The first thing to say that the edit form of the earth (do terraforming) can only owners of this site or residents who are entitled to do that land owners. Set texture of the surface Land owners may just as much as Sims (region). So, if you have the right to terraforming any land, to enter the edit mode to click on this earth right mouse button and choose Edit terrain. Land management Again, I should note that control may be buried or owners of the land, or residents who are given a right to own land. In order to enter or land management need to click on this earth right mouse and select About Land, or in the top menu in the client to click on the name of the land on which it is located. This can be seen in the picture below. In this section, the Knowledge Base will highlight only the most important and frequently-used aspects of land management.
So, the first tab – General. Photo In this tab you can set the name of the Parcel, a brief description of your area to learn Parcel (area), if you are able to do so – to sell (sell land), Parcel can learn traffic (traffic) and more. Photo In the Covenant tab you can see information about the whole region (Sim), its name, owner, and description of the region. Photos of Interesting Objects tab there is much information Primov support Your Parcel as Primov already installed on the Parcel, how much is left free, here you can set the time for avtovozvrata objects (if the opportunity set of objects Rezzo residents). Also in this tab, you can see whose objects are placed on your Parcel (quantity and ovnerov objects), you can watch it by pressing the Refresh List. Selecting one of those whose objects are placed on your Parcel and pressing Return Objects – you delete items that resident from his Parcel.
Photo Another important tab Options. Here you can set permissions for all users and user groups, which is decorated Parcel. You can also set the resolution here on a flight leaving at lendmarok residents and damage. In this tab you can set a picture to show the Parcel in the search, as well as point teleport from search results. And much more is available in this tab. Photo the next tab Media music and video streams are established for Parcel, and the ability pispolzovaniya Voice (voice communication) for the Parcel. Photo In the last tab you set the Access permissions on the residents. Here you can make your ban list of those residents who do not want to give access to your Parcel. See the original article Here is a small description of the possibilities for land management. Of course, not everything is told, but you can ask questions on this and other sections of the Knowledge Base site under the heading 'FAQ'.