Jose Mourinho, from June the maximum authority of Madrid in sport matter, said yesterday that if Sahin and Altintop have still not made debut it is not responsibility hers but of the doctors who make the previous revisions to the signings. That is to say, he indicated to the services of Sanitas, the insuring company that he sponsors to Madrid from 2001. " Mnager he is not mdico" , he assured Mourinho. " He is to mnager. And the medical examinations are not responsibility of mnager that become to the players before being fichados. The responsibility of mnager is to know what is a good business. And a good business is a player who, injured or not injured, finishes contract and comes to cost zero. Although the injured one will today not be injured in a pair of months. If you take a player of quality like Altintop it is with the guarantee of your medical department of which it will not have any type of limitation and will be to top for his funciones". Source of the news: : The technician of Madrid indicates to Sanitas