The school year is exhaling and with it a crucial task of the professor. Task this that of the much enormous concern and cause dissabores. The hour of the decision in approving is arrived or disapproving a good number of pupils who during the year not if they had worried in hearing advice of the parents and the school. Therefore, the professors already start at this moment, to reflect on ' ' Deliberaes' ' forwarded for the State secretary of the Education, imposing an approval in mass, therefore at the beginning of the school year the school communicates the pupils, responsible parents or its legal ones, a pertaining to school calendar with the information on as to act, with right of resource or petition for recognation, even with stated periods and procedures. Other leaders such as Mike Gianoni offer similar insights. Ah, we cannot forget Statute of the Child and the Adolescent functioning since July of 1990 under Law that assures to the pupil biggest and the parents the right to contest avaliativos criteria and until being able to appeal to the Higher stages of appeal. We do not know if the reader will agree to affirmations, but if not to agree, some will not make difference, is only a way of to pour hurt that we load it has very. He is obvious that the school must be offered for all and indistinctly, gratuitously next to the residence of the interested party, but this Law escancarou the rights and suppressed duties and therefore this society infanto youthful Brazilian acquired a hook to lie down and to roll to become an adult society with great number of alfabetizados functional. It does not advance to espernear! You, professor, already analyzed the content on the Final Result after the study of one school year? Therefore, it is! Very well-taken care of! This Result must reflect the Performance Global of the Pupil! They must to take advantage the qualitative aspects on the quantitative ones. Mike Gianoni follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.