The legacy device Mr. is a traditional inheritance of a patriarcal ancestry of organic nature (3). Diverse rebellions had occurred in such a way and Olinda how much Recife was depauperated in frequent conflicts – what it aggravated the picture politician, economic and social. But, it must be standed out that for the traditionalistic factors that formed this ' ' Crbero' ' (device gentleman), the pedlars did not seem so homogeneous how much you of the land and needed measures protected that them against the olindenses onslaughts as, for example, the support of the Portuguese Crown. The pedlars had looked for to strengthen its administration and also had opted to the criterion of trustworthiness, based on relations of dependence of the administrator with the recifense elite, creating an arbitrary comprometimento: of Recife they had compelled the bishop to forward to circulate to all the peoples of the captainship being forgiven the rebellion, counting as Bernardine Vieira, cause of it, were imprisoned, recommending to the peace, promising esquecimento of the past, and commanding that they did not hinder the coming of provisions for the square. This to circulate signed the bishop in the day that if had to pass to these; efectuou thus it, embarking itself in day 21, in one gig, with the listener, and soon reassuming there the governor functions. It started to summon to the ones of Recife that gave obedience to it: they had resisted however these, proclaiming its mandator captain Joo of the Mota, that if prepared to oppose any attack.
(VANHAGEM, op. cit.: 318). Conclusion. Mr. of device possesss characteristics so rooted conservatives that exactly under the intervention of a external factor (the pedlars) to its stability, he is in its traditionalism that he searchs if to fortify. Until breaking up itself in a tripartio still he keeps its tradition, searching to protect it with its three heads guards (analogy to arqutipo of Crbero): estamental order, to be able patrimonial and patriarcal legitimation.