It will attempt to detect the physical signs of tremor, muscle stiffness, and slowness of movements that characterize Parkinson’s disease. There are no tests that can confirm the diagnosis. However, tests are sometimes made to confirm that you have no other type of illness. Even Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured. However, there are a number of medications that can greatly alleviate the symptoms.
In moderate cases of Parkinson’s, it is possible that your doctor not prescribing any medication to avoid the side effects that may occur. Your doctor will want him examined regularly to observe your symptoms and determine when it would be beneficial to treat it with drugs. It is possible that the doctor prescribed medication to restore the chemical balance of the brain. The main goal of treatment is to get that their movements are as close to normal as possible with the least amount of medication. It is possible that all your symptoms may not be deleted. Your treatment may also include physiotherapy and speech therapy.
In cases serious that they can not be controlled with medications, it is possible to be operated to prevent uncontrollable tremors. Medication is used several different medicines to treat Parkinson’s disease. Your doctor will try to use the lowest dose that will be effective to reduce the possibility of unwanted side effects. The main drug used to treat Parkinson’s is levodopa. The brain can manufacture dopamine with levodopa. Possible side effects of this drug can produce are: abnormal movements of the face, trunk, arms and legs; nausea and vomiting of confusion or short-term memory loss. It is possible that levodopa work better if you eat less protein. However, don’t start a low protein diet without first consulting with your doctor. One of the main risks for a low protein diet is the weight loss and malnutrition. If you suffer from narrow angle glaucoma, you should not take levodopa. Other medications that your doctor may prescribe are: similar to dopamine as bromocriptine drugs (bromocriptine) and pergolide; amantadine (amantadine), a drug used to treat influenza; anticholinergic medications, such as (Cogentin benztropine) benzotropina, trihexifenidil (trihexyphenidil, Artante) and Orphenadrine Norflex (orphenadrine); selegiline (selegiline), a drug that reduces the rate of decomposition of dopamine and it is possible that it may reduce the symptoms worsening as time goes on, especially in the early stages of the disease. The objective of drugs is trying to restore the balance. One form of treatment is Levodopa, which becomes the brain dopamine, which corrects the imbalance and symptoms are controlled. Another form of treatment is the administration of drugs that decrease the effects of acetylcholine. Agonist medications that increase the action of dopamine are bromocriptine or Parlodel. Blockers medications are those who block the destruction of dopamine, decrease the need for large amounts of dopamine and reduce secuendarios effects, i.e. They retard the process of illness as the selegiline. Lately has been used vitamins C and are weak antioxidants, avoid the production and accumulation of substances product of intracerebral catabolism of dopamine and substances radical calls free that they are partly responsible for the worsening of the disease and some secondary effects. For more information visit all the information that we provide is general in nature; Remember that this information alone, cannot replace health care or human services you may need. We only provide information and reference service, please refer to the health professional that deals with any concern that may have about their own health.