Russia Quot

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December 30, 2009 Company InformZaschita completed a project on the preparation and the certification of CJSC "Armenian Card" (Yerevan) in compliance with international safety standard payment cards – PCI DSS century. 1.2, for results of which the company received a certificate of compliance. CJSC "Armenian Card" is the first company in Armenia, received the certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS. Conduct a successful certification is the result of joint project of CJSC "Armenian Card" and ZAO NPC InformZaschita. The project was implemented in several key stages and lasted more than two years. The audit for 2008 was drawn up a detailed plan to correct the discrepancies, A working group of employees "Armenian Card" and "InformZaschita. In the next stage were carried out all necessary works to eliminate inconsistencies, including instrumental assessment was carried out protection of the environment of data processing of payment cards, including scans of publicly available network nodes "Armenian Card" and testing the possibility of obtaining unauthorized access to cardholder data. On final stage of the project was conducted the certification audit, the results of which have been identified no non-compliance standard, which allowed the company InformZaschita make a positive conclusion and issue "Armenian Card" certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS.

According to project leader of the InformZaschita QSA-auditor Igor Eliseev:" The project was made possible through a coordinated joint work of employees "Armenian Card" and experts InformZaschita, as well as the professionalism of the project participants and focus on results. " According to Maxim, Emma, director of the Department of Audit InformZaschita: "The specialists of Informzaschita" and "Armenian Card" had to make serious efforts to ensure compliance with all PCI DSS requirements in view of features of infrastructure "Armenian Card "in the given budget framework. One of the key success factors of project I would call the approach to the implementation plan for achieving compliance, which ensures close interaction between client and auditor and periodic monitoring by the auditor not only on the basis of the plan, but during the time of its implementation. " Also, Maxim Emm said that "Armenian Card" is the first in Armenia and among the top ten companies received a certificate of compliance with PCI DSS requirements in Russia and CIS. Executive Director of the "Armenian Card" Shagen Hovhannisyan said that since the adoption of the standard PCI DSS (2006), the company set a goal – fully comply with the PCI DSS. To this end, the company carried out work on staff training, introduction of a strict system of quality control, updating the system software and hardware. In result of strict implementation of the above works was to obtain Certificate of Eligibility (Certificate of Compliance). Work to achieve PCI DSS compliance led to a new level of workflow and positive impact on the quality and safety services to the company ZAO Armenin Card ". And as the Certificate of Compliance issued for 1 year and is subject to annual audit, Shahen Hovhannisyan assured that the company "Armenin Card" will continue to work on retaining and validating the results.

The Primary Registration Authority For Moscow

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Many people today at the opening of the company are wondering how you can quickly and with minimal losses to register. Of course, the government steps were taken to streamline the process, and that entrepreneurs can was to make all the procedures for registration in one place. To date, this core registration authority in Moscow is IFTS 46. This agency provides all functions needed for registration, re companies and entrepreneurs, as well as amendments to the articles of incorporation. On the one hand it is quite easy, you just need to prepare a package of documents with the application and submit them, after considering the pick ready, and it does not need to travel around the city. On the other hand, it created a lot of problems, which to date has not been resolved fully.

Until recently, the registration of legal persons to act in Moscow Registration Chamber, but in the early 2000s, it was disbanded and its functions were transferred to IFTS number 39, as the registration of business carried out only by territorial authorities and changes in incorporation. Since 2004, all these functions were transferred to the IFTS number 39, which is now number 46 and the primary registration authority in Moscow. This transfer function has generated an immense amount of turns, to defend that had to be day and sometimes night, with no guarantee that there will be a positive solution to the company's registration. Primarily this was due to the law, which aims to protect citizens' rights during registration legal entities and entrepreneurs, and the internal regulations of IFTS number 46, which should clarify the contentious issues during the registration. These documents difficult to understand even the experienced. According to the regulations the main registration authority in Moscow to be tested contractual relationship between the registering company and owner of the premises. Experts IFTS should send requests to local institutions, which in turn For three days should contact the owner of the premises to confirm the contractual relationship.

It should be noted that the consent was given in the registration of a company not only with a positive test, but if not able to contact the owner of the premises. Employees on the registration authority in Moscow in such cases should continue to refine the search for the owner of the contractual relationship, but in fact, the registering company just was given the refusal of registration. To date, this situation changed for the better, because a wave of discontent in the business at some point was on the limit. Also today, resolved the issue and of queuing in the main building registration authority in Moscow. In the halls of this institution put terminals, which is given a sequence number, the electronic scoreboard you can see the current queue number and the number of windows, in which at present must handle. Also provides for documents by mail or courier, and you can vkinut documents in special containers in the rooms, which are "gutted" twice a day. In the event that the applicant himself brings all necessary documents, he is issued a confirmation of acceptance of their IFTS number 46 with a list of documents to avoid various issues. For those who sends the documents by mail or courier, this confirmation sent to the address provided by the applicant, with notification of receipt. Of course, the work of primary registration authority in Moscow has improved, but the arbitrary to some extent was still there, so be good prepare before the registration of the firm.

