Low-cost conversion of D-SLR cameras for infrared -, ASTRO – and ultraviolet photography by the specialist optic Makario infrared photography depicts objects in the infrared spectrum not visible to the human eye which leads to completely different results than in the visible light photography. This was cumbersome in the past and required more expensive and heavy equipment. Through an innovative method for the modification of digital SLR cameras, it became possible to achieve results with very short shutter speeds and higher resolution and sharper images than ever before. This is for interesting special applications such as for private, commercial, technical and scientific use: construction, object, and people – to monitoring, materials testing, natural sciences, medicine and journalists and press, to name a few. Also in the private sector, there are more and more amateur photographers have discovered the infrared photography for themselves and create this stunningly creative photographs.

The optic Makario GmbH from Monchengladbach has initiated the launch of digital camera tuning and specializes in the conversion of digital SLR cameras that are designed for special applications. Except for the infrared photography, the company offers also the modification of standard D-SLRs for the Astro – and ultraviolet photography. Philosophy of rebuilding camera is, the camera in the undefined state, so to take advantage of the full sensitivity of the image converter, to leave the definition itself of the photographer. This opens up unique and unexpected ways. The procedure detailed on the Web site of optic Makario explains, is also an interesting post up: 2009/09/infrared photography. The conversion is basically possible for all models of the big manufacturers, the price is in the range of a normal lens for a DSLR, so the procedure is a cost-effective solution for all the professionally or privately with these special types of Deal with photography.