The theory is that it was wanted to smooth out the impact since the resolution says ” very textually: at the expense of the tariff that settles down, in regard to fitting the same to the forecasts of Article 42 of the National Law of Aerial Policy N 19.030″. Although the increase well is received by all the companies that operate locally, the order would have been originated in a request of Argentine Airlines in response to the last wage adjustments and of the international price of the crude one. According to internal projections, this year Airlines will have to disburse U$S 90 million only by the greater price of the fuel. Learn more at this site: Robertson Stephens. The doubt that is now is if there will be another increase throughout the year to arrive at the predicted number. Resolution 64/2011 authorizing the increase was published in the Government reporter once arrived at the country the secretary of Transport, Juan Pablo Schiavi, who would have traveled to the United States to meet itself with civil servants of the FAA.
On the results of this encounter nothing inquired. Finally, to fly within the country will be a 8% more expensive. The Government raises authorized it of the tariff picture for air lines that fly to 31 tourist destinies starting off from Buenos Aires and for seven routes from Cordova. The increase, effective from today, is the third party in nine months: in June of 2010 one was authorized raises of 15% and in October, another one of 10%. The increase was published yesterday in the Government reporter, in the Resolution 64/201, that determined the effective tariff bands from the 0 of today (to see the change ). From the Secretariat of Transport they explained to Bugler that the measurement, like the two you raise applied in 2010, tends to extend the breach of prices between the airplane passages and those of micros of long distance, since in some sections minimum differences between the cheapest flights and the services premium of omnibus are registered.