Discounting of promissory notes by endorsement the discount of promissory notes and bills of Exchange, is a process whereby, anticipates, through a financial institution or private company designated by Mediatoris, the nominal value of bills of Exchange or promissory notes which offload to such entity, who will be responsible for making its collection management in their respective maturities. It is therefore transferred to a financial institution or private company part of future payment rights in favour of the company, documented by receipts, promissory notes or bills of Exchange, who reimbursed us the amount at the time of the assignment discounting at such time expenditures and interest generated by the operation. Such transfer or trade discount involves the transmission of our rights as creditors calling endorsement. Benefits do not have to sign policies, neither endorse nor provide guarantees of any kind. The discounted quantities do not add risk in the CIRBE. More information is housed here: Rogers Holdings. Security, seriousness and discretion during the procedure. Immediate liquidity. In exchange for the trade discount, of the Promissory notes or bills of Exchange, you take the liquid of the financial operation through the payment method that you choose.
Requirements is necessary that the paying company, the drawer is a company with consolidated business trajectory. Since the discount is not guaranteed by strengthening policy, it isn’t enough that the company does not have incidents of payment or so far have no returns. It is expected that the drawer has a business of high-volume, that the ledger status and its results can contrast through the timely up-to-date commercial information. Discounting of promissory notes, bills of Exchange, by endorsement, allows a mortgage with an interest rate greater that traditional banking (already indicated that there are no guarantors or strengthening policies), but it is more agile and essential, especially if there are incidences of payment from the drawee (the recetor of payment) or the discount Bank by having overrun discount lines is not possible. If you want to deduct their promissory notes, do not hesitate to send us copy of the effects and the invoices or contracts that has motivated your payment here source: press release sent by Mediatoris.