The presence or absence of pictures – at first glance not the most important thing in the abstract. However, under certain circumstances it is quite capable of changing the decision of the employer as to invite you for an interview or no. So whether or not to attend CV photo? Some career counselors say, put that photo in the summary is wrong. Others do not mind. In fact, there is no simple answer: it depends on the many factors. If an employer asks to resume attach a photo, then clearly it is needed.

(Personally, I do not see some element of discrimination. If we delve into this topic, employers make, and much more serious "sins".) Pay attention only to one very important thing: the photo must meet its intended use. This means that pictures will not do at home or on vacation, too frivolous, or for example, deliberately studio, glamorous, etc. Do not try to look like the original. Let this be better quality pictures in a modest office attire and surroundings, with a pleasant look and an easy friendly smile. If You do not have a photograph, you make it.

Either it's better to send CV without photo. Of course, all of the above also applies to photos to your profile posted on websites at work. Let's say you have photographed in the right style, as I indicated above. Well, then you can safely insert the photo in the resume. But just note the following important fact: how you will deliver it to the employers? If the e-mail it must first reduce the image to a file with no CV was too "heavy." In addition, it will create extra traffic for you and your employer, it is also bad manners. Perhaps you want to print and deliver it to resume employer or employment agency in person or by mail. In this case, you must make sure that the printer was good enough and did not spoil your view of the photo. But to fax resume with photograph no approach: the quality is terrible. So in this case must have the same resume, but without a photo. Also available is another situation. You may find that the employer has the printer prints poorly. Well, so, apparently, simply no luck. 🙂 Well, if in the vacancy announcement says nothing about photography, there is still reason to put your photo in the CV? What are the BENEFITS of a summary if there is a correct picture? To begin with, that all ALLOCATES your resume for the background of the "template" the other, already well on its own. Through pictures your resume may be easier to remember and easier to find among the many other, if necessary. This is already sufficient argument in favor of CV with photo. Of course, a successful picture in the executive summary will help you find a job, if this vacancy APPEARANCE important. For example, to secretaries, promoters, vendors, consultants, etc. Also, in many positions that require more experienced staff and adults, presentable appearance of the employee, however, is very important to employers. Accordingly, the proper resume with a photo will increase the likelihood of being invited to interview. If you – a pretty girl, and the employer – a man, it also increases the chances that your resume will pay attention. True, not all recruiters and employers are men, so sometimes it's good looks and can prevent it. Well, I wish you luck in finding a job and always ready to help!