Almost 70% of German customers of the stationary retail make their purchasing decision easy display banner displays as a point-of-sale marketing instruments easy display banner displays as a point-of-sale marketing instruments Hanover, April 14, 2009 – according to a study by the society for consumer research (GfK), in which about 800 interviews were conducted only on the so-called point-of-sale (PoS). One-third of the respondents stated that they would target a specific brand in advance. 15% made purchases, customers have determines only the nature of the product previously and for a certain brand decided only at the point of sale (PoS). ndent-mortgage-reverse/’>Live Well Financial. More 10% of customers have taken while a certain brand in the eye, decided during the shopping around. With 40%, which is by far the largest group, but have customers who neither in advance determines product brand and spontaneously and impulsively decided at the point of sale (PoS) for a purchase. A factor, the emotional identification resulting in addition to a strong brand loyalty and the of the Customers with a certain brand that purchase decision is influenced, the physical presence of a brand or a product at the point of sale (PoS).

To increase them and thus to stimulate sales, it is sensible to use a special point-of-sale marketing instruments. As such banner displays are offered, because through these advertising messages targeted at the place of purchase decision can be positioned. A graphically appealing banner provides for the successful presentation of a product and therefore also for a positive brand image. The EasyShare display GmbH offers a whole range of banner displays, so that for any kind of product or brand presentation a tailor-made solution can be found. Despite many similarities, which share of the EasyShare display GmbH of offered banner displays, such as ease of use, good portability and flexibility, each of the banner displays has its own character.

While easy rollup banner displays characterized mainly by their quick and degradability, can easy Stand banner displays due to their low floor space as a space-saving solution with limited exhibition space will be brought to bear. Easy X banner displays which shine by beauty of form and format flexibility. Markus Goch, Managing Director of EasyShare display GmbH, explains: the findings, which were published in the GfK study, circulating marketing insiders for a long time. Based on these findings, we have tried to offer a comprehensive range of banner displays for the point-of-sale marketing from scratch in. So we can meet every wish and every performance.” More information under: banner-displays-c-1.html EasyShare display GmbH sour wine RT 4 30167 Hannover