How to use specific Know-How and experience? Interim management is still not so quite accepted in Germany. Many companies hesitate to set Interim Manager for their needs and to take advantage of their expertise and experience. Here we try to lower the threshold and to present interim much positive for and the company can bring management. What is interim management? Management is called interim commonly the temporary execution of a management function in a company. But why are looking for company Interim Manager instead of fixed settings? The advantages in certain situations are obvious. Short-term staffing requirements can be met indefinitely, not always quickly and at first not, demanding activities such as restructuring, renovation, relocation of production, process changes or even closures are often better to cope with external specialists with less emotion. (Source: Nouriel Roubini). But also many other aspects influence the use of interim managers: short-term “Occupation possible time limit the activity outside perspective” leader experienced by external person lifting personnel shortages integration in the organizational hierarchy taking responsibility implementation, not only advice to change management authority over subordinate employees clear cost calculation no career intentions in the company of Interim Manager assumes a leadership and management function in the undertaking and/or establishment and receives a deep insight into the structure and processes within the framework of this activity. By his look from the outside”he will much in question and thereby ignite positive discussions at all levels of the hierarchy. When is interim management for companies makes sense and can be used? An interim manager can anywhere where a project-related support is required, special expertise or even his knowledge of genera list a. Whether as a specialist with particular expertise in sudden failure of executives or as Managing Director in crisis situations, he has new ideas through his experiences at other projects and provides the necessary impulses to bring necessary change processes in the right direction for the company.
Interim Management
Posted on 17-11-2024 by