternal. Currently, prevailing law of lives the moment in an attempt to feel the taste of the carpe diem so own epicurean philosophy. However, current lifestyle does not always produce happiness in human beings since overcoming a breakup involves more pain that sometimes we think. Today I would like to talk about love from an optimistic and hopeful perspective as I always try to do in every one of my articles. Love implies a constant care, capacity per surprised to another person, honesty with oneself and with the other autumn is a nostalgic time since somehow shows the taste of the loss in the same way that spring means the rebirth of life.

In autumn the leaves fall instantly in the same way that the human being is losing friends, love or even to himself if he does not learn to live in contact with what is essential. There are different options for surprise to the couple during the autumn. I today propose you a trip, albeit with imagination, to the city of love: Paris. Without a doubt, the charm of the French capital is extreme.In Paris, it is possible to enjoy the charm of Los Campos Eliseos a mythical place also for Spanish cycling since Miguel Indurain has left its mark in five years. Equal to that did so on other occasions other athletes of our country, as for example, Alberto Contador who currently does not pass through its best moment as a result of a possible accusation of doping. The sacred heart is also an especially good place to visit as a couple since his Majesty increases just as the Eiffel Tower evening. The symbol par excellence of love which has a special magic during the autumn when temperatures still invite you to take a walk in the darkness of the night.

Notre Dame also is another of the places more majestic that flood the Parisian horizon near the waters of the river’s beauty Sena.Paris is undoubtedly the perfect city even to live for a time in a city open to the culture. We are in a time of economic crisis so many families have financial difficulties to make ends meet. Therefore, not everyone can afford the whim of a trip to Paris during a weekend, however, it is easy to make a romantic getaway to a location near the residence or even enjoy every corner that offers the city itself. Certainly, Paris is also the perfect destination.

Power Saving

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Most likely to begin to analyze your finances and see their situation in more detail comes to the conclusion that could not be worse, that is excellent, record and remember what he feels in his memory and commit to that will study and comply with a plan for economic success to benefit him and his family, starting with work on the habit of saving. We do not say that it is easy or simple, save has always been a difficult practice habit. Probably will be thinking of you with their income is something little more than impossible, but I assure you that if today to double your income you double your expenses and continue with the idea in mind that save still is out of your reach, would be so you will notice that it is rather a question of goals and discipline to save part of their income and allocate them to their savings. Savings even if it is difficult it is possible. If carefully studied their expenses on a daily basis, registers them and scans you’ll find in them that some can reduce or eliminate without which is why his life go to change dramatically, because there are actually spending potential of eliminating or reducing to then dump that money to savings funds in the life of all of us. Provided as a reasonable figure to start 10% of its revenues, which will be separated before anything else and as a first step. Of course, this money with the passage of time and after having consolidated their habit will reach considerable amounts, so it must be wisely invested to generate more revenue that will be increasing and investing in a convenient way and without allowing that they are spent on some whim or purchase that makes it simply disappear. By the same author: Smoothstack. You must invest assembled properly, but nothing will have served our work and produced savings.


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In his moment of maximum splendor, back in the 15th century, Lisbon was one of the most important ports around the world, the commercial center of a country that was Lord and master of all the seas. The great Navigator Vasco da Gama opened the way to the India and their spices that enriched the Empire were allowing to build wonderful palaces for his own glory. Lisbon, with its magnificent monuments of colonial time mired in a slow but unstoppable abandonment, is a humble and unpretentious big, capital one shy invited to this fair which is Europe. But it is precisely this decadent spirit which gives the city its charm and appeal. The devastating earthquake of 1744 destroyed the city completely and deprived of the architectural splendor of the preceding centuries. The unique jewels that were left standing were the bustling Bairro Alto and the gathered Arab neighbourhood of Alfama, located atop two hills that flank Lisbon. One thing that makes me very curious in this city are the narrow streets adorned balconies and arcades with the beautiful flowers stairs and stately courtyards, columns and facades painted in eye-catching shades to highlight, even more if possible, own tile. The beauty of these streets is in the spirit of decadence that seems to dominate everything.

