On the complete gasification is the dream of every region of Russian. Today, experts have called gasification key lifting the Russian economy. Apart from the fact that the gasification will spur development of domestic industries which objectively lacks energy, it can make life easier for small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the agricultural and chemical industries. Russian village, gasified today, only a third will have a unique opportunity to revive its own economy. But the main thing – gas, and hence heat, to come into homes of millions of Russians. However, natural gas – is not only heat and light, but a standard of living, adjusted with a comfortable lifestyle. Gasification facilities include the implementation of scientific, technical and design decisions, implementation of construction works and institutional measures designed to transfer the housing and communal services, industrial and other objects to use gas as fuel and energy resources.
Gas, being the most economical fuel, recognized and most environmentally friendly. By burning it in the environment allocated the minimum amount of harmful substances. But a simple shift to gas is not a panacea. Necessary to introduce new technical developments. Expedient is commissioning independent sources energy, which together with gasification facilities are able to solve a number of challenges, such as before utility companies: rejection of waste electrical and, in some cases, district heating of housing and communal services; considerable energy savings; provide reliable and economical heating facilities; Complete independence from the suppliers of heat; rejection of long-distance heating pipes and as a consequence, the reduction of significant losses and expenses for their service, reducing costs for heat and increase the reliability of heat supply. Autonomous boilers and cheap are becoming increasingly popular. One of the promising solutions of independent power facilities are gas-electric power station. Their work lies in the fact that the gas burning in the chamber combustion piston transmits energy to the group, which by means of the crankshaft transfer energy to the electric generator.
Gas-power plants, although more expensive than gasoline and diesel by 30-40%, generate electricity, which is obtained at a cost 2-3 times cheaper. This reduces the payback time gas piston power. But the most significant economic effect is achieved through the use of cogeneration. Cogeneration – is a process during which produces two kinds of energy – heat and electricity. With the help of such facilities can not only heat the room, but get hot water. The maximum effect energy from waste heat obtained in the sharing of cogeneration and boiler plants. Integrated generation of electricity and heat based on the power piston.