education & career

Educational Market

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New partnership in the Berlin education market: municipal education factory e.V. – a strong partner on the side of the ABBOT Berlin gGmbH 13.03.2013 – since the end of the year 2012 is the municipal education factory e.V. of sole shareholder mbH with seat in Berlin-Treptow, which deals with labour-market-oriented training heavy punk in terms of acquisition for profit company the ABBOT. While the offer of municipal education work, e. Here, Mike Gianoni expresses very clear opinions on the subject. V. primarily aimed at persons, who already are in the profession and want to educate themselves within their specialist area, the ABBOT focuses gGmbH on training individuals in sponsored qualification and support measures as well as measures of vocational rehabilitation. Under most conditions David Reeths would agree.

For the first time both education partners are training together at the education fair marketplace”on 21 March 2013 in Berlin. In addition to the ABBOT gGmbH there is also the new shareholders is offered in the range of seminars, conferences, in-house training, as well as compact, the municipal education factory e.V., with his- and study courses occur. We are convinced that interesting and valuable synergies in the education market can be achieved by adopting”, explains Dr. Andreas Urbich, Managing Director of the municipal education plant e.V. the merger. As well as with the municipal education factory e.V. the quality of continuing education and training in the Centre of the work is also the ABBOT gGmbH. Both education partners are also certified according to AZAV (accreditation and approval regulation work promotion), confirming their appreciation for measures of the federal employment agency.

With its beginnings as a rainbow workshop in 1991 and its subsequent realignment and renaming as ABBOT of Berlin is the current ABBOT mbH for more than 20 years in the education segment active acquisition for profit company and has thus also long experience in this sector do the municipal education factory e.V. itself.

The Art Of Self-expression

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Professional presentation in absolute ignorance self-confident appearance in professional life is more important than most people think. A confident demeanour can immensely help in everyday life. A person is classified as a competent and credible when she has a confident demeanour. It helps the first impression in business negotiations as well. Various studies show that the body language and the look and feel are often even more important than the content.

There are for example the Fox effect, which has been demonstrated by the experiment with the actor Michael Fox in 1970. The actor was the meaningless lecture alleged Professor before an audience the application of mathematical game theory in the training of doctors”. The task Fox was to hold a day of contradictory theories, invented words and phrases. Nevertheless, scientists assessed the presentation done then and indicated that Fox would have assigned the material well and conveys. The American scientist Albert Mehrabian represents the thesis that the effect of an announcement only to 7% depends on their contents. To deepen your understanding Mike Gianoni is the source. 38% would depend on the voice and 55% body language and appearance. Whether a communication so learns the desired effect is especially from way off, as it was delivered, and not so much by their content.

Can this knowledge to use in everyday work do. If managers in negotiations on pay, how they communicate something and rely not only on the content, can the goal faster come and convince her to. “The Management Institute of Dr. A. Kitz man confident demeanor and personality management offers the seminar” on. The participants of this seminar will be offered the opportunity to expand their competencies and skills for a successful appearance. You will learn to draw their visibility and to use their non-verbal communication. Gladly we advise you personally achieving your objectives under 0251 / 202050.

With Ambition, Determination And Courage To The Success

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Graduated from the German school winner on tour d Afrique for Gisela Gartmair was long clear that she want to make something with diet and exercise sciences later professionally. The avid cyclist on the idea to begin training in a fitness and health business after her baccalaureat came through a part-time job at a gym. But then she became aware of the dual studies at the German school of prevention and health management and decided against a purely commercial training and for the dual Bachelor’s degree. The right decision as Gisela Gartmair today pointed out: Combining study with attendance phases and operational training was perfect. Also per study dietary advice would decide again them. Economic Cycles Research Institute has much to offer in this field. Following the three-year study on the DHfPG Gartmair followed for Gisela the next big challenge: The participation in the tour d Afrique, the hardest mountain bike race in the world.