The passage of time has left its footprints in the rocks and the stucco, and the salt-laden air has finished by cracking the tiles. And it is that one believes in the silent hours of noon found in Pompeii. A few lame trams, coming out of a box of toy trains, are struggling to save the earrings and the bends so characteristic of this city. Reminiscent of the Wild West more than modern urban transport, seem to be completely out of control, like the tail of a runaway convoy vehicle. At night, the echo of their passage through the narrow streets and the reflection of their lights on the walls is the closest to the image of a ghost train. Legacies of an extravagant vanity, Expo 98 left a huge Oceanarium and a modernized meter, with utopian stations that culminate in that giant grasshoppers of concrete and aluminum that is the station main and that, guess who has designed it, our well known Calatrava. On the waters of the Tagus River, the bridge of the revolution joins North of Lisbon with the more humble neighborhood of Cacilhas, located on the southern shore.

The protagonists are the smell of fried sardines and worn and frayed fishing nets. Apart from his decadent appearance, it portrays one of the most important port centers of Europe. From sunrise to sunset you can’t enter or leave any cargo ship which does not match its speed to the sound of the bells. To the sunset, rough fishermen of tanned by the water and cold hands sing a fado, the national anthem of the humble classes. remember old dreams of love and loss of loved ones knowing that, any desire, any will, is doomed to failure by the same deadly condition of human beings.

Manipulation Sciatica

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You might consider going to a medical chiropractor for treatment of sciatica. Before the treatment, your chiropractor will ask you about your medical history, perform a physical examination and may ask x-rays or other studies by images, such as an MRI. Jonah Bloom is likely to agree. A comprehensive review is part of a good chiropractic care. These professionals provide therapies and without adjustment of the column to treat sciatica. Your treatment plan may include: therapy hot/cold: to help reduce the inflammation, the chiropractor may be asked to use ice or a cold compress to control pain from his sciatica (settings) spinal manipulation: chiropractors use techniques of spinal manipulation to realign your spine. That is what differentiates them from other doctors. Of your spine misaligned parts can cause inflammation, muscle spasms and other symptoms of sciatica. Manipulation may help reduce the irritability of nerves.

Electrical nerve stimulation stimulation (EMS): an EMS unit transmits a painless electrical current to the nerves through the skin to help manage the pain. Small patches are placed with electrodes on the painful area or close to it. Although the EMS team of your chiropractor is large, is given to many patients a small portable unit that can be carried in the belt. The EMS helps to relieve muscle spasms and stiffness, helps to improve mobility and pain causing your body to produce endorphins, calming natural of the pain that has his body. Ultrasound: ultrasound, to increase blood circulation, helps reduce muscle spasms, cramps, swelling, stiffness and pain.

It does this by sending sound waves deep part of muscle tissues, creating a gentle heat that improves circulation and healing. Sometimes, the cause of sciatica is beyond the scope of chiropractic care. If that is your case, your chiropractor will refer you to the right specialist.

Natural Gas

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In addition, if the Government manages to access the directory of companies, you will have access to strategic information of them. Going to an extreme situation, this would make espionage within companies to identify strategies not desired by the Government. This what I mention recalling those months (not very far), in which eager to Government by controlling prices, had tried to obtain information about the structure of costs of certain companies in order to identify whether they were applying an excessive margin. I believe that the influence of the Government in firms that could access through the nationalization of the AFJP system, is negative to them when seeking to attract capital to finance their investments. The prospects for evolution in the value of its shares will also be affected.

These companies lost attraction to the threat posed to its growth, the presence of a myopic State. Perhaps also, the decision of the Argentine Government to assert its stock holdings and search enter directories of companies, may affect the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI) that leads toward the Argentina (which by the way, is very low in relation to other countries of the region). This possibility is specific whereas the foreign investor can feel the fear that Argentina is imitating Chavez and is following a similar estatizadora strategy. Beyond speculation about the possible consequences of the accession of the Argentine State on the boards of several companies, the Anses received the AFJP control agency shares of 40 companies and 10 of them owns more than 20% of the equity capital. The Government has already appointed their representatives in Natural Gas as well as Gas Cuyana (MERV: GBAN), conveyor gas South (MERV:TGSU2, NYSE:TGS) and Endesa Costanera (MERV:ele).

Not satisfied with this, the Government continues with this strategy and the next goal was yesterday, Siderar (MERV: once upon). In the company Siderurgica group Techint, the Argentine Government Siderar would reach a 25,97% of equity stake. The company wants to avoid that the Argentine Government to make use of cumulative voting (which could not be exercised by the AFJP among them) to appoint a representative within the company’s Board. Although this situation is causing resistance in several of the companies, not all come with bad eyes and to a representative of the Government one of the armchairs of the directory. Such is the case of the firm Consultatio, company dedicated to real estate and main shareholder of Nordelta (the first urban complex built in Argentina under the concept of city people) and financial activities. It is that having the Government as a partner in the business can be more than beneficial. Of course that this is not the case for the majority of companies. The nationalization of the AFJP has given the Argentine Government not only fresh funds to address this adverse international context, but also the possibility of forming part of decision making in companies considered strategic. As all decisions that the Argentine Government has been taking, it is true that this represent short-term benefits, but it is also true that entails large costs difficult to repair.


