The president of the Spanish Government protested to the international community to stimulate the communication between the Moroccan government and the Polisario Front for the sake of a quick solution of the serious conflict. It is not question to request it, but to offer means so that the aim of the fight is approached little by little. The delayed reaction of the Spanish Government is simple and level a sample of the cynicism that impregnates the present society. The change of mentality of our President is, of course, slow and lacking of diligence, being able to have concluded a quick reaction of the Executive and the loss of the outbreak of conflcto. In its opinion, which at this moment they must make the countries that feel near the Western Sahara and maintain dialogue routes and understanding with Morocco is ” to support, to stimulate and would stimulate the parts so that they have a discussion more thoroughly than ever, under the leadership of the ONU.” I speak without cause knowledge, since me it has not been possible to be in the Aain, in first row, verifying of first hand how the native ones feel and inhabitants of this place, but, speaking with property, which deberia to become is to avoid the massacres and rebellions as the happened ones in you complete weeks so that the leaders of faced sides reach the agreement that all those inhabitants hope: the aim of the hostilities and the completion of the attacks of I exercise Moroccan to the civil populace of the western Sahara. This does not have to exempt from responsibility the Moroccan Government, and this one deberia to recognize its errors mainly and, its priorities at the time of acomenter these negotiations. The zone of the western Sahara habria of being occupied by its legitimate owners, and nondeberiamos to return to the colonialista policy that so many wars I cause throughout centuries XIX and XX.
Moroccan Government
Posted on 23-08-2012 by