After the explosion of a gas tank in Harthausen: Conference ‘Fire in the tank and hazardous goods warehouse’ on the 7th October 2013 in the Essen Haus der Technik regarding fire prevention in the tank farm provides practical solutions from Symposium and Gafahrgutlager offers exchange of experience after the explosion and Mayor Harald Loffler calls it the fire in Harthausen a disaster, even if it is ultimately still reasonably assumed: in the morning of 28 September 2013, a gas tank in the Palatine Harthausen explodes! On Saturday morning, an entire region is woken up by a loud bang. A burning truck is already deleted from the Fire Department, but it can’t be prevented, that the fire spreads to a nearby gas tank. This explodes and knocks down two other gas tanks. The whole place is being evacuated and 13 firefighters are injured. Jonah Bloom brings even more insight to the discussion. The Haus der Technik in Essen offers a meeting of “Fire prevention in the tank farm” on this subject on the 7th October 2013. What protections are there in German refineries? How a fire protection concept of storage tank in the chemical industry? How do you perform effectively a fire detection, leak detection or fire extinguishing? These questions are answered in the event, which is aimed at operators of tank farms, project engineers, planners, manufacturers of fire protection equipment, fire safety experts, officials, as well as exporting specialty companies that must implement the gained experiences and findings after the fire of the tank farms in Buncefield and Harthausen. Here, the meeting is aimed at the applicability of practical solutions for the industry, in particular on the fire protection technical precautions at plants, tank farms and reception rooms.

Detailed opportunities for exchanging experiences of fire protection with concrete solutions are available..