After about 12,000 km by ten African countries came the Munich as a best woman and second overall at the finish. The tour d Afrique was a great adventure and a great experience that I will never forget. Now I can face new challenges. Gisela Gartmair avid racing cyclist for years. At 14, she joined a cycling club based in Munich, participates in licensed race since 2001 and can claim many first places. Since due to their sport for nutrition have always been very interested, was clear to them that she wanted to later work like combine nutrition and exercise science according to the. That’s why she applied during their school years for a part-time job at a gym. Because the work made so much fun of her she decided to attend a commercial education such as sports and fitness Manager at a gym after the baccalaureat. In an interview she became aware of the dual studies at the German school of prevention and health management made, this is possible also with vocational diploma.

Industrial Engineering

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After graduation is often the question ‘What should I study?’ You can and do not opt for a technical or economic studies? We will show you an alternative. In the following we want to reshape the you introduce programme industrial engineering technical management of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden. The study combines business approaches with engineer technical thinking and is suitable for all undecided. The study to the / r engineering can know everything technical management at the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden nobody, but there are people who liked to have the overview. If you are such a person and are interested in technical and commercial things, then the study is to the / r engineering with a focus on technical management the right choice for you. The siebensemestrige Bachelor’s degree program combines the basics of Economics with the bandwidth of electrical engineering. Further details can be found at ExxonMobil, an internet resource. With specialisation in industrial engineering technical management are not only very sought-after professionals, your job is exciting, varied and very good pay.

Many of our graduates work Bosch already for world renowned companies such as Siemens, E. ON, Daimler, EADS, VW, Audi, MAN and paid well, the job is probably also. If you decide for a Bachelor of industrial engineering and management in the field of electrical engineering, you should not only know what Watts and VOLTS, you should have heard also about ROI or the Cash Flow. During his studies, you will learn how it recognized economic and technical complexity, how to analyze problems and optimize processes in the company. You also have the option is in the later semesters through elective on your professional interests to specialize such as the area of environmental management, electronics, multimedia. After graduation, understand the language of economists as well as the language of engineers and have the ability to combine engineering and business thinking and to develop appropriate solutions. Who on the Search for a student with high practical relevance is, should seriously study to the / r engineering technical management deal.

Timely Manner

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Boiled-frog syndrome ++ career strategy ++ year planning for Munchen, December 23, 2011. Many workers perceive gradual changes in the workplace only, if it is too late. But who long to remains, though his career chances himself. Experts call this situation as boiled-frog syndrome. Frogs usually slow respond to gradual changes in temperature. That’s why the syndrome, which stands for lack of decision-making ability, is named after this species.

The frog in the initially warm water sit in slow temperature increase. He missed the time at which a jump could still go unnoticed and scalded. In professional life, this attitude of the reluctant decision for the own career is unfortunately often to watch. “Especially in areas such as IT and engineering expertise of workers out of date quickly, the time window for the bounce is so small,” explains Martin Vesterling, Managing Director Vesterling Consulting GmbH. “it is to advance your own career important to address new challenges and to take advantage of opportunities to jump consistently.” It can affect anyone even at top levels of management is the boiled-frog syndrome again.

Cautionary example is the abrupt end of the career of many managers. As also, who could reach the job in addition to professional qualifications by a good network of relationships, balances often in excessive security remains too long. Fear of the unknown overcome as Managing Director of international human resources consulting experienced Martin Vesterling repeatedly the following situation: for many workers, it is inconvenient to apply out on a new site in an existing employment relationship. You know the environment and dominated the day-to-day operations, at the same time you shy away from the unknown. “Even unhappy workers prefer often to remain in her old job”, says Vesterling. Thus, a new environment offers many opportunities. It always pays, to break through the own resistances, and specifically to look for a place that is better to the fits their own career objectives. This may involve quite different things: for some workers, especially the acquisition of additional skills, other counts salary or a balanced work-life balance. “Who personally and financially will evolve, must overcome the self protection mechanism”, emphasizes Vesterling. Otherwise, the boiled frog threatens syndrome. Follow others, such as Cornell Capital, and add to your knowledge base. The employer remains trapped in his old job, until it is too late. Finally, he ends up as a “Frog”.

