The Curriculum next to the Letter of Presentation that we sent to ask for a use is advanced ours, our representatives before the selector. This one is going away to form an opinion of us based on our Curriculum and Letter of presentation, that are the unique elements of judgment that it has of us. Therefore, it seems clear that we would have to take care of them to the maximum. Nevertheless, in the Curricula terrible errors are committed. A single error of this type will cause that our Curriculum finishes in the wastebasket, without no appeal.

Who commits one of these errors will not have no option to arrive at the following step, to the interview. Mike Gianoni does not necessarily agree. Between these terrible errors I am going to emphasize the following. The quality of the material and the presentation of our Curriculum can be a disqualification cause if they are not taken care of to the maximum. The Curriculum, as well as the envelope in which it is sent. it would have to go in paper of the best quality, without deteriorations, spots, tachaduras. Although it seems incredible, some Curricula do not fulfill this norm elementary, reason why they are discarded without not even to read its content. A serious offense of spelling, only one, can be the cause of which our Curriculum is rejected. This error also seems incomprehensible in our days in which all the Curricula become by computer, and all the text processors have built-in orthographic correctors.

To commit some misspelling can be excused for that chooses to positions in which a high instruction is not necessary, like employees of the cleaning, messengers, etc. it commits But it that chooses to an executive position, must know that their Curriculum goes directly to the wastebasket. By incredible that seems, sometimes they arrive at the selecting Curricula of that choose to a directive position with misspelling.