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You have money? Do I need to guarantee the inviolability of the necessary documents for work? You have a personal jewelry! So it means you need something that will be able to help preserve and multiply your existing property – a quality safe from metal. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Chevron Corp. Lockers have appeared in England in 19, after a while, the safe has turned into a real masterpiece of engineering. One can distinguish three main types of metal safes: – strong in relation to the burglary – fire resistant – burglary and fire fighting for the intended use are: safe deposit box, safety deposit box, safe klyuchny, safe for guns, date safe, cash safe, a safe car and the like. Safe fire resistance provided by concrete, sandwiched between its inner and outer walls. We can distinguish six classes of fire resistance of safes. Great fireproof safe (which is certified) is capable to sixty minutes.

have the content protection from heat damage. The primary task of safe metal is precisely the preservation of documents and simply flammable materials (films, as well as computer disks, etc.). Burglar refractory metal safes, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. Read more here: Daryl Hagler. However, if you will be able to put in front of his safe task to confront nepridvidennomu breaking in, then you will need, first of all, pay attention to the feature, which is called resistance classes. It can be defined in accordance with gost 50862-2005, as well as the standards adopted in the countries producers. Safes H0, the first and second graders typically find their own use in residential buildings and small offices.

These safes are, unfortunately, not very resistant to the onslaught of attackers, and their resistant to fire, not too high. Safes having a third and higher classes of sustainability are already able to withstand a much longer period of time. It is their use as cash safes, deposit boxes and safes for guns. The door of this Safe has a thickness of not less than 10 millimeters. For the closing date may be safe to use key (usually lever), code, and currently has electronic locks on the world's leading manufacturers of Safeguard, Mauer, kawi, LGard, S & G. Safes are supplied by the 3-and 4-sided fastener latching and protection of the lock against drilling. Many safes are usually supplied with the complemented treyzerom, (which is embedded in a metal lockable compartment safe).

Thomas Chippendale

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In the early 18th century English furniture items, get an individual can say a special character, such an effect imperceptibly embedded in the furniture production processes of other nations. All processes in the developing furniture business in, 1718, 1779godah directly associated with the name of Thomas Chippendale, who is the founder and creator of furniture in all shapes and designs. His popularity, he is obliged by the publication of his book under the name of "Director", on pages 160 of which were placed very different designs of furniture. This unique collection, after 1758, published three times, and not just in Britain but also in other countries. No less famous Thomas Chippendale earned a master – practices, focusing on the furniture workshop.

In this workshop not only furniture produced furniture, but also develop the interior for various facilities. For example, in the workshop of Thomas Chippendale at his estate Nostel Priory everything done on projects the firm, and under the vigilant control of up to door handles and hammers. Thomas Chippendale private person, took part in the work, concluded a treaty with craftsmen who specialized in clocks, curtain cloth, mirrors, etc. The company founded by Thomas Chippendale existed half a century. All furniture has some inherent Chippendale features that used to distinguish this style of French rococo style. In England at this time, it became known Chinese art, which is reflected in the existing furniture style. In the furniture appeared fairly dog-legs interesting shape, a wide frontal part of the bottom ended in the likeness of the eagle claws, which are tightly compressed ball.