The nurse – the visa of this category is for those people who are in Australia relatives in need of supervision. They need your care, because they can not care for themselves their own – or for health reasons, or because of any physical or moral deficiencies. Visa returning resident – This visa is for people who had been permanent residents or citizens of Australia and have lost their citizenship. Visa of former residents – to get a visa of the former resident, you must have either: live in Australia 9 of the first 18 years of his life as a permanent resident of Australia, to be younger than 45 years at the time of the visa application has never been an Australian citizen and had close ties with Australia, or have served at least 3 months in the army or were discharged before completing three months in the army on the basis that your condition has worsened because of the service. Visa for elderly relatives – this visa allows elderly relatives reunited with his family in Australia.
If you – an old man, you have to be largely supported financially by your relatives in the Australian over the past three years. Your relative must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia for at least 2 years. Visas for moving elderly parents – this visa is designed for the elderly parents of a citizen or permanent resident of Australia who want to move to their children in Australia. If you have children who live in Australia, you may be able to reunite with his family and bring up grandchildren. To apply for this visa – one of you if you a couple – must be over the retirement age established in Australia.
Visa requirements for working parents – This visa is for parents of able-bodied citizen or permanent resident Australia, who wish to be reunited with his family in Australia. The migration of children – orphans – This visa is for children – orphans over 18 years without parents, which they must take care of outside of Australia, but There are families in Australia. Relatives in Australia, they should be a grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. Visa for adaptation – This visa is for citizens or permanent residents Australia, who wish to bring to Australia a child under 18 years dyal adoption. All papers for the adoption of a child must be prepared to apply for a visa or be in the process of completing registration.