climate & environment

Investment Oil

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Even stronger demand decisive LEIPZIG. (Ceto) As already since the beginning of the week, crude oil prices tend sideways. Missing economic data provided for passive behaviour with investors. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vanguard offers on the topic.. However, heating oil dealers in Germany could report today from a growing demand. This and a weaker euro resulted in premiums by more than one euro. After crude oil prices affect for weeks allowed by the ups and downs of stock prices, another parameter ensures that excitement the U.S. dollar now. Namely, share prices eased yesterday, arrested US light oil (WTI) and North Sea oil (Brent) prices for the two reference strains in their move sideways while could get even, rather than to slip with Valley.

This is ascribed to a back stronger US dollar. Only two days two eurocents per dollar of less had to be paid as a relatively stable period before (now 1.27 US dollars). For this reason speculation by financial investors, are the particularly on reports by Investment bankers intoxicated. They believed some errors detected in the stress tests of European banks. Although the financial market situation in the eurozone is anything but quiet.

But for an appreciation precisely the dollar missing in particular the economic nature almost all reasons. As the dependency of the local oil price by the euro-dollar exchange rate is known, today in contrast to the actual market situation and only this financial constraint led due to rising costs at the German heating oil. Also a slowly attracting demand was responsible for the rise in according to trade after weak summer business, which in turn led to numerous and extensive orders with the suppliers. That’s why to 1.06 euros prices 68,40 EUR 100-liter contour fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). Heating oil consumers should cover is still now, because oil is, regarding future price developments, currently relatively cheap. After the daily collection of the Prices rose Federal average market data by fuel level and oil Rundschau compared continuously from September until mid-November to 7 euros, before she again sank at the end of the year, without however a year ago to regain the relatively low level. A similar trend was observed here, the difference was even EUR 11 2007. Only 2008, there was a countervailing trend. Here the price of September fell to 34 euros, by the end of the year but what was summer due to the record price levels in the former. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

Managing Director

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Paul Weber, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Gross-Gerau supply GmbH, sees in the cooperation with the Cologne Electricity traders several advantages: power plants we work with next for 2012 in the direct marketing of electricity from renewable energy sources, as well as in the integration of our power generation facilities on the balancing energy market. With the commissioning by next for our balance district management and the regional direct marketing we take the next step power plants now. To read more click here: Groupon. We rapidly can smooth now difference balance circle time rows, so quarters of an hour, where shortages occur. But elsewhere we will have new options. Next we implement the concept of regional direct marketing power plants and can supply as our own consumer with the electricity from renewable energies, we produce in our biogas and photovoltaic systems.

Load management we hope to see positive impact through collaboration on our portfolio, because through the exact consideration of the load profiles of our end customers in the course of the quarter of an hour sharp balancing group management, other optimizations can be implemented.” Hendrik Samisch, founder of next Power plants and as a Managing Director responsible for the trading of electricity, looks especially for smaller and medium-sized municipal utilities added value in commissioning external electricity traders: the construction of an own 24/7-intra-day trading is labor – and knowledge-intensive and does not make business sense for many actors in the energy sector. Balancing energy costs saving by an external electricity traders is the Federal Network Agency has pointed out most recently on September 16, 2013 in its position paper to the balance group management. However, not only financially attractive but also very important for the overall system ” Next provides its own power plants, portfolio of services also at this year’s E-world in food expanded to intraday trading for third and regional direct marketing (11-13 February 2014) out. Interested parties will find the stand next power plants in Hall 1, stand number 413..

Thermal Insulation: Information Package And Advisor

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Wide range between success and failure in the insulation / new DammCheck express calculates efficiency / insulation dossier informed about fire hazards and other topics / insulation sets to win Berlin, 22 January 2014. Worth building insulation? For roof insulation, analyses of the non-profit co2online GmbH show average energy savings of 14 percent, with facades of about 20 percent. However, the bandwidth between economic success and failure at rehabilitation is great: good made roof and barrel Aden insulation reach 30-40 per cent savings depending on the Cubature of building, condition of the building envelope before, quality of craft work and customize the behavior of the users. Without support from KfW, the measures are only economical if the technical savings are exhausted. Good advice and good design help to achieve this and to protect against economic damage.

Because insulation has a life span of 30-40 years, errors in planning and One or two generations burden the climate and the purse strings of the inhabitants of execution. Building insulation is important for climate protection and in the majority of cases from an economic perspective. The insulation of the upper floor is always useful but not always possible. “Any insulation must be properly planned and executed, and of course, fit to the building”, says Dr. John D.

Stallion mountain, Managing Director of co2online. Whether be worth for a building insulation measures, consumers now can calculate express with the new online guide DammCheck on, which is promoted by the Ministry for environment and delivers a first result in just a few minutes. On the website a dossier also extensively informed of building insulation and is among other things also on the theme of fire. The reader can win vouchers of the Grunspar shop for insulation sets in a total of 350 euros. DammCheck express validated savings to the interactive DammCheck gives few details of type of building, roof, and location express the user in a clear graphic a first impression about how much energy with facade, roof and basement ceiling insulation can be saved.

Vattenfall Euros

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Consumers save an average of 141 euros when switching competition to electricity customers is intensifying – savings in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg highest – wrestle electricity savings of more than 100 euros there Berlin with increasing discounts and bonuses to market shares even in low consumers in many places, 05 November 2009 in the last weeks of the year, when the temperatures drop, the days are much shorter, the energy costs back to the focus of the consumer. Particularly against the background of regular price increases at the turn of the year, many households use this experience has shown that the ability to look for cheaper alternatives. This fall, a tough price war to change willing customers has broken out in particular under the electricity suppliers. Here, Jim Rogers expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Of all households can benefit. So, switching to a competitive electricity supplier is rewarded according to calculations of the independent consumer portal with a reduction of an average of 141 euros. The possible savings with a provider change is distributed regionally but very different. Rogers Holdings often addresses the matter in his writings. So, a four-person household of pattern with an annual consumption of 4,000 kWh of electricity in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg itself compared with the cheapest fare of the local provider in the section between 156 and 168 euros can save. In these provinces the price level of the basic utilities is relatively high, which gives more room in the pricing of the competitors\”, explains by energy expert Thorsten Bohg.

The savings potential in the City-States is slightly less. In Hamburg, reached the online price of the basic utility Vattenfall even a leading position and is undercut by tariffs, involving an annual payment is agreed. The prices of the local provider, however, far behind their competitors are in other major cities such as Nuremberg (206 euros), Leipzig (182 euros) and Mannheim (164 euros). For many households, which have changed or never in a different tariff to another electricity provider, is the savings potential is even higher.