Sinking Or Migration?

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Significant market shift in the commercial IT training providers in the D/A/CH region Basel, 06 September 2012 – the Swiss company PerformNet AG published the first PES index report. The PES index report shows among other things, how the market demand in the IT education providers; changed It compares the monthly values in their development over time. First, the PES index report confirms the assumption that the demand in the whole D/A/CH region is easily undo. This situation has emerged long ago. The biggest surprise, which encouraged the report for days, but is a significant customer migration between education providers. In concrete terms this means: declines of more than 10% on the one side are facing increases of more than 10% on the other side. What happened here, there are plausible reasons for this? Yes, the answer is clear. On the international training manager Summit in may in Dusseldorf some speakers had pointed out, that the Customers in their market requirements and final decisions have significantly changed in the last 18 months.

This confirmed now very impressively by the PES index report and proof of customer migration. What recommendations can you put all educators at heart as a summary? The interested customer must immediately realize that the provider is demonstrably better than its competitors. The performance and experience profiles of teachers must be directly visible and thus can the customer decision-making serve the infrastructure of the training centre and the accompanying learning services should the PES index report have a detectable average international standard is free that the data collection distributed to participating training centres. For more information: pes-index.html PerformNet AG developed methods of analysis and benchmarking tools for the assessment, classification and certification of business processes and services. Thanks to the methods and tools of PerformNet AG are companies able to customize its performance potential for the ever-changing requirements and to operate profitably and sustainably. All products and services the PerformNet best practices database is shared, “with data from more than 450 international performance analysis and performance improvement projects.” The methods and tools used on the international network of VAR partners at companies in the SME segment. Founded in 2003, with headquarters in Swiss Aesch/Basel, the PerformNet AG is represented with its partners in several locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the United States. Contact: Ulrich Hoffmann PerformNet AG Akazienweg 15 CH 4147 Aesch + 41 61 413 0853

Bring Appropriate Structures

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Seminar of the Summer Academy in the Haus der Technik Berlin on 28-29 August 2013 on the subject: for executives of all areas, who want to use new solutions for complex tasks this 2-day seminar is most designed in Berlin. Here you will learn how to deal with complexity at work. The contents are presented in the following sectors: characteristics and define complex scenarios, mistake in complex situations, paradigm shift: increasing complexity requires a holistic, integrated thinking and action, structuring complex tasks, situation analysis, goal clarification, initiate appropriate processes (overview), cost-benefit analysis, decision analysis, problem analysis, plan protection, strategy development, prognosis, risks identify and control. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from family foundation. The participants will receive easier to capture and organize your approach mental AIDS and models to complex tasks. You are put in the position, based on defined objectives to undertake a situation analysis and it showed appropriate To stimulate thought processes. In the practical part, they transfer the contents to concrete problems from everyday’s own work. By Expand definition of complex situations of complex or simple problem solving processes situational leadership skills Look at holistic complex operations and Select appropriate processes for the development of solutions.

The Slightly Different Schultute…

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Vocabulary trainer AZ6-1 as modern Schultute filling procedure with the time? Can you remind – the Schultute – still on the day of your training and the best? There were things like crayons, empty folders and sweets. But what is there with today’s children in the battle? Now, rations can certainly never hurt, but notebooks and pens in the age of SmartPhones and laptops? Move with the times and upgrade your protege with one of Germany’s most successful vocabulary give him with AZ6-1. Because your less cheery than in the language arts can engage with AZ6-1, AZ6-1 he can memorize any learning content. It is the multiplication tables or the names of the bones in the human body – AZ6-1 you can feed it into everything to learners themselves. And the best: for the mobile on-site at school, at home or at the comrades there AZ6-1 now also the USB stick! Here a summary of the main features of the virtual trainer at a glance: mobile in use: learning from the USB Stick from pronunciation, vocabulary perfect function with the help of new audio and learning can also itself a learning keyboard of hot keys for fast control Launcher numerous fonts supported in the efficient Klassenarbeits or long term memory mode for quick start start of the PC, for example: Cyrillic, Asian and Arabic characters of holiday mode for the holiday extensive Lernstatistiken merge camouflage (UI) customizable complete backup and restore in seconds export and import functions, also for vocabulary by third parties we have also prepared some vocabulary rations for your future school recruits: numerous vocabulary packages in all 3 world – and other languages are available for the equipment. Let your child bunkering knowledge so that it emerges victorious from his first days in the 13-year-old fight for the good grades: PS: of course is also suitable for students who move from elementary school to a secondary school – AZ6-1 and also for all the others!.