Exhibition Moscow

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Models of the exhibition, Moscow. The new exhibition season, which is it? What trends will help the exhibitors to show participation in the exhibition a success and to maximize effective? Learn the marketing tools used when working on the exhibition please visit the agency Btl Worldpromo. Standard promotional campaign by distributing leaflets promoters can be very creative if you trust the professionals Btl Worldpromo agencies to develop a script action. Perhaps it will flash mob, which will make the unwitting members of your promotional campaign pristutsvuyuschih visitors and do not leave a few impressions of all participants in this animated deystva.Vozmozhna distribution leaflets, if you allow the agency to develop uniform designers promotional clothing and choose to participate in the promotion of memes or actors animators. As before, the main bright advertising course remain the basic model vystavku.Chya function to attract all kind of visitors to the booth and the customer's primary job with it. Models show the basic profile of an advertising agency in the periods of intense competition and a limited budget to squeeze out of participation in show all? Because the cost of participation in the exhibition is still high.

And competitors continued to show marketing and promotional activity and creativity. The keyword for success at exhibitions in Moscow, model for the exhibition. More information about the nuances of selection of personnel can be in the article to determine your desired type of staff and the best mechanics of promotion actions required of your company at the exhibition. Models show a very effective publicity stunt. Models of the exhibition have not only a representative function, but also working. After all, the model for the exhibition can not only decorate your booth is, but to perform the translation, if you purchase a model interpreter for the exhibition. Widely in demand model translators to / from English, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish languages. Btl Worldpromo agency provides models and translation to other languages, including Arabic.

The model on show-stendistka, perhaps the most common type of models. Especially if your company from another city or country and you will be on display a small number of staff. The model on show- stendistka become the right hand of your manager, will assume the primary communication with the customer. This includes filling out forms and collecting business cards. The model on show in Moscow, it is certainly Btl agency Worldpromo. Professionals promotion (the promotion of products and services) with more experience who have an impressive number of its own model and promotional personnel combine their services in quality and best price. Custom Promotion actions and classical model projects to skate. That is what they recommend and. Acquainted with photos of models on show can be on their website remains to wish you a successful participation in the exhibition. Models of the exhibition, Moscow

Competent Organization

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Organization of any holiday – it's the responsible thing, because the organization determines the mood of the participants during the celebration. Have to think about table layout, menu, music, contests, photo – and video – shot, etc. Children's parties require more responsible approach to business. Sincere and direct, the children – the most gratifying, but at the same time, and the most demanding audience. Do what like children and delight them – a hundred times more difficult than to do the same for adults. Children's parties require detailed thinking through every detail. Thus, all will benefit the children, without upsetting them, the Throughout the festival you'll hear the laughter of children and enjoy the lovely smiles.

After all, there is nothing better than to make children happy. Birthday, New Year's Day of Knowledge, birthdays, Christmas and much more – reasons for children's parties weight. If you want to please the child – remember, he is always ready to accept your gift. As you know, kids are very emotional and impressionable, so when you organize the event, this can not be forget. Nothing should shock or disturb any of the kids. The holiday is to leave an unforgettable emotions, happiness and joy in your child and his guests. Since the organization of children's parties – large and demanding job, then entrust it to professionals – a reasonable solution.

Thomas Chippendale

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In the early 18th century English furniture items, get an individual can say a special character, such an effect imperceptibly embedded in the furniture production processes of other nations. All processes in the developing furniture business in, 1718, 1779godah directly associated with the name of Thomas Chippendale, who is the founder and creator of furniture in all shapes and designs. His popularity, he is obliged by the publication of his book under the name of "Director", on pages 160 of which were placed very different designs of furniture. This unique collection, after 1758, published three times, and not just in Britain but also in other countries. No less famous Thomas Chippendale earned a master – practices, focusing on the furniture workshop.

