Not for long, then the summer again in is back! In the summer month of July you should actually think flops and delicious ice cream on Sun, heat, swimming pool, barbecue evenings, flip. But this year the July brought us partially the opposite cold and wet! But there’s still hope! The dismal weather at seven sleepers should stop according to rule only until mid-August. Then the temperatures rise hopefully again and the Wettter starts to show its best side. Allow you the next few weeks by bad weather adversity is not the good mood, we have prepared 10 tips from gift Prince, how to maintain your summer mood. The probably the fastest and easiest way to escape the horrible is down in the South”! Pack your bags and book a cheap last minute holiday spontaneously. Whether Beach holiday on the Turkish Riviera, or cultural holidays in Greece mainly summer, Sun, Sunshine! Enjoy and feast through the rainy days.

Get tropical fruits and delicious ice cream home. A sweet water or honeydew melon topped forget with Strawberry and vanilla ice cream at least for a short time the wet cloudy weather. Small Tip: Make your ice cream yourself with an ice machine on the market you are in holiday mood the right music. How about the beach boys? “The classic surfing United States” lifts the spirits and distributes bad mood. Simply music loud turn up, sing along and dance times crosswise through the living room.

On your computer have already hundreds of vacation photos of in recent years accumulated, still waiting to be processed and sorted? Take advantage of the rainy season, revel in the old holiday memories and bring order in the chaos of your photo. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Daryl Hagler. A barbecue party must not necessarily take place in the garden when the sun shines. Invite your friends and simply hold a small indoor barbecue. Why should you give up delicious steaks, sausages, baked potatoes and Greek Salad due to bad weather? You belong to the sun worshippers and to use every small ray of sunshine to get a Tan? So you need to forgo your summer Tan not go just in the solarium. Already you are not more cheese pale go after a short time and a few visits through the (non-existent) summer. The weather did unfortunately also a spanner in the water rats and relaxed. Instead of swimming pool or Lake, you could however do a detour in the indoor pool or spend maybe a day at a spa. A visit to the Finnish sauna is nice sweat and certainly no longer think of the cold. Also summer decoration lifts the spirits. Bring plants, such as for example a small orange or many or a mini Palm tree tropical atmosphere in your home. Special sea scented candles spread an extra holiday feeling. Do you love to SIP it cocktails on warm summer evenings? No problem, have a little cocktail party at home and are even to the bartender. Create delicious, fruity cocktails for you and your friends all over yourself. In the Internet you can find numerous recipes and helpful tips. Her best friend lives two hours away and you haven’t seen are already ages? Sit in the car and visit you for missing friends and relatives. With a small gift as a gift in the bag, you can also provide a nice surprise. With these tips, we wish you a pleasant summer despite rainy weather!