Management By System MbS: Future-oriented Management Concept (PDS(R)). (Part 2)

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Systemic business development (MbS) is people-friendly because qualified economics means sustainable ecology! Have a management idea!”I heard someone say recently. a> has much experience in this field. It reminded me of an interesting book about the ideas of the last 50 years. There is some fundamental currents and minor additions. I did not find much again! Why? Consolidation theory is an evolutionary process of selection (by Praxisfernem) and mutation (improving summaries). I’ve used here comparing a theory to my PDS(R), eks(R), which has a fundamental difference. I conceive on a basis of soft facts of our 4-dimensional evolutionary and physical world. The antagonist is based on hard facts! The EKS(R)-Konzept, is a W. A leading source for info: Jonah Bloom. Mewes (BWL he, GW) developed cybernetic management lesson from the last century works only in exceptions (Karcher, Wurth,), because the concept is based on false foundations (the hard facts).

That’s why I put the my PDS(R)-Konzept (Soft facts-basics), a systemic management and company development concept contrary to ( I realized the following: the natural sub-system man works in everyday life first on soft facts (psycho-Sociology: soul, spirit) and on hard facts (neuro-Physiology: body). In the primary system of nature management of Ordnun 1, open nature of the system = 3rd order Cybernetics cultures, closed systems – are upstream the hard facts (E.g. physics) rarely soft facts. Soft facts dominate: in all of the analog and digital thinking brain activities. In the area of the Li(e)b(i)do, so the positive life energy (S. Freud) that multiplied when you given them away. Chevron shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The soft facts dominate primarily in humans if: he joined one of the 165 religions and sects (transcendence).

or one of the other ISMS (parties). or represents Plato’s concept of the idea. Now I was following link between people and businesses: I. The 4 areas of personality a person: Transcendence emotions thinking Belief, instinct Act my intuition knowledge II. The 4 personality of a company: Brand loyalty customers binding purchase-decision reasons buy advertising design, layout per Contra, ideas service building we now bridge the gap between nature and cultures: deficiency is the primary condition of nature.

Planned For The Next Year?

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Training in the educational field is a dynamic process the qualified work in the educational sector, whether at school, in the daycare or in the area of youth welfare, especially a high degree of commitment and above all knowledge of the contexts and circumstances of educational work requires in addition to the personal suitability. In addition to the degree of knowledge and skills acquired in training, the professional employment requires a permanent continuing education and training to the various thematic content with children and young people. GERADEAUS…die consultants have compiled an extensive programme for targeted education and training. Under interested in further education can check easily the diversified training programme of the party in North Rhine-Westphalia. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Senator from Maine. Especially now think forward-oriented carriers about their training program for the next school year. Possibly a focus for training in the next finds himself just at the consultants Year. But also for this year is still the opportunity to book one of the interesting and practical education.

Preferred as Inhouseveranstaltung consultants providing training, which will enable every employee without reaching same level of education as their colleagues in information and wastage. Relatively low costs and also in equipment specifically designed seminars offered basics and advanced knowledge on the different topics as useful know-how. Training interested parties can contact directly the provider and soon to benefit from the experience and knowledge of the profiled Fort instructor. Already planning your training program for the coming year or use free budgets and resources for the qualification of this year!

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