The Republican to be Government denounced, gives the order of the immediate transfer to the Soviet Union’s gold reserves. Please note that gold reserves had not come yet to the Soviet Union. Fear of growing Franco advance was the main incentive for the decision. This last is much I fear of the advance of the democratic opposition in Venezuela in the upcoming elections. Armament that was sent to the Republic since the Soviet Union was old of the first war, and sold new with extra charge. Support, already guaranteed with gold reserves, became the best business of Stalin.
This aid did not have any control by Republicans (does this situation seem them known?) and the Russians deducted each time that they were sending war material. On February 15, 1937 the Act of receiving of the 510,07 tons of gold of Spain Protocol is signed. The Spanish Ambassador to the Soviet Union pointed out, with good reason, that the future of the Republic was in hands of the Soviet Union (as the future of Venezuela in the hands of the Castro?). Moscow became Madrid invoice for payment of $ 51 million for already submitted armament concept and the costs of transfer of gold to Moscow. To be able to collect Russians merged Spanish gold that was mostly in sacks of coins, and for the alloy of gold, the initial tonnage fell to 460 tonnes. Moscow also took receipt and deposit of reserves by almost two years. History suggests that Stalin made disappear all Russian officials who were involved in the operation with the exception of the main coordinator who flees to the United States and tells the story. In February 1939, desperate because this losing the Civil War, Juan Negrin Lopez already as head of Government, requests more weaponry to Stalin but no longer has any balance in the account and Stalin dismissed it.