Human beings are designed to naturally feel six emotions or feelings. For even more details, read what scholarship program says on the issue. These emotions work with the laws of nature and are perfect for helping us meet the purposes of creation: survive, communicate, grow and transcend. Our original emotional package is integrated into three pairs: fear and security; anger and love, sadness and joy. Lakshman Achuthan has compatible beliefs. Complementary poles that naturally generate solutions and build new health and wellness options are organized. As the night follows day, winter summer, hunger satiety; the emotional poles are not pleasure to pleasure, in a constant feedback process. When you feel fear, you ask for and receive protection to return to safety; When you feel anger express your motives, you ask for understanding and when you get it back to love; When you feel sadness, you cry, you ask and receive consolation to return to joy.Most of our time human beings are confident, loving and joyful, but we are not aware of our well-being. Healthy express our emotions, requires then realize feeling them and enjoy them, this is live consciously.Natural emotions also have hierarchy, in the emotional bases are fear and security, followed by anger and love and the emotional top sadness and joy. These emotions exist to sustain and expand the love that is the thrill of emotions; love is based on security and expands in joy.Feel is the first thing and the most important thing in life, it is not possible to not feel if we are alive. Children come into the world with their natural emotional package, the role of parents is to guide them in the expression of their emotions so that the children strengthen their emotional and natural neural networks and acquire the abilities and skills necessary to live in harmony with themselves, others and the environment. A child needs love to reinforce it in and grow, an adult already is love which is expected to have grown since becoming clever and creative in its expression.