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Accept responsibility for our lives is essential because otherwise always find excuses not to do things and say, is that my partner, taxes, Government, climate, workers, this place can not, etc. If we leave our lives at the mercy of the circumstances or the lives of others then when make life changes?, the answer is never, why it is important to know and to believe blindly that we have control. You can do a test, think that you want to change the perspective of the relationship that you have with you, if the relationship has been troubled, say to himself that that relationship is wonderful, think about it, imagine it, do so constantly, and you will see how you create your universe, you and only you will have changed the idea of that relationship, his belief, to change you literally changes your worldnow it should be clear that this will not happen with ten minutes of practice, do it day and night, until the change manifest. When you talk about life changes, of materialization of goals, how much is enough?, will it as results are presented, that is the indicator, if they have not been as you wish, continue to insist, no stops for any reason, tell your mind that you are able to die in order to achieve that purpose, then the subconscious mind will understand that it is what you want and manifest it. If you want to know how to program our minds with powerful methods for making our life a pleasant experience, making love, spirituality, happiness, health, wealth and everything what you want, visit the following website: original author and source of the article.

Marketing Policy

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MARKETING policy Carlos Mora Vanegas we cannot ignore the significance and scope that marketing plays in political activity, more if you want to obtain results that favour those who really know how it to use. The cost of the political activity of his campaign, is impressive what is invested in it, in order to achieve the proposed goals. It should not surprise us that points, on par with the relative success of incorporation of this discipline in the electoral political field, appeared a series of publications and writings dealing with reporting on the best techniques and strategies that candidates and parties must use to reach power. Prof. Andres Valdez Zepeda, Universidad de Guadalajara of Mexico, gives us information, that is the field of study of political marketing are infinite in so far as the political phenomena linked with the process of legitimacy, access and permanence of persons and groups in the structures of political power also. Its dynamism, diversity and constant renewal makes political marketing discipline that allows only an incomplete approximation of reality. However, as a first approach one can say that the object of study of political marketing is limited to the analysis of five fundamental areas: the process of political exchange that occurs between individuals and political formations before the democratic renewal of public representation; the process of political communication between elites and citizens at election time; (efforts) campaigns electoral politician and proselytising and strategy plans accompanying them; the process of access to power and legitimation of the elites; and market or sociopolitical diagnostic studies. These areas of study unfold in other major series such as public image and opinion analyses, surveys, propaganda strategies, campaign plans, the persuasion of the elector, segmentation of the market, forms as it receives and processes the elector communicative stimuli, political culture and psychology of masses and the theories of human behavior in society, among others.

Real Economy

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In the Venezuelan case, the deeper effect will be in the real economy, as a result of the fall of the oil prices. In the opinion of the expert, in 2009 the Venezuelan economy does not collapse, but finances will not be handled with the same criteria for the past four years. It is estimated that the Government, as it has announced, will be more selective with public spending e, could even see the need to devalue. A devaluation that we believe can give in the coming year and that will certainly cause serious problems, especially for producers. Although consumers will not escape them. Insists Oliveros to point out, that in times of crisis like this, the costs which are usually trimmed are the of transfers to governorates, mayors and decentralized institutions and infrastructure. He ruled out a reduction in public spending. Impact gives us in his writing Cecilia Pena, faced with a scenario of devaluation, calculated by Onuva in Bs.F 2.90 per dollar, the Government may have more bolivars, to change their income in dollars, but also almost all the products infringing because one way or another everything that is consumed in the country depends on imports.

Worse still, the purchases on international markets could be reduced, according to Oliveros – it is very likely that the Foreign Exchange Administration Commission (Cadivi) reduce further its priorities of import and the bulk of employers need to attend the unofficial market. Since then, this will be reflected in a reduction in employment, an increase in the prices of goods and services and, therefore, a fall in the purchasing power of Venezuelans. Even, does not rule out a possible scenario shortages. What is it recommended in this regard? Oliveros recommends that citizens begin to rationalize expenses and use part of the profits or bonuses in the payment of debts, so that it is not so exposed the next year.