In jest set of laws Murphy (one of his language is familiar to all – "If the trouble can happen, it happens ") is a whole section dedicated to the organization of production. His postulates ("four principles production worker "), audited the bitter experience of generations of engineers and workers, read as follows: -" in the toolbox, it is not enough that a wrench or bit, which are needed "-" for most operations require three hands "-" the remaining nuts will never fit in the remaining bolts "-" than the carefully drafted, the more confusion, if something went wrong. " But is all bleak? Because today the majority of companies quite successfully manage to overcome all-out pessimism of this "natural law" by issuing a reliable and convenient technique. The secret to success is simple: to cope with the "Principles" It helps that the Soviet Union was called "Scientific organization of labor, and in the modern world, known as" quality management system. " On what is based, this panacea of marriage and , which has been effective in thousands of facilities around the world? Let's try understand. How to deal with Murphy's laws? We return briefly to the laws of Murphy. Their "founder" Edward A.
Murphy – a very real person, an American engineer, who is 40 years of the last century, developed the electronic systems for military aircraft. He invented a device, and attaching the assembly diagram, sent him to the test. The device did not work The time was after the war, the stress, such alignment could bring a lot of trouble, and Edward went to the Air Force base where the flight.