Because, Freud said that to teach is an impossible task? In its article ” Preface for a book of August Aichhorn” , (1925f), Freud says: ” early had done mine the joke on the three offices impossible-that are: to educate, to cure, to govern “.

I will try to give account because, in my opinion, to teach it is an impossible task. CEO John Watson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. – Education, implies to generate projects for the formation of ideals. It demands of the educator the resignation to the pulsional satisfaction, consequently the aggression is free. This can become against own I, and the pulsin of death to disarticulate the conquered thing in its search of yearned for enjoyments. New York Highlanders will not settle for partial explanations. This way, there is a constant danger of transgression. This can obtain its satisfaction of direct way, privily; or it outside looks for the pleasure prohibited in the professional exercise.

– The educator is seen in the position of regulating desires of each educating and theirs own ones. Each educating and each educator has its own logic, and its specific trauma, derivative of the imposi-ibilidad to reclaim the pleasure. To please to that it is necessary to resign to accede to new psychic conquests. Thus then, the educator is put under one double imposition. One, that regulates its own desires. Other than puts to him in the obligation of regulating the excesses of the educandos, like part of the task. It must realise, constantly, the effort to accede and to act in harmony to his reality, to educate the students. In this reality, it also agrees his pulsional process, and must transform this one into thinking, and expressing it in words. – The educator permanently needs to realise the effort to isolate and to decide between the pleasure and the intellectual activity, for which it is invoked.