In this workshop not only furniture produced furniture, but also develop the interior for various facilities. For example, in the workshop of Thomas Chippendale at his estate Nostel Priory everything done on projects the firm, and under the vigilant control of up to door handles and hammers. Thomas Chippendale private person, took part in the work, concluded a treaty with craftsmen who specialized in clocks, curtain cloth, mirrors, etc. The company founded by Thomas Chippendale existed half a century. All furniture has some inherent Chippendale features that used to distinguish this style of French rococo style. In England at this time, it became known Chinese art, which is reflected in the existing furniture style. In the furniture appeared fairly dog-legs interesting shape, a wide frontal part of the bottom ended in the likeness of the eagle claws, which are tightly compressed ball.

Industrial Spy

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In the address Echelon is a Secret transnational spy organization. It is more and more often rebuked for carrying out industrial espionage. Thus, the German magazine “Stern” argues that Americans with the help of this structure had been stolen at least a few large transactions. And there were these claims did not start from scratch. So, in 1990, two hundred millionth telecommunications deal between Indonesia and Japan NEC was frustrated because the NSA was engaged in wiretapping of telephone conversations of its members. In 1994, the Brazilian government put up for tender a major renovation project for environmental monitoring systems in Amazonia. The contract amount was 1.4 billion dollars. With part of Europe have expressed interest French company “Thomson” and “Alcatel”, and the U.S.

– military – industrial giant “Raytheon”. Echelon wiretapping conducted negotiations Brazilians and Thomson. As a result, contract sailed to the Americans, although proposal of the French side in the opinion of Paris, was more sophisticated and impeccably documented. “Raytheon” at the last minute reduced the asking price, and, just so that would beat the French. Here given only two examples of impropriety Echelon. How many of them, really? So no wonder the politicians and business people of some countries are increasingly sounding claims against this organization closed.

Kraft Foods Inc

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In 2007, There was somewhat of a downturn, then up to 2009 inclusive, there is the annual increase in consumption of the product. In 2009 this figure amounted to 20.2 thousand tons. In the first half of 2010 versus the same period of 2009 consumption of Ukrainians organic coffee grown by 10.5%. Geography of flavors is as follows: the east and south of the country still prefer the soluble variant (a trend that is characteristic for areas with strong traditions of tea), and western and central gradually abandoning it in favor of natural. The main players are the main operators of the coffee market in Ukraine are the following companies: Nestle-Philippines” (TM Nestle). Corporation Nestle is one of the largest in the area Food and owns more than 500 factories and enterprises in 86 countries.

In Ukraine, Nestle sells its products under the brands Nescafe, Nesquik, Coffee-mate; company “Kraft Foods Ukraine” – the enterprise, part of a group of companies “Kraft Foods Inc”. The Group is one of the largest in the world for the production of food and beverages. On the Ukrainian market company “Kraft Foods Ukraine” has four different directions of the plant, the production company is represented by such brands as Jacobs, Maxwell House, Carte Noire; JV “Galka”: British-Ukrainian joint venture, which carried out a full cycle of production of instant coffee per year, the company had manufactured and supplied to the market More than 2,300 tons. That is, about 500 tons of natural ground coffee, 1,800 tons – of instant coffee and coffee drinks. Tchibo GmbH: company is a member of Tchibo Holding AG and ranks fifth among the largest producers of coffee.

C appearance in Tchibo coffee business began to form a segment of expensive coffee. The Ukrainian market Tchibo since 1996 and represented the company Tchibo-Ukraine; In addition, roasted, ground coffee and grain in Ukraine produce about 10 companies, such as “Panorama”, LLC “Yunikaf” joint venture “LLC” Videnska kava “, LLC” R.E.Y.V. “,” Krajina kava , Roastmaster and others. Forecasts and prospects before the end of 2010 is expected to continue the process of moving demand towards cheaper varieties of coffee, which is caused by the reduction in real incomes in Ukraine. According to forecasts of the world’s leading analysts, the price of coffee beans grow on average by 10-12%. Moreover, stabilization of the world coffee market in foreseeable future can not be expected – are to blame for global warming. Studies conducted by the International Association of Coffee (ICO), suggest climate change in countries that are major exporting coffee beans. Over the past quarter century the average temperature in these countries has risen half a degree Celsius, which is five times higher than in the previous 25 years. Cooler mountain areas suitable for growing coffee, soaring in price, which will ultimately affect the cost of the final product. Another cause for concern Coffeemania could decline in coffee production in Latin America the first three months of this year. The main reason – poor harvests in Colombia and Brazil, the drought in Mexico. Asian exporters also can not boast of outstanding performance: the statistics indicates a decline steadily coffee production in the region. Despite the slight decline in stock prices on the main varieties of coffee, is currently a very high probability that the Arabica (the most popular variety of high quality coffee) will be favorite commodity market in 2010.

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