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The love is that disposition of the spirit, in which the happiness of the other being is essential for the own happiness Robert Heilein ” The love is the union that allows to conserve integrity and the own individuality Eric Fromm the previous appointments is only a small example of the most usual definitions of the love. We united if it in a single they would be expressed basic concepts both: the own happiness, the one of the other and the preservation of the individuality. The certain thing is that in thousands of books and songs it is spoken of the love and is hired like the purest emotion, nevertheless end up mixing the concepts of love and desire, which generates erroneous expectations about the same, especially to the new generations. It is important to clarify that the idea of the love not always has to be united to the one of stable pair. To deepen your understanding Roubini Global Economics is the source. Hardly a century ago, the marriage like institution, destined to maintain economic and social an order and to provide a solid familiar frame, did not have anything to do with the love. is currently assessing future choices. The rolls to play well were described and delimited. Nobody was called a deceits about which the married success had to be sustained by the magical force of the love. If this occurred, were accidentally addition to the relation but like main factor not to maintain the relation.

The love of cuts romantic, that one that refuses to see the defects of the other and to subvalue the difficulties, is not an insuring policy of the stability and own happiness, nor of the pair. The love has to imply respect towards the other and one same one. It must provide an equitable relation. It cannot be a dependency form, and like any other feeling, he is subject of a development process. Its maintenance requires of effort, will and common sense, and why no? , of certain dose of shrewdness, initiative and of the good humor, in order to maintain the illusion and desire alive. Here I arrive, to that I consider, is the most important part of this article: Nothing of the previous thing is possible if a correct concept of itself is not controlled first of all and a clear and realistic image of the other like being independent. The union by love would not have to imply neither possession, nor dependency. I invite them to reflect and to change to the following ideas and erroneous practices on the love.

Burning Fat Fast

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Olvdate to add ice creams to your prescriptions of milkshakes healthful, because that causes that he is not liquefying and, certainly, is not healthful. In its place to use natural yogurt skimmed or without fat or Greek yogurt to give to your milkshake a cremosidad touch that has made it so popular. A milkshake will not require more of & frac14; fat cup, and you do not doubt in adding less, if you decide to add fat in your healthful dangerous prescriptions to lower of weight. Ice the rule general to make dangerous healthful prescriptions of lowering of weight is that the ice or the fat is used, but rarely both. The ice gives texture him to your milkshake without adding unnecessary calories, like the fat. Only asegrate to use perforated ice so that you do not end enormous ice pieces in your healthy milkshake. Sera between & frac12; cup and 1 cup of ice for 2 portions or more of healthful milkshakes. Healthful prescriptions to lower of weight – Smoothie Now that you have the foundations to create dangerous healthful prescriptions of lowering of weight, you have some prescriptions here to begin.

Beaten of immunological stimulus Ingredients: & frac12; cup of perforated watermelon 1 cup of perforated strawberries 2 mature bananas, minced 1 orange milk Serum 1 spoonful of egg vanilla or protein Instructions: It places all the ingredients in the mixer until it is smooth. To add to another orange, liquefied juice, if he is too heavy. It renders 2 portions. Bloody Mary Smoothie Ingredients: 1 free sodium cup of tomato juice & frac12; cup of perforated carrots 1 stem of celery, minced 1 ice cup pricked & frac12; perforated cucumber cup 1 cda. Of English sauce 1/3 cup of green pepper, perforated milk Serum 1 spoonful of egg vanilla or protein Instructions: It adds vegetables and the sauce to the mixer by a duration of about 30 seconds, next, to add the sauce of tomato and the ice and to return to liquefy until the milkshake acquires the wished consistency. It renders 3 portions. Beaten of Berries and papaya Ingredients: 1/3 cup of 1/3 perforated strawberries cup of 1/3 bilberries cup of you dwell 1 cda. honey 1 cup of bare papaya and without seeds & frac12; Coco milk cup milk Serum 1 spoonful of egg vanilla or protein Instructions: It places all the ingredients in a mixer and assures the cover with force.

To mix 30 second or until it has a creamy healthful milkshake. It makes 1 portion. Beaten of Vegetal Sharp Candy Ingredients: 8 tomatos in branch, cut in cubes 1 marrow, cut 3 slices of red onion 1 cdta. linen seeds 1 cda. dust Chile 2 red peppers, cut & frac14; of avocado, in buckets (optional to obtain a creamy flavor) & frac12; cdta. pimentn smoked 8 palitos of celery, pricked & frac12; cup of ice, perforated milk Serum 1 spoonful of egg vanilla or protein Instructions: It adds the tomatos in the mixer and to liquefy until it is mixed. To add the peppers, the celery and the marrow and to liquefy until they are mixed. To add the remaining ingredients and mixes until it is smooth. It renders 4 portions. These are only some prescriptions of healthful milkshakes to lower of weight to begin. It experiments and are your own healthful milkshakes to lower of weight. It remembers to add the seeds of linen and/or milk serum protein/egg to increase the value nutritional of your milkshake. Porfavor gustaria me that you review the following article here. Like Burning Fast Fat?