
Extremity Income

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Brazil already is great in population and territory, but it can be bigger in problems or still gigantic in number of authorities, programs, projects and proposals of changes, nor that they are proposals of changes to make the opposite of what is being made or to leave to make something that was combined to make. If the income of the sender of this statement to increase, gives credit that it did not have lie, therefore something dumb and if it explains the growth of capital and, thus, Brazil also grows after all our leader is, for law, a Brazilian. Check with Paul Price to learn more. One is about a metonmia where if it takes the part for all. For even more opinions, read materials from Bob Jain. Thus, how much to the income of the poor person, all know that poor in Brazil it is what it does not have income, is nothing, and if nothing to increase, if it cannot say that this promise was not marked. The phrase does not say that the income of the poor person, who is swims, goes to be everything, doravante. However, the interpretation leads to the extremity, with two sides: for the pessimist, it is that the poverty goes to increase and for the optimist, is that what does not have income, it goes to start to have some any that is. ' ' My friends, avante! We go together to construct our houses, schools, squares, clubs, to close arrests, to educate our young and to protect ours famlias' '.

In fact, he is possible and pleasant to work in set, mainly with friends who go to the front, enthusiastic, to make our service. In this in case that, the proposal corresponds to an invitation, discloses optimism, confidence in the collective work, partnerships, accords and are not committed in making something alone, justifying until the case not to make something due to contribution. The idea is that the action depends on the effort of all and not only of the leader.

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The month of January this arriving and many people go for the coast the search of the sea. It is the deserved rest after one year of work or study. The beaches more frequentadas by the inhabitants of our region the northwest are of Guriri and Conceio of the Bar. In recent years I have walked more a bit to bathe me in the Atlantic Ocean. I liked New Viosa, Cumuruxatiba and Safe Port. Omar Zakhilwal can provide more clarity in the matter. In my first years of married I liked exactly I am to rent a house and to call a mount friends to go together.

He is clearly that he was to divide the expenditures. Certain time we rent a house of the Bifo, of Mantena, in Conceio of the Bar and for they had followed there, s.m.j., the following people: Elinalton Meireles and Nubia; Jose Pacheco and Almerinda; Elinaton Oliveira and Soninha; Kullim and Geny; Of Mata; Adenilson; Dalvani and I. The women made the food and the men washed wares. All went for beach and nor all liked d’ water. The women were if bronzing and the men playing soccer. One day Naltim I was to the River Itana, of where we pull out many fish. Also we visit dunes of Itana and the cross of the Church Catholic of the old village, that disappeared under sands brought for the wind. The coconut water is very expensive in the eaves of the sea.

The coconuts of mine I besiege seeing the fifteen cents. In Cambori Health-resort I paid four Reals for coconut. I gave ten Reals to pay three coconuts and the woman was looking at for my face and I looking at for the face of it. They lack to two Reals Sir, said the owner of the kiosk. In reason of the high prices of the coconut the Naltim took a full bag of them. Corcel II fulled the half of the door luggage of mine 81, but it was all good. The problem is that Naltim could not offer to coconut to all we, in case that I oppose would finish in the first one twirled. The Adenilson, my brother-in-law, who until today not valley nothing, and my Kullim cousin had given a skill to take other people’s water of coconut without being pegos. They had cautiously made small orifices in the coconuts and sucked the water with one canudinho. Later they had fulled the natural container with water of the tap. I do not know if they already had confessed these roberies. In I finish day somebody it lost the key of the car and was a problemo. In other years we pass vacation in houses yielded for Mr. Atilio Venturim and Mr. Nildes Nunes de Morais, these in Guriri Beach. That it comes January. With certainty we will eat cooked maize, tapioca, empadinhas, churrasquinhos and other things diet and light. Picol and water of coconut cannot lack. I find that I go to take the coconuts of my small farm. He is much more cheap. If I to find with somebody of Mantenpolis in Guriri will not be mere coincidence.

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Roberto Carlos

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FRIENDS EXIST OR he is not easy to make friends, friends in the principle of its expression, friends of truth, that one that always appears, nothing asks for, nothing demands, that he is always to the disposal. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with BP. In the truth we are all busy ones with the proper businesses and for our proper problems and thus we are distant of our friends. Friend people does not look, people finds, but, we are constrangidos in looking our friends, will be that we are not bothering, will be that we are not occupying the time of our friend with our presence. The fear to bother, the fear of power to be seen as an intruder or an opportunist, many times move away in them from those people who we think are friends ours or of who we judge to be friends. At last I to it come I doubt I am friend of it or it is my friend, or is friends without importing in them with the order of the factors, of time that here, in contrast of the mathematics, with certainty the order of the factors can affect the friendship relation deeply. thus the time goes passing, the convivncia chances goes if becoming each time scarcer and finishes for leaving to exist forever. thus, what it could be a great friendship if transforms into a simple coleguismo, that comes to be a superficial friendship. Also we have that to distinguish some types of friendships, as friends of work, friends of other relations as of the bare game of of soccer etc.

But of the one not asking to the presumption friend, you are my friend? , then we have that to go for the intuition. It imagines if in a Saturday to the afternoon I decide to look somebody that I assume either my friend, will be that it is same my friend, will be that it has available time at that moment. when you would like to be friend of somebody that is famous, the thing is worse still, therefore the celebrity is inaccessible. Finally, if the friendship is of people of different sexos can be confused by another type of relationship, as namoro. At last certain it is that we are sedentos of friends, but certainly we can count in the fingers of one of our hands our true friends and certainly, still thus fingers will sobraro. Already it said king Roberto Carlos ' ' I want to have a million of friends ' ' , I however only want to have one or some. SUNDAYS SALVIO FIOROT

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Chronic Cycles

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Today the eternity is ephemeral excessively. But it is not only to create myths and heroes who do not survive to the time, that they lose to the first falls that the life imposes. Heroes who mark lives of common people, who veem you are welcome in not saving them, enxergam nor them as deuses, but as people capable to make some difference in the life of as much other people. Heroes who after a time, are seen as capable people of any thing, to face any bar, to pass for any difficulty, with the raised head and dignity. Without needing to dissimulate happiness or to smile without having will.

Heroes whom if they consume. That they have the arranhada image, the questioned work and the errors are more marked. (To criticize always will be more easy of what recognizing everything that was made. But it will be that the critics knew what was happening). Contact information is here: BP Regreen. Heroes who erram. That they had never said that they would be perfect, that thus they had exactly not released nobody in the hand, had not jumped of the boat to save itself, and more, they had given to the others its ' ' cmodos safe vidas' ' in exchange for collective professional accomplishment, when they could be indifferent to the problems and difficulties of excessively. Heroes who do not only think about itself.

That beyond looking at for the side, they extend the hand and if they donate, and if they deliver, and if they loan, and ' ' if they leave in outros' '. They mark the life of the others for what they had represented, nor in such a way for what they had made (this turns esquecimento). Heroes who cry. Made of meat, bone and heart. That they do not aguentam to demonstrate a force where the weakness goes being evident, where the armor already does not serve of makes of account, where the red and empty look synthecizes nights in and insuportveis pains clearly. Heroes who stop and cycles that lock up. The day to say good bye is as to die for the first time, therefore the devotion was intense of the first one to the last day. The last day of a hero is one day sad for who admires history, for who recognizes that it was a victory to arrive where arrived. The end if approached, the hero also cried, but the life did not finish. A cycle that was only locked in, but something new it will be able to initiate It will continue, from another form the hero will return

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