Landscaping of any premises, whether landscaping office, apartment, house, shop, salon and other facilities – is part and parcel of life in the metropolis. This helps us fine ornamentals. Group Ornamental plants can be given landing site (indoors or out), appearance (decorative foliage or flowering), size (large-sized or standard plant), etc. Also includes landscaping and artificial plants, quality is so high that distinguish them from these plants can be with great difficulty. Ornamental plants transform any interior. Their diversity helps you find plants suitable for you in style and magnitude. For professional fitodizaynerov is no problem. Just planting the office or home interior design involves the use of compositions of potted plants.
Not all plants can be "sosednichat" with each other. Richard Trumka oftentimes addresses this issue. Professional fizaynery know what plants have similar watering and care requirements for the soil. In Russia, ornamental plants come from Colombia, Poland, Holland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Australia, Ecuador and many other countries. Plants grown in Russia (97%), easier to acclimatize after landing, but often their appearance is not pleased with the Customer. Professional fitodizaynery agree that the most beautiful plants are grown in Holland and Germany. After a long journey to Russia at the time of transplantation, they are in a better decorative form. This is especially important for older plants, large-sized (height 3-4 meters).
Imported plants often present to the Client "Ready" even has a fruit and new shoots. If after transplant some plants "unwell" (drop their leaves), proper care professional fitodizaynerov helps to plant again a month later acquired chic look. If you imported the plant dies within a month, then often the reason – failure acclimatization. It is better to select and care for ornamental plants committed professionals (if the contract for care and watering of professional fitodizaynerami, the lost plant me free). If an interior landscaping is in difficult circumstances, cheese, dry, cold or dark room ornamental plants used chastichchno. Then the landscaping involves artificial flowers of the highest quality, and you hardly distinguish them from real ones. Professional fitodizaynery (for example, from a studio phyto "GrinInterior") will help you choose the right for your environment ornamental plant, artificial plants, or composition of potted plants, pick up a stylish plant pots, will produce the correct fit and proper care. Proper landscaping your home or office landscaping help you feel beautiful, even in the huge metropolis!