After the period of five years of silence, the candidates who were assessed positively by their way of life and his conduct in all fields, spent part of the inmates, with the right to hear and see Pythagoras through a curtain. Prior to this stage, the candidate remained in a place that could in any way see Pythagoras. Far references of Iamblichus at entry into the school. The brotherhood of the Pythagorean Pythagoras, not only reached a degree of very deep knowledge, but that was the creator of a way of life bringing to her around to a group of men and women United by the same internal objectives. It was not only an individual that existed at time, but represents a way of being and thinking concrete. With Pythagoras makes its appearance a new way of life in a community closed and United by common rules of life and the same ideas of spiritual realization. Its students embodied the teachings in his own life. They were United by a common faith that led them to the knowledge and research.

During their stay in the community, students gave thereto their belongings if they were of the same by be considered unfit double what had been delivered was returned to them and to the Pythagoreans considered them as if they had died. The brotherhood had very austere rules, however therein were accepted women in absolutely equal conditions with men. Its main rules made reference to silence, in eating austerity, simplicity in dress and habit of self-analysis. The so-called Aureos verses attributed to Pythagoras, are a series of maxims that express some of the rules of conduct of the brotherhood so much physical as moral and psychological level. In connection with the reflection and the habit of daily hindsight picks: get so that you do not damage, and think before you act.