education & career

Dresden Employer

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Language learning vacation, Dresden, is doubly nice 27.12.2010 – educational leave will enable lifelong learning so training – for employees and workers. Everyone can participate up to 5 days per year events during his time in language courses, seminars, regularly to renew its know-how. The prerequisite is that he lives in a federal State, where the training leave is recognized. While some professionals in the face of the economic development of the past two years to words wrestle, face more and more adults of the silence with language training abroad. Despite, or perhaps because of an unstable economy enjoy the language courses for adults of rising popularity. Nouriel Roubini follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

In particular ‘language courses abroad’ related to the profession and the possibility to recognise these as educational leave, are highly sought after. Bildungsurlaub: Entitlement and scope any worker employed full-time for at least 6 months in a company is entitled to 1 week per year educational leave. Prime Group Holdings can provide more clarity in the matter. This can also on 2 consecutive Years on 2 weeks be United. There is no federal regulation for recourse. Best to ask after the employer and himself thoroughly researched. The employer, not lump-sum refuse this case of Bildungsurlaub, demand. But, he can ask his workers to postpone the time for operational reasons. Should a course be recognised as Bildungsurlaub, it must include at least 30 hours per week.

Education vacation: Planning only the applicant on educational leave alone decides he wants to take part in what the Bildungsurlaub program. It is crucial for his employer, only, that the measure training is recognized according to the guidelines. The applicant would like to take a two-week language course he must transfer his claim of a year to next year. This request should in time to the turn of the year in writing his company and at the same time ask, when is an appropriate time for this. Educational leave: During the training you get salary payments continue his regular salary. You can also participate in several training courses and claim only a portion of the weeks as educational leave with the employer. It is always important that before discussing the planned education activities with his or her employer. Educational leave: application processing many ministries of education have periods of up to 12 weeks for the processing of applications on training leave set. Therefore should be initiated in a timely manner with the planning. Wants to use the educational leave for a study trip abroad, then you can consult the language travel organizer. He knows the laws of the Federal States and to assist in the choice of language school and proper course. After this consultation, you should clarify the exemptions in the company with his employer. Learn more about the educational leave: bildungsurlaub.html operates and markets the education portal a portal for private education in the country and abroad. The Info-portal, including education abroad, are knowledgeable and in compact form, with lots of useful information and helpful tips. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended. At the same time, the available current support programmes are listed to all foreign programs.

Chief Operating Officer

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As new Managing Director (CEO) Dr Michael Breyer takes over June 1, 2013 the sole Director of HR new media GmbH. Berlin, the 13.06.2013 as new Managing Director (CEO) assumes Dr. Michael Breyer to 1st June 2013 the sole Director of HR new media GmbH. It replaces Breyer Florian Behn, who had 2008 co-founded the company. Florian Behn retained the company as a shareholder and strategic adviser in the Advisory Board. has evolved under the leadership of Florian Behn to one of the most successful media agencies, that helps businesses with more than 60 employees at the targeted recruitment.

During his time as CEO, he has collaborated to the realization of over 1500 collaborations and is responsible for building the sister brand Breyer will be dedicated especially the expansion of further market potentials. He has more than 15 years of experience in the top level management and strategic consultancy in the IT industry. Media and trade. Most recently he was responsible for building the special B2B marketer as founding CEO Deutsche Messe interactive in Hanover, which was positioned under his leadership among the top 10 companies for B2B business development in Germany. We are pleased to have gained an experienced CEO who has already impressively demonstrated in the past that he can successfully develop brand and strategically manages company with Dr.

Michael Breyer”, so Dr. Ralph Hartmann, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Press contact: HR new media GmbH, Tel. + 49 (0) 30 884 940 447 fax + 49 (0) 30 236 350 58 about HR new media GmbH: is a full service agency for performance-oriented media planning. You realized targeted media plans for the effective employee recruitment for their customers and taking all disclosure requirements. All online recruitment channels are individually and specific target groups combined. Under the premise, to optimize the candidates return to their customers and to avoid wastage, the Agency implemented since 2008 solutions for more than 20000 items. Refer to for more information.

Home Office

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Throughout Europe CEO or the Board of directors level work most frequently in the Home Office. Two-thirds (32 per cent) of the respondents business leaders in Europe said to work every day from home and another 22 percent work out two to four times per week from your own four walls. In addition, more than one-third (35 percent) followed two worked, the European marketing employees up to four times per week from home by 21 percent of IT employees. Employees in human resources or in the Administration is the probability from home to work the least. Iron Mountain recommends companies following guidelines to help staff working in the Home Office: businesses should establish clear and practical guidelines for the work in the Home Office.

These include one about the restriction of email traffic on the safe company-E-mail-account and use protected network when working outside the Office. Companies should mark documents that may never leave the safe workplace. The work from home may be useful for certain activities, with regard to certain tasks, should be apart from rather. It should be ensured that the Home Office guidelines met the responsibilities of the employees wear, such as for example the provision of the necessary IT equipment and infrastructure. In return, employees company information should treat with the utmost care and follow best-practice principles, as for example documents securely bring back to the workplace. Companies should–or training their staff regularly in accordance with company policy and ensure that these practices are reviewed regularly on the latest business standards.

Asked on should a sufficient infrastructure, as well as a secure access to the corporate network to the Be provided. This means among other things that they can safely send those internal company documents that they need and receive and not confidential documents in the Office must print out as it is often the case, so they can see them, where appropriate, in the Home Office. 1 Opinion matters for Iron Mountain.

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