The seminar series kicks off on March 7, 2012. The seminar will take place from 13: 30 until about 17:00. It is divided into two parts, to the insolvency proceedings at a glance (speaker: Jochen Schatz) and secondly factoring (presenters: Stephan Kleebauer and Michael Hafner). After the seminar additional talks are possible, especially daily practice questions will be answered. Insolvency proceedings make an accurate consideration of the consumer and business insolvency in the overview. It will be pointed out similarities and differences between two insolvency forms from legal, economic, and personal point of view, the focus of the seminar is in the processes of both forms of insolvency.
This involves advantages and disadvantages of different legal situations the correct behavior when a bankruptcy, legal and financial consequences, offences avoidance, and the remaining debts in the bankruptcy. Also shows the entrepreneurs, as despite through active participation of demand management Insolvency of a debtor which at least partly to outstanding liabilities creditors and how a looming or already found place insolvency of a potential or current business partner can be identified. The seminar shows the indexed methods and tools for such scenarios. Factoring is still not the role in small – and medium-sized enterprises, which would actually be appropriate. This financial services acquires a factor”the claims of the company against its customers, receiving a reasonable remuneration arising as a discount to the face value of the claims.
The purchase of receivables is carried out regresslos, which means, the customer (the factorierende company) no longer faces after the assignment (assignment) of receivables non-payment, which always occur for whatever reason. Requires the fulfilment of its contractual performance against its customer, so its own customers. Those defaults, which is in default of payment of the customer, their lack of Liquidity, unjustified accusations of lack of or redress and that make up BBs about 20 per cent of turnover – and more – in most SMEs, must a factorierende company no longer fear the factor as the owner of the demands care of that in the future. He is responsible for accounts receivable and Receivables Management at the same time and thus relieved the factorierende company. Companies that operate in the field of demand management and have the appropriate capital base (such as, for example, the SGV Stuttgart) are very well suited as a factor. Due to their expertise, they are able to minimize defaults, which are often too quickly written off by SMEs. The companies who make use of factoring in claim, in turn benefit from immediate liquidity, which can be invested in the growth of their own.